Implement an async flash mode using the XIP background best effort read interface. Only reads are actually async, write and erase remain blocking.
892 lines
30 KiB
892 lines
30 KiB
use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use embassy_hal_internal::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};
use embedded_storage::nor_flash::{
check_erase, check_read, check_write, ErrorType, MultiwriteNorFlash, NorFlash, NorFlashError, NorFlashErrorKind,
use crate::dma::{AnyChannel, Channel, Transfer};
use crate::pac;
use crate::peripherals::FLASH;
pub const FLASH_BASE: *const u32 = 0x10000000 as _;
// If running from RAM, we might have no boot2. Use bootrom `flash_enter_cmd_xip` instead.
// TODO: when run-from-ram is set, completely skip the "pause cores and jumpp to RAM" dance.
pub const USE_BOOT2: bool = !cfg!(feature = "run-from-ram");
// **NOTE**:
// These limitations are currently enforced because of using the
// RP2040 boot-rom flash functions, that are optimized for flash compatibility
// rather than performance.
pub const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 256;
pub const WRITE_SIZE: usize = 1;
pub const READ_SIZE: usize = 1;
pub const ERASE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub const ASYNC_READ_SIZE: usize = 4;
/// Error type for NVMC operations.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Error {
/// Operation using a location not in flash.
/// Unaligned operation or using unaligned buffers.
impl From<NorFlashErrorKind> for Error {
fn from(e: NorFlashErrorKind) -> Self {
match e {
NorFlashErrorKind::NotAligned => Self::Unaligned,
NorFlashErrorKind::OutOfBounds => Self::OutOfBounds,
_ => Self::Other,
impl NorFlashError for Error {
fn kind(&self) -> NorFlashErrorKind {
match self {
Self::OutOfBounds => NorFlashErrorKind::OutOfBounds,
Self::Unaligned => NorFlashErrorKind::NotAligned,
_ => NorFlashErrorKind::Other,
/// Future that waits for completion of a background read
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct BackgroundRead<'a, 'd, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> {
flash: PhantomData<&'a mut Flash<'d, T, Async, FLASH_SIZE>>,
transfer: Transfer<'a, AnyChannel>,
impl<'a, 'd, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Future for BackgroundRead<'a, 'd, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
Pin::new(&mut self.transfer).poll(cx)
impl<'a, 'd, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Drop for BackgroundRead<'a, 'd, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if pac::XIP_CTRL.stream_ctr().read().0 == 0 {
// Errata RP2040-E8: Perform an uncached read to make sure there's not a transfer in
// flight that might effect an address written to start a new transfer. This stalls
// until after any transfer is complete, so the address will not change anymore.
const XIP_NOCACHE_NOALLOC_BASE: *const u32 = 0x13000000 as *const _;
unsafe {
pub struct Flash<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> {
dma: Option<PeripheralRef<'d, AnyChannel>>,
phantom: PhantomData<(&'d mut T, M)>,
impl<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Flash<'d, T, M, FLASH_SIZE> {
pub fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
"Reading from 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}",
FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset,
FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset + bytes.len() as u32
check_read(self, offset, bytes.len())?;
let flash_data = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts((FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset) as *const u8, bytes.len()) };
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
pub fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
check_erase(self, from, to)?;
"Erasing from 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}",
FLASH_BASE as u32 + from,
FLASH_BASE as u32 + to
let len = to - from;
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_erase(from, len))? };
pub fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
check_write(self, offset, bytes.len())?;
trace!("Writing {:?} bytes to 0x{:x}", bytes.len(), FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset);
let end_offset = offset as usize + bytes.len();
let padded_offset = (offset as *const u8).align_offset(PAGE_SIZE);
let start_padding = core::cmp::min(padded_offset, bytes.len());
// Pad in the beginning
if start_padding > 0 {
let start = PAGE_SIZE - padded_offset;
let end = start + start_padding;
let mut pad_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
let unaligned_offset = offset as usize - start;
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(unaligned_offset as u32, &pad_buf))? }
let remaining_len = bytes.len() - start_padding;
let end_padding = start_padding + PAGE_SIZE * (remaining_len / PAGE_SIZE);
// Write aligned slice of length in multiples of 256 bytes
// If the remaining bytes to be written is more than a full page.
if remaining_len >= PAGE_SIZE {
let mut aligned_offset = if start_padding > 0 {
offset as usize + padded_offset
} else {
offset as usize
if bytes.as_ptr() as usize >= 0x2000_0000 {
let aligned_data = &bytes[start_padding..end_padding];
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(aligned_offset as u32, aligned_data))? }
} else {
for chunk in bytes[start_padding..end_padding].chunks_exact(PAGE_SIZE) {
let mut ram_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(aligned_offset as u32, &ram_buf))? }
aligned_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
// Pad in the end
let rem_offset = (end_offset as *const u8).align_offset(PAGE_SIZE);
let rem_padding = remaining_len % PAGE_SIZE;
if rem_padding > 0 {
let mut pad_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
let unaligned_offset = end_offset - (PAGE_SIZE - rem_offset);
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(unaligned_offset as u32, &pad_buf))? }
/// Make sure to uphold the contract points with rp2040-flash.
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
unsafe fn in_ram(&mut self, operation: impl FnOnce()) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Make sure we're running on CORE0
let core_id: u32 = pac::SIO.cpuid().read();
if core_id != 0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidCore);
// Make sure CORE1 is paused during the entire duration of the RAM function
critical_section::with(|_| {
// Wait for all DMA channels in flash to finish before ram operation
const SRAM_LOWER: u32 = 0x2000_0000;
for n in 0..crate::dma::CHANNEL_COUNT {
let ch =;
while ch.read_addr().read() < SRAM_LOWER && ch.ctrl_trig().read().busy() {}
// Wait for completion of any background reads
while pac::XIP_CTRL.stream_ctr().read().0 > 0 {}
// Run our flash operation in RAM
// Resume CORE1 execution
/// Read SPI flash unique ID
pub fn unique_id(&mut self, uid: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_unique_id(uid))? };
/// Read SPI flash JEDEC ID
pub fn jedec_id(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut jedec = None;
unsafe {
self.in_ram(|| {
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Flash<'d, T, Blocking, FLASH_SIZE> {
pub fn new(_flash: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd) -> Self {
Self {
dma: None,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Flash<'d, T, Async, FLASH_SIZE> {
pub fn new(_flash: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, dma: impl Peripheral<P = impl Channel> + 'd) -> Self {
Self {
dma: Some(dma.map_into()),
phantom: PhantomData,
pub fn background_read<'a>(
&'a mut self,
offset: u32,
data: &'a mut [u32],
) -> Result<BackgroundRead<'a, 'd, T, FLASH_SIZE>, Error> {
"Reading in background from 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}",
FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset,
FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset + (data.len() * 4) as u32
// Can't use check_read because we need to enforce 4-byte alignment
let offset = offset as usize;
let length = data.len() * 4;
if length > self.capacity() || offset > self.capacity() - length {
return Err(Error::OutOfBounds);
if offset % 4 != 0 {
return Err(Error::Unaligned);
while !pac::XIP_CTRL.stat().read().fifo_empty() {
.write_value(pac::xip_ctrl::regs::StreamAddr(FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset as u32));
.write_value(pac::xip_ctrl::regs::StreamCtr(data.len() as u32));
// Use the XIP AUX bus port, rather than the FIFO register access (e.x.
// pac::XIP_CTRL.stream_fifo().as_ptr()) to avoid DMA stalling on
// general XIP access.
const XIP_AUX_BASE: *const u32 = 0x50400000 as *const _;
let transfer = unsafe { crate::dma::read(self.dma.as_mut().unwrap(), XIP_AUX_BASE, data, 37) };
Ok(BackgroundRead {
flash: PhantomData,
impl<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> ErrorType for Flash<'d, T, M, FLASH_SIZE> {
type Error = Error;
impl<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> ReadNorFlash for Flash<'d, T, M, FLASH_SIZE> {
const READ_SIZE: usize = READ_SIZE;
fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
|, bytes)
fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
impl<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> MultiwriteNorFlash for Flash<'d, T, M, FLASH_SIZE> {}
impl<'d, T: Instance, M: Mode, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> NorFlash for Flash<'d, T, M, FLASH_SIZE> {
const WRITE_SIZE: usize = WRITE_SIZE;
const ERASE_SIZE: usize = ERASE_SIZE;
fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.erase(from, to)
fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.write(offset, bytes)
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> embedded_storage_async::nor_flash::ReadNorFlash
for Flash<'d, T, Async, FLASH_SIZE>
async fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
// Checked early to simplify address validity checks
if bytes.len() % 4 != 0 {
return Err(Error::Unaligned);
// If the destination address is already aligned, then we can just DMA directly
if (bytes.as_ptr() as u32) % 4 == 0 {
// Safety: alignment and size have been checked for compatibility
let mut buf: &mut [u32] =
unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32, bytes.len() / 4) };
self.background_read(offset, &mut buf)?.await;
return Ok(());
// Destination address is unaligned, so use an intermediate buffer
// Safety: MaybeUninit requires no initialization
let mut buf: [MaybeUninit<u32>; REALIGN_CHUNK / 4] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut chunk_offset: usize = 0;
while chunk_offset < bytes.len() {
let chunk_size = (bytes.len() - chunk_offset).min(REALIGN_CHUNK);
let buf = &mut buf[..(chunk_size / 4)];
// Safety: this is written to completely by DMA before any reads
let buf = unsafe { &mut *(buf as *mut [MaybeUninit<u32>] as *mut [u32]) };
self.background_read(offset + chunk_offset as u32, buf)?.await;
// Safety: [u8] has more relaxed alignment and size requirements than [u32], so this is just aliasing
let buf = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(buf.as_ptr() as *const _, buf.len() * 4) };
bytes[chunk_offset..(chunk_offset + chunk_size)].copy_from_slice(&buf[..chunk_size]);
chunk_offset += chunk_size;
fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> embedded_storage_async::nor_flash::NorFlash
for Flash<'d, T, Async, FLASH_SIZE>
const WRITE_SIZE: usize = WRITE_SIZE;
const ERASE_SIZE: usize = ERASE_SIZE;
async fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.erase(from, to)
async fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.write(offset, bytes)
mod ram_helpers {
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use super::*;
use crate::rom_data;
struct FlashFunctionPointers<'a> {
connect_internal_flash: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_exit_xip: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_range_erase: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(addr: u32, count: usize, block_size: u32, block_cmd: u8) -> ()>,
flash_range_program: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(addr: u32, data: *const u8, count: usize) -> ()>,
flash_flush_cache: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
fn flash_function_pointers(erase: bool, write: bool) -> FlashFunctionPointers<'static> {
FlashFunctionPointers {
connect_internal_flash: rom_data::connect_internal_flash::ptr(),
flash_exit_xip: rom_data::flash_exit_xip::ptr(),
flash_range_erase: if erase {
} else {
flash_range_program: if write {
} else {
flash_flush_cache: rom_data::flash_flush_cache::ptr(),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: rom_data::flash_enter_cmd_xip::ptr(),
phantom: PhantomData,
/// # Safety
/// `boot2` must contain a valid 2nd stage boot loader which can be called to re-initialize XIP mode
unsafe fn flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(erase: bool, write: bool, boot2: &[u32; 64]) -> FlashFunctionPointers {
let boot2_fn_ptr = (boot2 as *const u32 as *const u8).offset(1);
let boot2_fn: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> () = core::mem::transmute(boot2_fn_ptr);
FlashFunctionPointers {
connect_internal_flash: rom_data::connect_internal_flash::ptr(),
flash_exit_xip: rom_data::flash_exit_xip::ptr(),
flash_range_erase: if erase {
} else {
flash_range_program: if write {
} else {
flash_flush_cache: rom_data::flash_flush_cache::ptr(),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: boot2_fn,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Erase a flash range starting at `addr` with length `len`.
/// `addr` and `len` must be multiples of 4096
/// If `USE_BOOT2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_erase(addr: u32, len: u32) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if USE_BOOT2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, FLASH_BASE, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(true, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(true, false)
write_flash_inner(addr, len, None, &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
/// Erase and rewrite a flash range starting at `addr` with data `data`.
/// `addr` and `data.len()` must be multiples of 4096
/// If `USE_BOOT2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_erase_and_program(addr: u32, data: &[u8]) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if USE_BOOT2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, FLASH_BASE, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(true, true, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(true, true)
data.len() as u32,
&ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers,
/// Write a flash range starting at `addr` with data `data`.
/// `addr` and `data.len()` must be multiples of 256
/// If `USE_BOOT2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_program(addr: u32, data: &[u8]) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if USE_BOOT2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, FLASH_BASE, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, true, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, true)
data.len() as u32,
&ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers,
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Length of data must be a multiple of 4096
/// addr must be aligned to 4096
#[link_section = ".data.ram_func"]
unsafe fn write_flash_inner(addr: u32, len: u32, data: Option<&[u8]>, ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
Should be equivalent to:
rom_data::flash_range_erase(addr, len, 1 << 31, 0); // if selected
rom_data::flash_range_program(addr, data as *const _, len); // if selected
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
"mov r8, r0",
"mov r9, r2",
"mov r10, r1",
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #0]",
"blx r4", // connect_internal_flash()
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #4]",
"blx r4", // flash_exit_xip()
"mov r0, r8", // r0 = addr
"mov r1, r10", // r1 = len
"movs r2, #1",
"lsls r2, r2, #31", // r2 = 1 << 31
"movs r3, #0", // r3 = 0
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #8]",
"cmp r4, #0",
"beq 1f",
"blx r4", // flash_range_erase(addr, len, 1 << 31, 0)
"mov r0, r8", // r0 = addr
"mov r1, r9", // r0 = data
"mov r2, r10", // r2 = len
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #12]",
"cmp r4, #0",
"beq 1f",
"blx r4", // flash_range_program(addr, data, len);
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #16]",
"blx r4", // flash_flush_cache();
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #20]",
"blx r4", // flash_enter_cmd_xip();
ptrs = in(reg) ptrs,
// Registers r8-r15 are not allocated automatically,
// so assign them manually. We need to use them as
// otherwise there are not enough registers available.
in("r0") addr,
in("r2")|d| d.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(core::ptr::null()),
in("r1") len,
out("r3") _,
out("r4") _,
lateout("r8") _,
lateout("r9") _,
lateout("r10") _,
struct FlashCommand {
cmd_addr: *const u8,
cmd_addr_len: u32,
dummy_len: u32,
data: *mut u8,
data_len: u32,
/// Return SPI flash unique ID
/// Not all SPI flashes implement this command, so check the JEDEC
/// ID before relying on it. The Winbond parts commonly seen on
/// RP2040 devboards (JEDEC=0xEF7015) support an 8-byte unique ID;
/// suggests
/// that LCSC (Zetta) parts have a 16-byte unique ID (which is
/// *not* unique in just its first 8 bytes),
/// JEDEC=0xBA6015. Macronix and Spansion parts do not have a
/// unique ID.
/// The returned bytes are relatively predictable and should be
/// salted and hashed before use if that is an issue (e.g. for MAC
/// addresses).
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
pub unsafe fn flash_unique_id(out: &mut [u8]) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if USE_BOOT2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, FLASH_BASE, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, false)
// 4B - read unique ID
let cmd = [0x4B];
read_flash(&cmd[..], 4, out, &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
/// Return SPI flash JEDEC ID
/// This is the three-byte manufacturer-and-model identifier
/// commonly used to check before using manufacturer-specific SPI
/// flash features, e.g. 0xEF7015 for Winbond W25Q16JV.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
pub unsafe fn flash_jedec_id() -> u32 {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if USE_BOOT2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, FLASH_BASE, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, false)
let mut id = [0u8; 4];
// 9F - read JEDEC ID
let cmd = [0x9F];
read_flash(&cmd[..], 0, &mut id[1..4], &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
unsafe fn read_flash(cmd_addr: &[u8], dummy_len: u32, out: &mut [u8], ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
FlashCommand {
cmd_addr: cmd_addr.as_ptr(),
cmd_addr_len: cmd_addr.len() as u32,
data: out.as_mut_ptr(),
data_len: out.len() as u32,
/// Issue a generic SPI flash read command
/// # Arguments
/// * `cmd` - `FlashCommand` structure
/// * `ptrs` - Flash function pointers as per `write_flash_inner`
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
#[link_section = ".data.ram_func"]
unsafe fn read_flash_inner(cmd: FlashCommand, ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
"mov r10, r0", // cmd
"mov r5, r1", // ptrs
"ldr r4, [r5, #0]",
"blx r4", // connect_internal_flash()
"ldr r4, [r5, #4]",
"blx r4", // flash_exit_xip()
"movs r4, #0x18",
"lsls r4, r4, #24", // 0x18000000, SSI, RP2040 datasheet 4.10.13
// Disable, write 0 to SSIENR
"movs r0, #0",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write ctrlr0
"movs r0, #0x3",
"lsls r0, r0, #8", // TMOD=0x300
"ldr r1, [r4, #0]", // CTRLR0
"orrs r1, r0",
"str r1, [r4, #0]",
// Write ctrlr1 with len-1
"mov r3, r10", // cmd
"ldr r0, [r3, #8]", // dummy_len
"ldr r1, [r3, #16]", // data_len
"add r0, r1",
"subs r0, #1",
"str r0, [r4, #0x04]", // CTRLR1
// Enable, write 1 to ssienr
"movs r0, #1",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write cmd/addr phase to DR
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldr r0, [r3, #0]", // cmd_addr
"ldr r1, [r3, #4]", // cmd_addr_len
"ldrb r3, [r0]",
"strb r3, [r2]", // DR
"adds r0, #1",
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 10b",
// Skip any dummy cycles
"mov r3, r10", // cmd
"ldr r1, [r3, #8]", // dummy_len
"cmp r1, #0",
"beq 9f",
"ldr r3, [r4, #0x28]", // SR
"movs r2, #0x8",
"tst r3, r2", // SR.RFNE
"beq 4b",
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldrb r3, [r2]", // DR
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 4b",
// Read RX fifo
"mov r2, r10", // cmd
"ldr r0, [r2, #12]", // data
"ldr r1, [r2, #16]", // data_len
"ldr r3, [r4, #0x28]", // SR
"movs r2, #0x8",
"tst r3, r2", // SR.RFNE
"beq 2b",
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldrb r3, [r2]", // DR
"strb r3, [r0]",
"adds r0, #1",
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 2b",
// Disable, write 0 to ssienr
"movs r0, #0",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write 0 to CTRLR1 (returning to its default value)
// flash_enter_cmd_xip does NOT do this, and everything goes
// wrong unless we do it here
"str r0, [r4, #4]", // CTRLR1
"ldr r4, [r5, #20]",
"blx r4", // flash_enter_cmd_xip();
in("r0") &cmd as *const FlashCommand,
in("r1") ptrs,
out("r2") _,
out("r3") _,
out("r4") _,
out("r5") _,
// Registers r8-r10 are used to store values
// from r0-r2 in registers not clobbered by
// function calls.
// The values can't be passed in using r8-r10 directly
// due to
out("r10") _,
mod sealed {
pub trait Instance {}
pub trait Mode {}
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance {}
pub trait Mode: sealed::Mode {}
impl sealed::Instance for FLASH {}
impl Instance for FLASH {}
macro_rules! impl_mode {
($name:ident) => {
impl sealed::Mode for $name {}
impl Mode for $name {}
pub struct Blocking;
pub struct Async;