2023-05-16 11:21:17 +02:00

700 lines
23 KiB

use core::marker::PhantomData;
use embassy_hal_common::Peripheral;
use embedded_storage::nor_flash::{
check_erase, check_read, check_write, ErrorType, MultiwriteNorFlash, NorFlash, NorFlashError, NorFlashErrorKind,
use crate::pac;
use crate::peripherals::FLASH;
pub const FLASH_BASE: usize = 0x10000000;
// **NOTE**:
// These limitations are currently enforced because of using the
// RP2040 boot-rom flash functions, that are optimized for flash compatibility
// rather than performance.
pub const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 256;
pub const WRITE_SIZE: usize = 1;
pub const READ_SIZE: usize = 1;
pub const ERASE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
/// Error type for NVMC operations.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Error {
/// Operation using a location not in flash.
/// Unaligned operation or using unaligned buffers.
impl From<NorFlashErrorKind> for Error {
fn from(e: NorFlashErrorKind) -> Self {
match e {
NorFlashErrorKind::NotAligned => Self::Unaligned,
NorFlashErrorKind::OutOfBounds => Self::OutOfBounds,
_ => Self::Other,
impl NorFlashError for Error {
fn kind(&self) -> NorFlashErrorKind {
match self {
Self::OutOfBounds => NorFlashErrorKind::OutOfBounds,
Self::Unaligned => NorFlashErrorKind::NotAligned,
_ => NorFlashErrorKind::Other,
pub struct Flash<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize>(PhantomData<&'d mut T>);
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> Flash<'d, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
pub fn new(_flash: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd) -> Self {
pub fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
"Reading from 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}",
FLASH_BASE + offset as usize,
FLASH_BASE + offset as usize + bytes.len()
check_read(self, offset, bytes.len())?;
let flash_data = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts((FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset) as *const u8, bytes.len()) };
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
pub fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
check_erase(self, from, to)?;
"Erasing from 0x{:x} to 0x{:x}",
FLASH_BASE as u32 + from,
FLASH_BASE as u32 + to
let len = to - from;
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_erase(from, len, true))? };
pub fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
check_write(self, offset, bytes.len())?;
trace!("Writing {:?} bytes to 0x{:x}", bytes.len(), FLASH_BASE as u32 + offset);
let end_offset = offset as usize + bytes.len();
let padded_offset = (offset as *const u8).align_offset(PAGE_SIZE);
let start_padding = core::cmp::min(padded_offset, bytes.len());
// Pad in the beginning
if start_padding > 0 {
let start = PAGE_SIZE - padded_offset;
let end = start + start_padding;
let mut pad_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
let unaligned_offset = offset as usize - start;
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(unaligned_offset as u32, &pad_buf, true))? }
let remaining_len = bytes.len() - start_padding;
let end_padding = start_padding + PAGE_SIZE * (remaining_len / PAGE_SIZE);
// Write aligned slice of length in multiples of 256 bytes
// If the remaining bytes to be written is more than a full page.
if remaining_len >= PAGE_SIZE {
let mut aligned_offset = if start_padding > 0 {
offset as usize + padded_offset
} else {
offset as usize
if bytes.as_ptr() as usize >= 0x2000_0000 {
let aligned_data = &bytes[start_padding..end_padding];
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(aligned_offset as u32, aligned_data, true))? }
} else {
for chunk in bytes[start_padding..end_padding].chunks_exact(PAGE_SIZE) {
let mut ram_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(aligned_offset as u32, &ram_buf, true))? }
aligned_offset += PAGE_SIZE;
// Pad in the end
let rem_offset = (end_offset as *const u8).align_offset(PAGE_SIZE);
let rem_padding = remaining_len % PAGE_SIZE;
if rem_padding > 0 {
let mut pad_buf = [0xFF_u8; PAGE_SIZE];
let unaligned_offset = end_offset - (PAGE_SIZE - rem_offset);
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_range_program(unaligned_offset as u32, &pad_buf, true))? }
/// Make sure to uphold the contract points with rp2040-flash.
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
unsafe fn in_ram(&mut self, operation: impl FnOnce()) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Make sure we're running on CORE0
let core_id: u32 = unsafe { pac::SIO.cpuid().read() };
if core_id != 0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidCore);
// Make sure CORE1 is paused during the entire duration of the RAM function
critical_section::with(|_| {
// Wait for all DMA channels in flash to finish before ram operation
const SRAM_LOWER: u32 = 0x2000_0000;
for n in 0..crate::dma::CHANNEL_COUNT {
let ch = crate::pac::DMA.ch(n);
while ch.read_addr().read() < SRAM_LOWER && ch.ctrl_trig().read().busy() {}
// Run our flash operation in RAM
// Resume CORE1 execution
/// Read SPI flash unique ID
pub fn unique_id(&mut self, uid: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe { self.in_ram(|| ram_helpers::flash_unique_id(uid, true))? };
/// Read SPI flash JEDEC ID
pub fn jedec_id(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut jedec = None;
unsafe {
self.in_ram(|| {
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> ErrorType for Flash<'d, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
type Error = Error;
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> ReadNorFlash for Flash<'d, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
const READ_SIZE: usize = READ_SIZE;
fn read(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.read(offset, bytes)
fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> MultiwriteNorFlash for Flash<'d, T, FLASH_SIZE> {}
impl<'d, T: Instance, const FLASH_SIZE: usize> NorFlash for Flash<'d, T, FLASH_SIZE> {
const WRITE_SIZE: usize = WRITE_SIZE;
const ERASE_SIZE: usize = ERASE_SIZE;
fn erase(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.erase(from, to)
fn write(&mut self, offset: u32, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.write(offset, bytes)
mod ram_helpers {
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::rom_data;
struct FlashFunctionPointers<'a> {
connect_internal_flash: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_exit_xip: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_range_erase: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(addr: u32, count: usize, block_size: u32, block_cmd: u8) -> ()>,
flash_range_program: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(addr: u32, data: *const u8, count: usize) -> ()>,
flash_flush_cache: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (),
phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
fn flash_function_pointers(erase: bool, write: bool) -> FlashFunctionPointers<'static> {
FlashFunctionPointers {
connect_internal_flash: rom_data::connect_internal_flash::ptr(),
flash_exit_xip: rom_data::flash_exit_xip::ptr(),
flash_range_erase: if erase {
} else {
flash_range_program: if write {
} else {
flash_flush_cache: rom_data::flash_flush_cache::ptr(),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: rom_data::flash_enter_cmd_xip::ptr(),
phantom: PhantomData,
/// # Safety
/// `boot2` must contain a valid 2nd stage boot loader which can be called to re-initialize XIP mode
unsafe fn flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(erase: bool, write: bool, boot2: &[u32; 64]) -> FlashFunctionPointers {
let boot2_fn_ptr = (boot2 as *const u32 as *const u8).offset(1);
let boot2_fn: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> () = core::mem::transmute(boot2_fn_ptr);
FlashFunctionPointers {
connect_internal_flash: rom_data::connect_internal_flash::ptr(),
flash_exit_xip: rom_data::flash_exit_xip::ptr(),
flash_range_erase: if erase {
} else {
flash_range_program: if write {
} else {
flash_flush_cache: rom_data::flash_flush_cache::ptr(),
flash_enter_cmd_xip: boot2_fn,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Erase a flash range starting at `addr` with length `len`.
/// `addr` and `len` must be multiples of 4096
/// If `use_boot2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_erase(addr: u32, len: u32, use_boot2: bool) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if use_boot2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, super::FLASH_BASE as *const _, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(true, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(true, false)
write_flash_inner(addr, len, None, &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
/// Erase and rewrite a flash range starting at `addr` with data `data`.
/// `addr` and `data.len()` must be multiples of 4096
/// If `use_boot2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_erase_and_program(addr: u32, data: &[u8], use_boot2: bool) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if use_boot2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, super::FLASH_BASE as *const _, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(true, true, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(true, true)
data.len() as u32,
&ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers,
/// Write a flash range starting at `addr` with data `data`.
/// `addr` and `data.len()` must be multiples of 256
/// If `use_boot2` is `true`, a copy of the 2nd stage boot loader
/// is used to re-initialize the XIP engine after flashing.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// `addr` and `len` parameters must be valid and are not checked.
pub unsafe fn flash_range_program(addr: u32, data: &[u8], use_boot2: bool) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if use_boot2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, super::FLASH_BASE as *const _, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, true, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, true)
data.len() as u32,
&ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers,
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Length of data must be a multiple of 4096
/// addr must be aligned to 4096
#[link_section = ".data.ram_func"]
unsafe fn write_flash_inner(addr: u32, len: u32, data: Option<&[u8]>, ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
Should be equivalent to:
rom_data::flash_range_erase(addr, len, 1 << 31, 0); // if selected
rom_data::flash_range_program(addr, data as *const _, len); // if selected
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
"mov r8, r0",
"mov r9, r2",
"mov r10, r1",
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #0]",
"blx r4", // connect_internal_flash()
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #4]",
"blx r4", // flash_exit_xip()
"mov r0, r8", // r0 = addr
"mov r1, r10", // r1 = len
"movs r2, #1",
"lsls r2, r2, #31", // r2 = 1 << 31
"movs r3, #0", // r3 = 0
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #8]",
"cmp r4, #0",
"beq 1f",
"blx r4", // flash_range_erase(addr, len, 1 << 31, 0)
"mov r0, r8", // r0 = addr
"mov r1, r9", // r0 = data
"mov r2, r10", // r2 = len
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #12]",
"cmp r4, #0",
"beq 1f",
"blx r4", // flash_range_program(addr, data, len);
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #16]",
"blx r4", // flash_flush_cache();
"ldr r4, [{ptrs}, #20]",
"blx r4", // flash_enter_cmd_xip();
ptrs = in(reg) ptrs,
// Registers r8-r15 are not allocated automatically,
// so assign them manually. We need to use them as
// otherwise there are not enough registers available.
in("r0") addr,
in("r2") data.map(|d| d.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(core::ptr::null()),
in("r1") len,
out("r3") _,
out("r4") _,
lateout("r8") _,
lateout("r9") _,
lateout("r10") _,
struct FlashCommand {
cmd_addr: *const u8,
cmd_addr_len: u32,
dummy_len: u32,
data: *mut u8,
data_len: u32,
/// Return SPI flash unique ID
/// Not all SPI flashes implement this command, so check the JEDEC
/// ID before relying on it. The Winbond parts commonly seen on
/// RP2040 devboards (JEDEC=0xEF7015) support an 8-byte unique ID;
/// https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=331949 suggests
/// that LCSC (Zetta) parts have a 16-byte unique ID (which is
/// *not* unique in just its first 8 bytes),
/// JEDEC=0xBA6015. Macronix and Spansion parts do not have a
/// unique ID.
/// The returned bytes are relatively predictable and should be
/// salted and hashed before use if that is an issue (e.g. for MAC
/// addresses).
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
pub unsafe fn flash_unique_id(out: &mut [u8], use_boot2: bool) {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if use_boot2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, 0x10000000 as *const _, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, false)
// 4B - read unique ID
let cmd = [0x4B];
read_flash(&cmd[..], 4, out, &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
/// Return SPI flash JEDEC ID
/// This is the three-byte manufacturer-and-model identifier
/// commonly used to check before using manufacturer-specific SPI
/// flash features, e.g. 0xEF7015 for Winbond W25Q16JV.
/// # Safety
/// Nothing must access flash while this is running.
/// Usually this means:
/// - interrupts must be disabled
/// - 2nd core must be running code from RAM or ROM with interrupts disabled
/// - DMA must not access flash memory
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
pub unsafe fn flash_jedec_id(use_boot2: bool) -> u32 {
let mut boot2 = [0u32; 256 / 4];
let ptrs = if use_boot2 {
rom_data::memcpy44(&mut boot2 as *mut _, 0x10000000 as *const _, 256);
flash_function_pointers_with_boot2(false, false, &boot2)
} else {
flash_function_pointers(false, false)
let mut id = [0u8; 4];
// 9F - read JEDEC ID
let cmd = [0x9F];
read_flash(&cmd[..], 0, &mut id[1..4], &ptrs as *const FlashFunctionPointers);
unsafe fn read_flash(cmd_addr: &[u8], dummy_len: u32, out: &mut [u8], ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
FlashCommand {
cmd_addr: cmd_addr.as_ptr(),
cmd_addr_len: cmd_addr.len() as u32,
data: out.as_mut_ptr(),
data_len: out.len() as u32,
/// Issue a generic SPI flash read command
/// # Arguments
/// * `cmd` - `FlashCommand` structure
/// * `ptrs` - Flash function pointers as per `write_flash_inner`
/// Credit: taken from `rp2040-flash` (also licensed Apache+MIT)
#[link_section = ".data.ram_func"]
unsafe fn read_flash_inner(cmd: FlashCommand, ptrs: *const FlashFunctionPointers) {
"mov r10, r0", // cmd
"mov r5, r1", // ptrs
"ldr r4, [r5, #0]",
"blx r4", // connect_internal_flash()
"ldr r4, [r5, #4]",
"blx r4", // flash_exit_xip()
"mov r7, r10", // cmd
"movs r4, #0x18",
"lsls r4, r4, #24", // 0x18000000, SSI, RP2040 datasheet 4.10.13
// Disable, write 0 to SSIENR
"movs r0, #0",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write ctrlr0
"movs r0, #0x3",
"lsls r0, r0, #8", // TMOD=0x300
"ldr r1, [r4, #0]", // CTRLR0
"orrs r1, r0",
"str r1, [r4, #0]",
// Write ctrlr1 with len-1
"ldr r0, [r7, #8]", // dummy_len
"ldr r1, [r7, #16]", // data_len
"add r0, r1",
"subs r0, #1",
"str r0, [r4, #0x04]", // CTRLR1
// Enable, write 1 to ssienr
"movs r0, #1",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write cmd/addr phase to DR
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldr r0, [r7, #0]", // cmd_addr
"ldr r1, [r7, #4]", // cmd_addr_len
"ldrb r3, [r0]",
"strb r3, [r2]", // DR
"adds r0, #1",
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 10b",
// Skip any dummy cycles
"ldr r1, [r7, #8]", // dummy_len
"cmp r1, #0",
"beq 9f",
"ldr r3, [r4, #0x28]", // SR
"movs r2, #0x8",
"tst r3, r2", // SR.RFNE
"beq 4b",
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldrb r3, [r2]", // DR
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 4b",
// Read RX fifo
"ldr r0, [r7, #12]", // data
"ldr r1, [r7, #16]", // data_len
"ldr r3, [r4, #0x28]", // SR
"movs r2, #0x8",
"tst r3, r2", // SR.RFNE
"beq 2b",
"mov r2, r4",
"adds r2, 0x60", // &DR
"ldrb r3, [r2]", // DR
"strb r3, [r0]",
"adds r0, #1",
"subs r1, #1",
"bne 2b",
// Disable, write 0 to ssienr
"movs r0, #0",
"str r0, [r4, #8]", // SSIENR
// Write 0 to CTRLR1 (returning to its default value)
// flash_enter_cmd_xip does NOT do this, and everything goes
// wrong unless we do it here
"str r0, [r4, #4]", // CTRLR1
"ldr r4, [r5, #20]",
"blx r4", // flash_enter_cmd_xip();
in("r0") &cmd as *const FlashCommand,
in("r1") ptrs,
out("r2") _,
out("r3") _,
out("r4") _,
// Registers r8-r10 are used to store values
// from r0-r2 in registers not clobbered by
// function calls.
// The values can't be passed in using r8-r10 directly
// due to https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/99071
out("r8") _,
out("r9") _,
out("r10") _,
mod sealed {
pub trait Instance {}
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance {}
impl sealed::Instance for FLASH {}
impl Instance for FLASH {}