Skip FRSTX pin for now. Its available twice in the device JSON as FRSTX1 and FRSTX2 both with the same pins as targets. I don’t know enough about the FRS (fast role switch) feature to understand if that is correct and how to handle the pins.
1640 lines
62 KiB
1640 lines
62 KiB
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{env, fs};
use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use stm32_metapac::metadata::{
MemoryRegionKind, PeripheralRccKernelClock, PeripheralRccRegister, PeripheralRegisters, StopMode, METADATA,
fn main() {
let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
if target.starts_with("thumbv6m-") {
} else if target.starts_with("thumbv7m-") {
} else if target.starts_with("thumbv7em-") {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=armv7em"); // (not currently used)
} else if target.starts_with("thumbv8m.base") {
} else if target.starts_with("thumbv8m.main") {
if target.ends_with("-eabihf") {
let chip_name = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32"))
Ok(x) => x,
Err(GetOneError::None) => panic!("No stm32xx Cargo feature enabled"),
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", r.kind);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", r.kind, r.version);
// ========
// Generate singletons
let mut singletons: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=peri_{}", p.name.to_ascii_lowercase());
match r.kind {
// Generate singletons per pin, not per port
"gpio" => {
let port_letter = p.name.strip_prefix("GPIO").unwrap();
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num));
// No singleton for these, the HAL handles them specially.
"exti" => {}
// We *shouldn't* have singletons for these, but the HAL currently requires
// singletons, for using with RccPeripheral to enable/disable clocks to them.
"rcc" => {
for pin in p.pins {
if pin.signal.starts_with("MCO") {
let name = pin.signal.replace('_', "").to_string();
if !singletons.contains(&name) {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", name.to_ascii_lowercase());
//"dbgmcu" => {}
//"syscfg" => {}
//"dma" => {}
//"bdma" => {}
//"dmamux" => {}
// For other peripherals, one singleton per peri
_ => singletons.push(p.name.to_string()),
// One singleton per EXTI line
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("EXTI{}", pin_num));
// One singleton per DMA channel
for c in METADATA.dma_channels {
let mut pin_set = std::collections::HashSet::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
for pin in p.pins {
struct SplitFeature {
feature_name: String,
pin_name_with_c: String,
#[cfg(feature = "_split-pins-enabled")]
pin_name_without_c: String,
// Extra analog switch pins available on most H7 chips
let split_features: Vec<SplitFeature> = vec![
#[cfg(feature = "split-pa0")]
SplitFeature {
feature_name: "split-pa0".to_string(),
pin_name_with_c: "PA0_C".to_string(),
pin_name_without_c: "PA0".to_string(),
#[cfg(feature = "split-pa1")]
SplitFeature {
feature_name: "split-pa1".to_string(),
pin_name_with_c: "PA1_C".to_string(),
pin_name_without_c: "PA1".to_string(),
#[cfg(feature = "split-pc2")]
SplitFeature {
feature_name: "split-pc2".to_string(),
pin_name_with_c: "PC2_C".to_string(),
pin_name_without_c: "PC2".to_string(),
#[cfg(feature = "split-pc3")]
SplitFeature {
feature_name: "split-pc3".to_string(),
pin_name_with_c: "PC3_C".to_string(),
pin_name_without_c: "PC3".to_string(),
for split_feature in &split_features {
if pin_set.contains(split_feature.pin_name_with_c.as_str()) {
} else {
"'{}' feature invalid for this chip! No pin '{}' found.\n
Found pins: {:#?}",
split_feature.feature_name, split_feature.pin_name_with_c, pin_set
// ========
// Handle time-driver-XXXX features.
let time_driver = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_TIME_DRIVER_"))
Ok(x) => Some(
Err(GetOneError::None) => None,
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
let time_driver_singleton = match time_driver.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_ref()) {
None => "",
Some("tim1") => "TIM1",
Some("tim2") => "TIM2",
Some("tim3") => "TIM3",
Some("tim4") => "TIM4",
Some("tim5") => "TIM5",
Some("tim8") => "TIM8",
Some("tim9") => "TIM9",
Some("tim12") => "TIM12",
Some("tim15") => "TIM15",
Some("tim20") => "TIM20",
Some("tim21") => "TIM21",
Some("tim22") => "TIM22",
Some("tim23") => "TIM23",
Some("tim24") => "TIM24",
Some("any") => {
// Order of TIM candidators:
// 1. 2CH -> 2CH_CMP -> GP16 -> GP32 -> ADV
// 2. In same catagory: larger TIM number first
"TIM22", "TIM21", "TIM12", "TIM9", // 2CH
"TIM15", // 2CH_CMP
"TIM19", "TIM4", "TIM3", // GP16
"TIM24", "TIM23", "TIM5", "TIM2", // GP32
"TIM20", "TIM8", "TIM1", //ADV
.find(|tim| singletons.contains(&tim.to_string())).expect("time-driver-any requested, but the chip doesn't have TIM1, TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5, TIM8, TIM9, TIM12, TIM15, TIM20, TIM21, TIM22, TIM23 or TIM24.")
_ => panic!("unknown time_driver {:?}", time_driver),
if !time_driver_singleton.is_empty() {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_{}", time_driver_singleton.to_lowercase());
// ========
// Write singletons
let mut g = TokenStream::new();
let singleton_tokens: Vec<_> = singletons.iter().map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
let singleton_tokens: Vec<_> = singletons
.filter(|s| *s != &time_driver_singleton.to_string())
.map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s))
g.extend(quote! {
// ========
// Generate interrupt declarations
let mut irqs = Vec::new();
for irq in METADATA.interrupts {
irqs.push(format_ident!("{}", irq.name));
g.extend(quote! {
// ========
// Generate FLASH regions
let mut flash_regions = TokenStream::new();
let flash_memory_regions: Vec<_> = METADATA
.filter(|x| x.kind == MemoryRegionKind::Flash && x.settings.is_some())
for region in flash_memory_regions.iter() {
let region_name = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_name(region.name));
let bank_variant = format_ident!(
if region.name.starts_with("BANK_1") {
} else if region.name.starts_with("BANK_2") {
} else if region.name == "OTP" {
} else {
let base = region.address;
let size = region.size;
let settings = region.settings.as_ref().unwrap();
let erase_size = settings.erase_size;
let write_size = settings.write_size;
let erase_value = settings.erase_value;
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub const #region_name: crate::flash::FlashRegion = crate::flash::FlashRegion {
bank: crate::flash::FlashBank::#bank_variant,
base: #base,
size: #size,
erase_size: #erase_size,
write_size: #write_size,
erase_value: #erase_value,
_ensure_internal: (),
let region_type = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_type_name(region.name));
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub struct #region_type<'d, MODE = crate::flash::Async>(pub &'static crate::flash::FlashRegion, pub(crate) embassy_hal_internal::PeripheralRef<'d, crate::peripherals::FLASH>, pub(crate) core::marker::PhantomData<MODE>);
let (fields, (inits, region_names)): (Vec<TokenStream>, (Vec<TokenStream>, Vec<Ident>)) = flash_memory_regions
.map(|f| {
let region_name = get_flash_region_name(f.name);
let field_name = format_ident!("{}", region_name.to_lowercase());
let field_type = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_type_name(f.name));
let field = quote! {
pub #field_name: #field_type<'d, MODE>
let region_name = format_ident!("{}", region_name);
let init = quote! {
#field_name: #field_type(&#region_name, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked()}, core::marker::PhantomData)
(field, (init, region_name))
let regions_len = flash_memory_regions.len();
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub struct FlashLayout<'d, MODE = crate::flash::Async> {
_mode: core::marker::PhantomData<MODE>,
impl<'d, MODE> FlashLayout<'d, MODE> {
pub(crate) fn new(p: embassy_hal_internal::PeripheralRef<'d, crate::peripherals::FLASH>) -> Self {
Self {
_mode: core::marker::PhantomData,
pub const FLASH_REGIONS: [&crate::flash::FlashRegion; #regions_len] = [
let max_erase_size = flash_memory_regions
.map(|region| region.settings.as_ref().unwrap().erase_size)
g.extend(quote! { pub const MAX_ERASE_SIZE: usize = #max_erase_size as usize; });
g.extend(quote! { pub mod flash_regions { #flash_regions } });
// ========
// Extract the rcc registers
let rcc_registers = METADATA
.filter_map(|p| p.registers.as_ref())
.find(|r| r.kind == "rcc")
// ========
// Generate RccPeripheral impls
// count how many times each xxENR field is used, to enable refcounting if used more than once.
let mut rcc_field_count: HashMap<_, usize> = HashMap::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
*rcc_field_count.entry((en.register, en.field)).or_insert(0) += 1;
struct ClockGen<'a> {
rcc_registers: &'a PeripheralRegisters,
chained_muxes: HashMap<&'a str, &'a PeripheralRccRegister>,
force_refcount: HashSet<&'a str>,
refcount_statics: BTreeSet<Ident>,
clock_names: BTreeSet<String>,
muxes: BTreeSet<(Ident, Ident, Ident)>,
let mut clock_gen = ClockGen {
chained_muxes: HashMap::new(),
force_refcount: HashSet::from(["usart"]),
refcount_statics: BTreeSet::new(),
clock_names: BTreeSet::new(),
muxes: BTreeSet::new(),
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32h5") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "CCIPR5",
field: "PERSEL",
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32h7") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "D1CCIPR",
field: "PERSEL",
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32u5") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "CCIPR1",
field: "ICLKSEL",
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32wb") && !chip_name.starts_with("stm32wba") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "CCIPR",
field: "CLK48SEL",
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f7") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "DCKCFGR2",
field: "CLK48SEL",
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f4") && !chip_name.starts_with("stm32f410") {
&PeripheralRccRegister {
register: "DCKCFGR",
field: "CLK48SEL",
impl<'a> ClockGen<'a> {
fn gen_clock(&mut self, name: &str) -> TokenStream {
let clock_name = format_ident!("{}", name.to_ascii_lowercase());
quote!( unsafe { crate::rcc::get_freqs().#clock_name.unwrap() } )
fn gen_mux(&mut self, mux: &PeripheralRccRegister) -> TokenStream {
let ir = &self.rcc_registers.ir;
let fieldset_name = mux.register.to_ascii_lowercase();
let fieldset = ir
.find(|i| i.name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&fieldset_name))
let field_name = mux.field.to_ascii_lowercase();
let field = fieldset.fields.iter().find(|i| i.name == field_name).unwrap();
let enum_name = field.enumm.unwrap();
let enumm = ir.enums.iter().find(|i| i.name == enum_name).unwrap();
let fieldset_name = format_ident!("{}", fieldset_name);
let field_name = format_ident!("{}", field_name);
let enum_name = format_ident!("{}", enum_name);
.insert((fieldset_name.clone(), field_name.clone(), enum_name.clone()));
let mut match_arms = TokenStream::new();
for v in enumm.variants.iter().filter(|v| v.name != "DISABLE") {
let variant_name = format_ident!("{}", v.name);
let expr = if let Some(mux) = self.chained_muxes.get(&v.name) {
} else {
match_arms.extend(quote! {
crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name::#variant_name => #expr,
quote! {
match crate::pac::RCC.#fieldset_name().read().#field_name() {
_ => unreachable!(),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if !singletons.contains(&p.name.to_string()) {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let rst = match &rcc.reset {
Some(rst) => {
let rst_reg = format_ident!("{}", rst.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_rst_field = format_ident!("set_{}", rst.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
quote! {
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(true));
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(false));
None => TokenStream::new(),
let after_enable = if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f2") {
// Errata: ES0005 - 2.1.11 Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling
quote! {
} else {
let ptype = if let Some(reg) = &p.registers { reg.kind } else { "" };
let pname = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
let refcount =
clock_gen.force_refcount.contains(ptype) || *rcc_field_count.get(&(en.register, en.field)).unwrap() > 1;
let (before_enable, before_disable) = if refcount {
let refcount_static =
format_ident!("{}_{}", en.register.to_ascii_uppercase(), en.field.to_ascii_uppercase());
quote! {
unsafe { refcount_statics::#refcount_static += 1 };
if unsafe { refcount_statics::#refcount_static } > 1 {
quote! {
unsafe { refcount_statics::#refcount_static -= 1 };
if unsafe { refcount_statics::#refcount_static } > 0 {
} else {
(TokenStream::new(), TokenStream::new())
let clock_frequency = match &rcc.kernel_clock {
PeripheralRccKernelClock::Mux(mux) => clock_gen.gen_mux(mux),
PeripheralRccKernelClock::Clock(clock) => clock_gen.gen_clock(clock),
// A refcount leak can result if the same field is shared by peripherals with different stop modes
// This condition should be checked in stm32-data
let stop_refcount = match rcc.stop_mode {
StopMode::Standby => None,
StopMode::Stop2 => Some(quote! { REFCOUNT_STOP2 }),
StopMode::Stop1 => Some(quote! { REFCOUNT_STOP1 }),
let (incr_stop_refcount, decr_stop_refcount) = match stop_refcount {
Some(stop_refcount) => (
quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
unsafe { crate::rcc::#stop_refcount += 1 };
quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "low-power")]
unsafe { crate::rcc::#stop_refcount -= 1 };
None => (TokenStream::new(), TokenStream::new()),
g.extend(quote! {
impl crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {
fn frequency() -> crate::time::Hertz {
fn enable_and_reset_with_cs(_cs: critical_section::CriticalSection) {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
fn disable_with_cs(_cs: critical_section::CriticalSection) {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(false));
impl crate::rcc::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {}
let struct_fields: Vec<_> = clock_gen
.map(|(_fieldset, fieldname, enum_name)| {
quote! {
pub #fieldname: #enum_name
let mut inits = TokenStream::new();
for fieldset in clock_gen
.map(|(f, _, _)| f)
let setters: Vec<_> = clock_gen
.filter(|(f, _, _)| f == fieldset)
.map(|(_, fieldname, _)| {
let setter = format_ident!("set_{}", fieldname);
quote! {
inits.extend(quote! {
crate::pac::RCC.#fieldset().modify(|w| {
let enum_names: BTreeSet<_> = clock_gen.muxes.iter().map(|(_, _, enum_name)| enum_name).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
pub mod mux {
#(pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_names as #enum_names; )*
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ClockMux {
#( #struct_fields, )*
impl ClockMux {
pub(crate) const fn default() -> Self {
// safety: zero value is valid for all PAC enums.
unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() }
impl Default for ClockMux {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ClockMux {
pub(crate) fn init(&self) {
// Generate RCC
let clock_idents: Vec<_> = clock_gen.clock_names.iter().map(|n| format_ident!("{}", n)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Clocks {
pub #clock_idents: Option<crate::time::Hertz>,
let clocks_macro = quote!(
macro_rules! set_clocks {
($($(#[$m:meta])* $k:ident: $v:expr,)*) => {
struct Temp {
$($(#[$m])* $k: Option<crate::time::Hertz>,)*
let all = Temp {
$($(#[$m])* $k: $v,)*
crate::rcc::set_freqs(crate::rcc::Clocks {
#( #clock_idents: all.#clock_idents, )*
let refcount_mod: TokenStream = clock_gen
.map(|refcount_static| {
quote! {
pub(crate) static mut #refcount_static: u8 = 0;
g.extend(quote! {
mod refcount_statics {
// ========
// Generate fns to enable GPIO, DMA in RCC
for kind in ["dma", "bdma", "dmamux", "gpdma", "gpio"] {
let mut gg = TokenStream::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if p.registers.is_some() && p.registers.as_ref().unwrap().kind == kind {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
gg.extend(quote! {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
let fname = format_ident!("init_{}", kind);
g.extend(quote! {
pub unsafe fn #fname(){
// ========
// Generate pin_trait_impl!
let signals: HashMap<_, _> = [
// (kind, signal) => trait
(("ucpd", "CC1"), quote!(crate::ucpd::Cc1Pin)),
(("ucpd", "CC2"), quote!(crate::ucpd::Cc2Pin)),
(("usart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxPin)),
(("usart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxPin)),
(("usart", "CTS"), quote!(crate::usart::CtsPin)),
(("usart", "RTS"), quote!(crate::usart::RtsPin)),
(("usart", "CK"), quote!(crate::usart::CkPin)),
(("usart", "DE"), quote!(crate::usart::DePin)),
(("lpuart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxPin)),
(("lpuart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxPin)),
(("lpuart", "CTS"), quote!(crate::usart::CtsPin)),
(("lpuart", "RTS"), quote!(crate::usart::RtsPin)),
(("lpuart", "CK"), quote!(crate::usart::CkPin)),
(("lpuart", "DE"), quote!(crate::usart::DePin)),
(("sai", "SCK_A"), quote!(crate::sai::SckPin<A>)),
(("sai", "SCK_B"), quote!(crate::sai::SckPin<B>)),
(("sai", "FS_A"), quote!(crate::sai::FsPin<A>)),
(("sai", "FS_B"), quote!(crate::sai::FsPin<B>)),
(("sai", "SD_A"), quote!(crate::sai::SdPin<A>)),
(("sai", "SD_B"), quote!(crate::sai::SdPin<B>)),
(("sai", "MCLK_A"), quote!(crate::sai::MclkPin<A>)),
(("sai", "MCLK_B"), quote!(crate::sai::MclkPin<B>)),
(("sai", "WS"), quote!(crate::sai::WsPin)),
(("spi", "SCK"), quote!(crate::spi::SckPin)),
(("spi", "MOSI"), quote!(crate::spi::MosiPin)),
(("spi", "MISO"), quote!(crate::spi::MisoPin)),
(("spi", "NSS"), quote!(crate::spi::CsPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_MCK"), quote!(crate::spi::MckPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_CK"), quote!(crate::spi::CkPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_WS"), quote!(crate::spi::WsPin)),
(("i2c", "SDA"), quote!(crate::i2c::SdaPin)),
(("i2c", "SCL"), quote!(crate::i2c::SclPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO_1"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO_2"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("dcmi", "D0"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D0Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D1"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D1Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D2"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D2Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D3"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D3Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D4"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D4Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D5"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D5Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D6"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D6Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D7"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D7Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D8"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D8Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D9"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D9Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D10"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D10Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D11"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D11Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D12"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D12Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D13"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D13Pin)),
(("dcmi", "HSYNC"), quote!(crate::dcmi::HSyncPin)),
(("dcmi", "VSYNC"), quote!(crate::dcmi::VSyncPin)),
(("dcmi", "PIXCLK"), quote!(crate::dcmi::PixClkPin)),
(("usb", "DP"), quote!(crate::usb::DpPin)),
(("usb", "DM"), quote!(crate::usb::DmPin)),
(("otg", "DP"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::DpPin)),
(("otg", "DM"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::DmPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_CK"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiClkPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_DIR"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiDirPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_NXT"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiNxtPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_STP"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiStpPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D0"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD0Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D1"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD1Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D2"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD2Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D3"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD3Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D4"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD4Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D5"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD5Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D6"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD6Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D7"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD7Pin)),
(("can", "TX"), quote!(crate::can::TxPin)),
(("can", "RX"), quote!(crate::can::RxPin)),
(("eth", "REF_CLK"), quote!(crate::eth::RefClkPin)),
(("eth", "RX_CLK"), quote!(crate::eth::RXClkPin)),
(("eth", "TX_CLK"), quote!(crate::eth::TXClkPin)),
(("eth", "MDIO"), quote!(crate::eth::MDIOPin)),
(("eth", "MDC"), quote!(crate::eth::MDCPin)),
(("eth", "CRS_DV"), quote!(crate::eth::CRSPin)),
(("eth", "RX_DV"), quote!(crate::eth::RXDVPin)),
(("eth", "RXD0"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD0Pin)),
(("eth", "RXD1"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD1Pin)),
(("eth", "RXD2"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD2Pin)),
(("eth", "RXD3"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD3Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD0"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD0Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD1"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD1Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD2"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD2Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD3"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD3Pin)),
(("eth", "TX_EN"), quote!(crate::eth::TXEnPin)),
(("fmc", "A0"), quote!(crate::fmc::A0Pin)),
(("fmc", "A1"), quote!(crate::fmc::A1Pin)),
(("fmc", "A2"), quote!(crate::fmc::A2Pin)),
(("fmc", "A3"), quote!(crate::fmc::A3Pin)),
(("fmc", "A4"), quote!(crate::fmc::A4Pin)),
(("fmc", "A5"), quote!(crate::fmc::A5Pin)),
(("fmc", "A6"), quote!(crate::fmc::A6Pin)),
(("fmc", "A7"), quote!(crate::fmc::A7Pin)),
(("fmc", "A8"), quote!(crate::fmc::A8Pin)),
(("fmc", "A9"), quote!(crate::fmc::A9Pin)),
(("fmc", "A10"), quote!(crate::fmc::A10Pin)),
(("fmc", "A11"), quote!(crate::fmc::A11Pin)),
(("fmc", "A12"), quote!(crate::fmc::A12Pin)),
(("fmc", "A13"), quote!(crate::fmc::A13Pin)),
(("fmc", "A14"), quote!(crate::fmc::A14Pin)),
(("fmc", "A15"), quote!(crate::fmc::A15Pin)),
(("fmc", "A16"), quote!(crate::fmc::A16Pin)),
(("fmc", "A17"), quote!(crate::fmc::A17Pin)),
(("fmc", "A18"), quote!(crate::fmc::A18Pin)),
(("fmc", "A19"), quote!(crate::fmc::A19Pin)),
(("fmc", "A20"), quote!(crate::fmc::A20Pin)),
(("fmc", "A21"), quote!(crate::fmc::A21Pin)),
(("fmc", "A22"), quote!(crate::fmc::A22Pin)),
(("fmc", "A23"), quote!(crate::fmc::A23Pin)),
(("fmc", "A24"), quote!(crate::fmc::A24Pin)),
(("fmc", "A25"), quote!(crate::fmc::A25Pin)),
(("fmc", "D0"), quote!(crate::fmc::D0Pin)),
(("fmc", "D1"), quote!(crate::fmc::D1Pin)),
(("fmc", "D2"), quote!(crate::fmc::D2Pin)),
(("fmc", "D3"), quote!(crate::fmc::D3Pin)),
(("fmc", "D4"), quote!(crate::fmc::D4Pin)),
(("fmc", "D5"), quote!(crate::fmc::D5Pin)),
(("fmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::fmc::D6Pin)),
(("fmc", "D7"), quote!(crate::fmc::D7Pin)),
(("fmc", "D8"), quote!(crate::fmc::D8Pin)),
(("fmc", "D9"), quote!(crate::fmc::D9Pin)),
(("fmc", "D10"), quote!(crate::fmc::D10Pin)),
(("fmc", "D11"), quote!(crate::fmc::D11Pin)),
(("fmc", "D12"), quote!(crate::fmc::D12Pin)),
(("fmc", "D13"), quote!(crate::fmc::D13Pin)),
(("fmc", "D14"), quote!(crate::fmc::D14Pin)),
(("fmc", "D15"), quote!(crate::fmc::D15Pin)),
(("fmc", "D16"), quote!(crate::fmc::D16Pin)),
(("fmc", "D17"), quote!(crate::fmc::D17Pin)),
(("fmc", "D18"), quote!(crate::fmc::D18Pin)),
(("fmc", "D19"), quote!(crate::fmc::D19Pin)),
(("fmc", "D20"), quote!(crate::fmc::D20Pin)),
(("fmc", "D21"), quote!(crate::fmc::D21Pin)),
(("fmc", "D22"), quote!(crate::fmc::D22Pin)),
(("fmc", "D23"), quote!(crate::fmc::D23Pin)),
(("fmc", "D24"), quote!(crate::fmc::D24Pin)),
(("fmc", "D25"), quote!(crate::fmc::D25Pin)),
(("fmc", "D26"), quote!(crate::fmc::D26Pin)),
(("fmc", "D27"), quote!(crate::fmc::D27Pin)),
(("fmc", "D28"), quote!(crate::fmc::D28Pin)),
(("fmc", "D29"), quote!(crate::fmc::D29Pin)),
(("fmc", "D30"), quote!(crate::fmc::D30Pin)),
(("fmc", "D31"), quote!(crate::fmc::D31Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA0"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA0Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA1"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA1Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA2"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA2Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA3"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA3Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA4"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA4Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA5"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA5Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA6"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA6Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA7"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA7Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA8"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA8Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA9"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA9Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA10"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA10Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA11"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA11Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA12"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA12Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA13"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA13Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA14"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA14Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA15"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA15Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDNWE"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNWEPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNCAS"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNCASPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNRAS"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNRASPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNE0"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNE0Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDNE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCKE0"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCKE0Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCKE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCKE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCLK"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCLKPin)),
(("fmc", "NBL0"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL0Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL1"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL1Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL2"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL2Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL3"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL3Pin)),
(("fmc", "INT"), quote!(crate::fmc::INTPin)),
(("fmc", "NL"), quote!(crate::fmc::NLPin)),
(("fmc", "NWAIT"), quote!(crate::fmc::NWaitPin)),
(("fmc", "NE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE2"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE2Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE3"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE3Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE4"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE4Pin)),
(("fmc", "NCE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NCEPin)),
(("fmc", "NOE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NOEPin)),
(("fmc", "NWE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NWEPin)),
(("fmc", "CLK"), quote!(crate::fmc::ClkPin)),
(("fmc", "BA0"), quote!(crate::fmc::BA0Pin)),
(("fmc", "BA1"), quote!(crate::fmc::BA1Pin)),
(("timer", "CH1"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel1Pin)),
(("timer", "CH1N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel1ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH2"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel2Pin)),
(("timer", "CH2N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel2ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH3"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel3Pin)),
(("timer", "CH3N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel3ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH4"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel4Pin)),
(("timer", "CH4N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel4ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "ETR"), quote!(crate::timer::ExternalTriggerPin)),
(("timer", "BKIN"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputPin)),
(("timer", "BKIN_COMP1"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputComparator1Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN_COMP2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputComparator2Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2_COMP1"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Comparator1Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2_COMP2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Comparator2Pin)),
(("hrtim", "CHA1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelAPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHA2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelAComplementaryPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHB1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelBPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHB2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelBComplementaryPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHC1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelCPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHC2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelCComplementaryPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHD1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelDPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHD2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelDComplementaryPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHE1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelEPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHE2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelEComplementaryPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHF1"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelFPin)),
(("hrtim", "CHF2"), quote!(crate::hrtim::ChannelFComplementaryPin)),
(("sdmmc", "CK"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::CkPin)),
(("sdmmc", "CMD"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::CmdPin)),
(("sdmmc", "D0"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D0Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D1"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D1Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D2"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D2Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D3"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D3Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D4"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D4Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D5"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D5Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D6Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D7Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D8"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D8Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO0"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK1D0Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO1"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK1D1Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO2"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK1D2Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO3"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK1D3Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_NCS"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK1NSSPin)),
(("quadspi", "BK2_IO0"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK2D0Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK2_IO1"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK2D1Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK2_IO2"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK2D2Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK2_IO3"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK2D3Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK2_NCS"), quote!(crate::qspi::BK2NSSPin)),
(("quadspi", "CLK"), quote!(crate::qspi::SckPin)),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
for pin in p.pins {
let key = (regs.kind, pin.signal);
if let Some(tr) = signals.get(&key) {
let mut peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = {
// If we encounter a _C pin but the split_feature for this pin is not enabled, skip it
if pin.pin.ends_with("_C") && !split_features.iter().any(|x| x.pin_name_with_c == pin.pin) {
format_ident!("{}", pin.pin)
let af = pin.af.unwrap_or(0);
// MCO is special
if pin.signal.starts_with("MCO") {
peri = format_ident!("{}", pin.signal.replace('_', ""));
g.extend(quote! {
pin_trait_impl!(#tr, #peri, #pin_name, #af);
// ADC is special
if regs.kind == "adc" {
if p.rcc.is_none() {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = {
// If we encounter a _C pin but the split_feature for this pin is not enabled, skip it
if pin.pin.ends_with("_C") && !split_features.iter().any(|x| x.pin_name_with_c == pin.pin) {
format_ident!("{}", pin.pin)
// H7 has differential voltage measurements
let ch: Option<u8> = if pin.signal.starts_with("INP") {
} else if pin.signal.starts_with("INN") {
// TODO handle in the future when embassy supports differential measurements
} else if pin.signal.starts_with("IN") && pin.signal.ends_with('b') {
// we number STM32L1 ADC bank 1 as 0..=31, bank 2 as 32..=63
let signal = pin.signal.strip_prefix("IN").unwrap().strip_suffix('b').unwrap();
Some(32u8 + signal.parse::<u8>().unwrap())
} else if pin.signal.starts_with("IN") {
} else {
if let Some(ch) = ch {
g.extend(quote! {
impl_adc_pin!( #peri, #pin_name, #ch);
if regs.kind == "opamp" {
if pin.signal.starts_with("VP") {
// Impl NonInvertingPin for the VP* signals (VP0, VP1, VP2, etc)
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
let ch: u8 = pin.signal.strip_prefix("VP").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
g.extend(quote! {
impl_opamp_vp_pin!( #peri, #pin_name, #ch);
} else if pin.signal == "VOUT" {
// Impl OutputPin for the VOUT pin
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
g.extend(quote! {
impl_opamp_vout_pin!( #peri, #pin_name );
// DAC is special
if regs.kind == "dac" {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
let ch: u8 = pin.signal.strip_prefix("OUT").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
g.extend(quote! {
impl_dac_pin!( #peri, #pin_name, #ch);
// ========
// Generate dma_trait_impl!
let signals: HashMap<_, _> = [
// (kind, signal) => trait
(("ucpd", "RX"), quote!(crate::ucpd::RxDma)),
(("ucpd", "TX"), quote!(crate::ucpd::TxDma)),
(("usart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxDma)),
(("usart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxDma)),
(("lpuart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxDma)),
(("lpuart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxDma)),
(("sai", "A"), quote!(crate::sai::Dma<A>)),
(("sai", "B"), quote!(crate::sai::Dma<B>)),
(("spi", "RX"), quote!(crate::spi::RxDma)),
(("spi", "TX"), quote!(crate::spi::TxDma)),
(("i2c", "RX"), quote!(crate::i2c::RxDma)),
(("i2c", "TX"), quote!(crate::i2c::TxDma)),
(("dcmi", "DCMI"), quote!(crate::dcmi::FrameDma)),
(("dcmi", "PSSI"), quote!(crate::dcmi::FrameDma)),
// SDMMCv1 uses the same channel for both directions, so just implement for RX
(("sdmmc", "RX"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::SdmmcDma)),
(("quadspi", "QUADSPI"), quote!(crate::qspi::QuadDma)),
(("dac", "CH1"), quote!(crate::dac::DacDma1)),
(("dac", "CH2"), quote!(crate::dac::DacDma2)),
(("timer", "UP"), quote!(crate::timer::UpDma)),
(("hash", "IN"), quote!(crate::hash::Dma)),
(("timer", "CH1"), quote!(crate::timer::Ch1Dma)),
(("timer", "CH2"), quote!(crate::timer::Ch2Dma)),
(("timer", "CH3"), quote!(crate::timer::Ch3Dma)),
(("timer", "CH4"), quote!(crate::timer::Ch4Dma)),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
let mut dupe = HashSet::new();
for ch in p.dma_channels {
// Some chips have multiple request numbers for the same (peri, signal, channel) combos.
// Ignore the dupes, picking the first one. Otherwise this causes conflicting trait impls
let key = (ch.signal, ch.channel);
if !dupe.insert(key) {
if let Some(tr) = signals.get(&(regs.kind, ch.signal)) {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let channel = if let Some(channel) = &ch.channel {
// Chip with DMA/BDMA, without DMAMUX
let channel = format_ident!("{}", channel);
quote!({channel: #channel})
} else if let Some(dmamux) = &ch.dmamux {
// Chip with DMAMUX
let dmamux = format_ident!("{}", dmamux);
quote!({dmamux: #dmamux})
} else if let Some(dma) = &ch.dma {
// Chip with GPDMA
let dma = format_ident!("{}", dma);
quote!({dma: #dma})
} else {
let request = if let Some(request) = ch.request {
let request = request as u8;
} else {
g.extend(quote! {
dma_trait_impl!(#tr, #peri, #channel, #request);
// ========
// Generate Div/Mul impls for RCC prescalers/dividers/multipliers.
for e in rcc_registers.ir.enums {
fn is_rcc_name(e: &str) -> bool {
match e {
"Pllp" | "Pllq" | "Pllr" | "Pllm" | "Plln" => true,
"Timpre" | "Pllrclkpre" => false,
e if e.ends_with("pre") || e.ends_with("pres") || e.ends_with("div") || e.ends_with("mul") => true,
_ => false,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Frac {
num: u32,
denom: u32,
impl Frac {
fn simplify(self) -> Self {
let d = gcd(self.num, self.denom);
Self {
num: self.num / d,
denom: self.denom / d,
fn gcd(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
if b == 0 {
return a;
gcd(b, a % b)
fn parse_num(n: &str) -> Result<Frac, ()> {
for prefix in ["DIV", "MUL"] {
if let Some(n) = n.strip_prefix(prefix) {
let exponent = n.find('_').map(|e| n.len() - 1 - e).unwrap_or(0) as u32;
let mantissa = n.replace('_', "").parse().map_err(|_| ())?;
let f = Frac {
num: mantissa,
denom: 10u32.pow(exponent),
return Ok(f.simplify());
if is_rcc_name(e.name) {
let enum_name = format_ident!("{}", e.name);
let mut muls = Vec::new();
let mut divs = Vec::new();
for v in e.variants {
let Ok(val) = parse_num(v.name) else {
panic!("could not parse mul/div. enum={} variant={}", e.name, v.name)
let variant_name = format_ident!("{}", v.name);
let variant = quote!(crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name::#variant_name);
let num = val.num;
let denom = val.denom;
muls.push(quote!(#variant => self * #num / #denom,));
divs.push(quote!(#variant => self * #denom / #num,));
g.extend(quote! {
impl core::ops::Div<crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name> for crate::time::Hertz {
type Output = crate::time::Hertz;
fn div(self, rhs: crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name) -> Self::Output {
match rhs {
_ => unreachable!(),
impl core::ops::Mul<crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name> for crate::time::Hertz {
type Output = crate::time::Hertz;
fn mul(self, rhs: crate::pac::rcc::vals::#enum_name) -> Self::Output {
match rhs {
_ => unreachable!(),
// ========
// Write peripheral_interrupts module.
let mut mt = TokenStream::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
let mut pt = TokenStream::new();
for irq in p.interrupts {
let iname = format_ident!("{}", irq.interrupt);
let sname = format_ident!("{}", irq.signal);
pt.extend(quote!(pub type #sname = crate::interrupt::typelevel::#iname;));
let pname = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
mt.extend(quote!(pub mod #pname { #pt }));
g.extend(quote!(#[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub mod peripheral_interrupts { #mt }));
// ========
// Write foreach_foo! macrotables
let mut flash_regions_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut interrupts_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut peripherals_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut pins_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut adc_common_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
If ADC3_COMMON exists, ADC3 and higher are assigned to it
All other ADCs are assigned to ADC_COMMON
ADC3 and higher are assigned to the adc34 clock in the table
The adc3_common cfg directive is added if ADC3_COMMON exists
let has_adc3 = METADATA.peripherals.iter().any(|p| p.name == "ADC3_COMMON");
let set_adc345 = HashSet::from(["ADC3", "ADC4", "ADC5"]);
for m in METADATA
.filter(|m| m.kind == MemoryRegionKind::Flash && m.settings.is_some())
let settings = m.settings.as_ref().unwrap();
let row = vec![
let gpio_base = METADATA.peripherals.iter().find(|p| p.name == "GPIOA").unwrap().address as u32;
let gpio_stride = 0x400;
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
if regs.kind == "gpio" {
let port_letter = p.name.chars().nth(4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(0, (p.address as u32 - gpio_base) % gpio_stride);
let port_num = (p.address as u32 - gpio_base) / gpio_stride;
for pin_num in 0u32..16 {
let pin_name = format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num);
format!("EXTI{}", pin_num),
// If we have the split pins, we need to do a little extra work:
// Add the "_C" variant to the table. The solution is not optimal, though.
// Adding them only when the corresponding GPIOx also appears.
// This should avoid unintended side-effects as much as possible.
#[cfg(feature = "_split-pins-enabled")]
for split_feature in &split_features {
if split_feature.pin_name_without_c == pin_name {
format!("EXTI{}", pin_num),
if regs.kind == "adc" {
let (adc_common, adc_clock) = if set_adc345.contains(p.name) && has_adc3 {
("ADC3_COMMON", "adc34")
} else {
("ADC_COMMON", "adc")
let row = vec![p.name.to_string(), adc_common.to_string(), adc_clock.to_string()];
for irq in p.interrupts {
let row = vec![
let row = vec![regs.kind.to_string(), p.name.to_string()];
let mut dmas = TokenStream::new();
let has_dmamux = METADATA
.flat_map(|p| &p.registers)
.any(|p| p.kind == "dmamux");
for (ch_idx, ch) in METADATA.dma_channels.iter().enumerate() {
// Some H7 chips have BDMA1 hardcoded for DFSDM, ie no DMAMUX. It's unsupported, skip it.
if has_dmamux && ch.dmamux.is_none() {
let name = format_ident!("{}", ch.name);
let idx = ch_idx as u8;
g.extend(quote!(dma_channel_impl!(#name, #idx);));
let dma = format_ident!("{}", ch.dma);
let ch_num = ch.channel as usize;
let dma_peri = METADATA.peripherals.iter().find(|p| p.name == ch.dma).unwrap();
let bi = dma_peri.registers.as_ref().unwrap();
let dma_info = match bi.kind {
"dma" => quote!(crate::dma::DmaInfo::Dma(crate::pac::#dma)),
"bdma" => quote!(crate::dma::DmaInfo::Bdma(crate::pac::#dma)),
"gpdma" => quote!(crate::pac::#dma),
_ => panic!("bad dma channel kind {}", bi.kind),
let dmamux = match &ch.dmamux {
Some(dmamux) => {
let dmamux = format_ident!("{}", dmamux);
let num = ch.dmamux_channel.unwrap() as usize;
g.extend(quote!(dmamux_channel_impl!(#name, #dmamux);));
quote! {
dmamux: crate::dma::DmamuxInfo {
mux: crate::pac::#dmamux,
num: #num,
None => quote!(),
dmas.extend(quote! {
crate::dma::ChannelInfo {
dma: #dma_info,
num: #ch_num,
// ========
// Generate DMA IRQs.
let mut dma_irqs: BTreeMap<&str, Vec<String>> = BTreeMap::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
if r.kind == "dma" || r.kind == "bdma" || r.kind == "gpdma" {
for irq in p.interrupts {
let ch_name = format!("{}_{}", p.name, irq.signal);
let ch = METADATA.dma_channels.iter().find(|c| c.name == ch_name).unwrap();
// Some H7 chips have BDMA1 hardcoded for DFSDM, ie no DMAMUX. It's unsupported, skip it.
if has_dmamux && ch.dmamux.is_none() {
let dma_irqs: TokenStream = dma_irqs
.map(|(irq, channels)| {
let irq = format_ident!("{}", irq);
let channels = channels.iter().map(|c| format_ident!("{}", c));
quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "rt")]
unsafe fn #irq () {
<crate::peripherals::#channels as crate::dma::sealed::ChannelInterrupt>::on_irq();
g.extend(quote! {
pub(crate) const DMA_CHANNELS: &[crate::dma::ChannelInfo] = &[#dmas];
for irq in METADATA.interrupts {
let name = irq.name.to_ascii_uppercase();
if name.contains("EXTI") {
interrupts_table.push(vec!["EXTI".to_string(), name.clone()]);
let mut m = clocks_macro.to_string();
// DO NOT ADD more macros like these.
// These turned to be a bad idea!
// Instead, make build.rs generate the final code.
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_flash_region", &flash_regions_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_interrupt", &interrupts_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_peripheral", &peripherals_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_pin", &pins_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_adc", &adc_common_table);
let out_dir = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let out_file = out_dir.join("_macros.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, m).unwrap();
// ========
// Write generated.rs
let out_file = out_dir.join("_generated.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, g.to_string()).unwrap();
// ========
// Multicore
let mut s = chip_name.split('_');
let mut chip_name: String = s.next().unwrap().to_string();
let core_name = if let Some(c) = s.next() {
if !c.starts_with("CM") {
} else {
} else {
if let Some(core) = core_name {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2], core);
// =======
// ADC3_COMMON is present
if has_adc3 {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", "adc3_common");
// =======
// Features for targeting groups of chips
if &chip_name[..8] == "stm32wba" {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..8]); // stm32wba
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..10]); // stm32wba52
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=package_{}", &chip_name[10..11]);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=flashsize_{}", &chip_name[11..12]);
} else {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..7]); // stm32f4
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..9]); // stm32f429
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x", &chip_name[..8]); // stm32f42x
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x{}", &chip_name[..7], &chip_name[8..9]); // stm32f4x9
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=package_{}", &chip_name[9..10]);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=flashsize_{}", &chip_name[10..11]);
// Mark the L4+ chips as they have many differences to regular L4.
if &chip_name[..7] == "stm32l4" {
if "pqrs".contains(&chip_name[7..8]) {
} else {
enum GetOneError {
trait IteratorExt: Iterator {
fn get_one(self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError>;
impl<T: Iterator> IteratorExt for T {
fn get_one(mut self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError> {
match self.next() {
None => Err(GetOneError::None),
Some(res) => match self.next() {
Some(_) => Err(GetOneError::Multiple),
None => Ok(res),
fn make_table(out: &mut String, name: &str, data: &Vec<Vec<String>>) {
macro_rules! {} {{
($($pat:tt => $code:tt;)*) => {{
macro_rules! __{}_inner {{
$(($pat) => $code;)*
($_:tt) => {{}}
name, name
for row in data {
writeln!(out, " __{}_inner!(({}));", name, row.join(",")).unwrap();
" }};
fn get_flash_region_name(name: &str) -> String {
let name = name.replace("BANK_", "BANK").replace("REGION_", "REGION");
if name.contains("REGION") {
} else {
name + "_REGION"
fn get_flash_region_type_name(name: &str) -> String {
.replace("BANK", "Bank")
.replace("REGION", "Region")
.replace('_', "")