383 lines
11 KiB
383 lines
11 KiB
pub use super::types::*;
use crate::pac;
use crate::peripherals::{self, CRS, RCC, SYSCFG};
use crate::rcc::{get_freqs, set_freqs, Clocks};
use crate::time::Hertz;
use crate::time::U32Ext;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use embassy::util::Unborrow;
use embassy_hal_common::unborrow;
use pac::rcc::vals::{Hpre, Msirange, Plldiv, Pllmul, Pllsrc, Ppre, Sw};
/// Most of clock setup is copied from stm32l0xx-hal, and adopted to the generated PAC,
/// and with the addition of the init function to configure a system clock.
/// HSI speed
pub const HSI_FREQ: u32 = 16_000_000;
/// System clock mux source
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ClockSrc {
PLL(PLLSource, PLLMul, PLLDiv),
impl Into<Pllmul> for PLLMul {
fn into(self) -> Pllmul {
match self {
PLLMul::Mul3 => Pllmul::MUL3,
PLLMul::Mul4 => Pllmul::MUL4,
PLLMul::Mul6 => Pllmul::MUL6,
PLLMul::Mul8 => Pllmul::MUL8,
PLLMul::Mul12 => Pllmul::MUL12,
PLLMul::Mul16 => Pllmul::MUL16,
PLLMul::Mul24 => Pllmul::MUL24,
PLLMul::Mul32 => Pllmul::MUL32,
PLLMul::Mul48 => Pllmul::MUL48,
impl Into<Plldiv> for PLLDiv {
fn into(self) -> Plldiv {
match self {
PLLDiv::Div2 => Plldiv::DIV2,
PLLDiv::Div3 => Plldiv::DIV3,
PLLDiv::Div4 => Plldiv::DIV4,
impl Into<Pllsrc> for PLLSource {
fn into(self) -> Pllsrc {
match self {
PLLSource::HSI16 => Pllsrc::HSI16,
PLLSource::HSE(_) => Pllsrc::HSE,
impl Into<Ppre> for APBPrescaler {
fn into(self) -> Ppre {
match self {
APBPrescaler::NotDivided => Ppre::DIV1,
APBPrescaler::Div2 => Ppre::DIV2,
APBPrescaler::Div4 => Ppre::DIV4,
APBPrescaler::Div8 => Ppre::DIV8,
APBPrescaler::Div16 => Ppre::DIV16,
impl Into<Hpre> for AHBPrescaler {
fn into(self) -> Hpre {
match self {
AHBPrescaler::NotDivided => Hpre::DIV1,
AHBPrescaler::Div2 => Hpre::DIV2,
AHBPrescaler::Div4 => Hpre::DIV4,
AHBPrescaler::Div8 => Hpre::DIV8,
AHBPrescaler::Div16 => Hpre::DIV16,
AHBPrescaler::Div64 => Hpre::DIV64,
AHBPrescaler::Div128 => Hpre::DIV128,
AHBPrescaler::Div256 => Hpre::DIV256,
AHBPrescaler::Div512 => Hpre::DIV512,
impl Into<Msirange> for MSIRange {
fn into(self) -> Msirange {
match self {
MSIRange::Range0 => Msirange::RANGE0,
MSIRange::Range1 => Msirange::RANGE1,
MSIRange::Range2 => Msirange::RANGE2,
MSIRange::Range3 => Msirange::RANGE3,
MSIRange::Range4 => Msirange::RANGE4,
MSIRange::Range5 => Msirange::RANGE5,
MSIRange::Range6 => Msirange::RANGE6,
/// Clocks configutation
pub struct Config {
mux: ClockSrc,
ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler,
apb1_pre: APBPrescaler,
apb2_pre: APBPrescaler,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
mux: ClockSrc::MSI(MSIRange::default()),
ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler::NotDivided,
apb1_pre: APBPrescaler::NotDivided,
apb2_pre: APBPrescaler::NotDivided,
impl Config {
pub fn clock_src(mut self, mux: ClockSrc) -> Self {
self.mux = mux;
pub fn ahb_pre(mut self, pre: AHBPrescaler) -> Self {
self.ahb_pre = pre;
pub fn apb1_pre(mut self, pre: APBPrescaler) -> Self {
self.apb1_pre = pre;
pub fn apb2_pre(mut self, pre: APBPrescaler) -> Self {
self.apb2_pre = pre;
/// RCC peripheral
pub struct Rcc<'d> {
_rb: peripherals::RCC,
phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut peripherals::RCC>,
impl<'d> Rcc<'d> {
pub fn new(rcc: impl Unborrow<Target = peripherals::RCC> + 'd) -> Self {
Self {
_rb: rcc,
phantom: PhantomData,
// Safety: RCC init must have been called
pub fn clocks(&self) -> &'static Clocks {
unsafe { get_freqs() }
pub fn enable_hsi48(&mut self, _syscfg: &mut SYSCFG, _crs: CRS) -> HSI48 {
let rcc = pac::RCC;
unsafe {
// Reset SYSCFG peripheral
rcc.apb2rstr().modify(|w| w.set_syscfgrst(true));
rcc.apb2rstr().modify(|w| w.set_syscfgrst(false));
// Enable SYSCFG peripheral
rcc.apb2enr().modify(|w| w.set_syscfgen(true));
// Reset CRS peripheral
rcc.apb1rstr().modify(|w| w.set_crsrst(true));
rcc.apb1rstr().modify(|w| w.set_crsrst(false));
// Enable CRS peripheral
rcc.apb1enr().modify(|w| w.set_crsen(true));
// Initialize CRS
let crs = pac::CRS;
// Select LSE as synchronization source
crs.cr().modify(|w| {
// Enable VREFINT reference for HSI48 oscillator
let syscfg = pac::SYSCFG;
syscfg.cfgr3().modify(|w| {
// Select HSI48 as USB clock
rcc.ccipr().modify(|w| w.set_hsi48msel(true));
// Enable dedicated USB clock
rcc.crrcr().modify(|w| w.set_hsi48on(true));
while !rcc.crrcr().read().hsi48rdy() {}
/// Extension trait that freezes the `RCC` peripheral with provided clocks configuration
pub trait RccExt {
fn freeze(self, config: Config) -> Clocks;
impl RccExt for RCC {
// `cfgr` is almost always a constant, so make sure it can be constant-propagated properly by
// marking this function and all `Config` constructors and setters as `#[inline]`.
// This saves ~900 Bytes for the `pwr.rs` example.
fn freeze(self, cfgr: Config) -> Clocks {
let rcc = pac::RCC;
let (sys_clk, sw) = match cfgr.mux {
ClockSrc::MSI(range) => {
// Set MSI range
unsafe {
rcc.icscr().write(|w| w.set_msirange(range.into()));
// Enable MSI
unsafe {
rcc.cr().write(|w| w.set_msion(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().msirdy() {}
let freq = 32_768 * (1 << (range as u8 + 1));
(freq, Sw::MSI)
ClockSrc::HSI16 => {
// Enable HSI16
unsafe {
rcc.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsi16on(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().hsi16rdyf() {}
ClockSrc::HSE(freq) => {
// Enable HSE
unsafe {
rcc.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().hserdy() {}
(freq.0, Sw::HSE)
ClockSrc::PLL(src, mul, div) => {
let freq = match src {
PLLSource::HSE(freq) => {
// Enable HSE
unsafe {
rcc.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().hserdy() {}
PLLSource::HSI16 => {
// Enable HSI
unsafe {
rcc.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsi16on(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().hsi16rdyf() {}
// Disable PLL
unsafe {
rcc.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
while rcc.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
let freq = match mul {
PLLMul::Mul3 => freq * 3,
PLLMul::Mul4 => freq * 4,
PLLMul::Mul6 => freq * 6,
PLLMul::Mul8 => freq * 8,
PLLMul::Mul12 => freq * 12,
PLLMul::Mul16 => freq * 16,
PLLMul::Mul24 => freq * 24,
PLLMul::Mul32 => freq * 32,
PLLMul::Mul48 => freq * 48,
let freq = match div {
PLLDiv::Div2 => freq / 2,
PLLDiv::Div3 => freq / 3,
PLLDiv::Div4 => freq / 4,
assert!(freq <= 32_u32.mhz().0);
unsafe {
rcc.cfgr().write(move |w| {
// Enable PLL
rcc.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(true));
while !rcc.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
(freq, Sw::PLL)
unsafe {
rcc.cfgr().modify(|w| {
let ahb_freq: u32 = match cfgr.ahb_pre {
AHBPrescaler::NotDivided => sys_clk,
pre => {
let pre: Hpre = pre.into();
let pre = 1 << (pre.0 as u32 - 7);
sys_clk / pre
let (apb1_freq, apb1_tim_freq) = match cfgr.apb1_pre {
APBPrescaler::NotDivided => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
pre => {
let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.0 - 3);
let freq = ahb_freq / pre as u32;
(freq, freq * 2)
let (apb2_freq, apb2_tim_freq) = match cfgr.apb2_pre {
APBPrescaler::NotDivided => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
pre => {
let pre: Ppre = pre.into();
let pre: u8 = 1 << (pre.0 - 3);
let freq = ahb_freq / (1 << (pre as u8 - 3));
(freq, freq * 2)
Clocks {
sys: sys_clk.hz(),
ahb: ahb_freq.hz(),
apb1: apb1_freq.hz(),
apb2: apb2_freq.hz(),
apb1_tim: apb1_tim_freq.hz(),
apb2_tim: apb2_tim_freq.hz(),
/// Token that exists only, if the HSI48 clock has been enabled
/// You can get an instance of this struct by calling [`Rcc::enable_hsi48`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct HSI48(());
pub unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
let r = <peripherals::RCC as embassy::util::Steal>::steal();
let clocks = r.freeze(config);