2023-10-22 22:39:55 +02:00

362 lines
11 KiB

use stm32_metapac::flash::vals::Latency;
use stm32_metapac::rcc::vals::{Adcsel, Pllsrc, Sw};
use stm32_metapac::FLASH;
pub use crate::pac::rcc::vals::{
Adcsel as AdcClockSource, Hpre as AHBPrescaler, Pllm as PllM, Plln as PllN, Pllp as PllP, Pllq as PllQ,
Pllr as PllR, Ppre as APBPrescaler,
use crate::pac::{PWR, RCC};
use crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral;
use crate::rcc::{set_freqs, Clocks};
use crate::time::Hertz;
/// HSI speed
pub const HSI_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz(16_000_000);
/// System clock mux source
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ClockSrc {
/// PLL clock input source
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum PllSrc {
impl Into<Pllsrc> for PllSrc {
fn into(self) -> Pllsrc {
match self {
PllSrc::HSE(..) => Pllsrc::HSE,
PllSrc::HSI => Pllsrc::HSI,
/// PLL Configuration
/// Use this struct to configure the PLL source, input frequency, multiplication factor, and output
/// dividers. Be sure to keep check the datasheet for your specific part for the appropriate
/// frequency ranges for each of these settings.
pub struct Pll {
/// PLL Source clock selection.
pub source: PllSrc,
/// PLL pre-divider
pub prediv_m: PllM,
/// PLL multiplication factor for VCO
pub mul_n: PllN,
/// PLL division factor for P clock (ADC Clock)
pub div_p: Option<PllP>,
/// PLL division factor for Q clock (USB, I2S23, SAI1, FDCAN, QSPI)
pub div_q: Option<PllQ>,
/// PLL division factor for R clock (SYSCLK)
pub div_r: Option<PllR>,
/// Sets the source for the 48MHz clock to the USB and RNG peripherals.
pub enum Clock48MhzSrc {
/// Use the High Speed Internal Oscillator. For USB usage, the CRS must be used to calibrate the
/// oscillator to comply with the USB specification for oscillator tolerance.
/// Use the PLLQ output. The PLL must be configured to output a 48MHz clock. For USB usage the
/// PLL needs to be using the HSE source to comply with the USB specification for oscillator
/// tolerance.
/// Sets the sync source for the Clock Recovery System (CRS).
pub enum CrsSyncSource {
/// Use an external GPIO to sync the CRS.
/// Use the Low Speed External oscillator to sync the CRS.
/// Use the USB SOF to sync the CRS.
/// Clocks configutation
pub struct Config {
pub mux: ClockSrc,
pub ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler,
pub apb1_pre: APBPrescaler,
pub apb2_pre: APBPrescaler,
pub low_power_run: bool,
/// Iff PLL is requested as the main clock source in the `mux` field then the PLL configuration
/// MUST turn on the PLLR output.
pub pll: Option<Pll>,
/// Sets the clock source for the 48MHz clock used by the USB and RNG peripherals.
pub clock_48mhz_src: Option<Clock48MhzSrc>,
pub adc12_clock_source: AdcClockSource,
pub adc345_clock_source: AdcClockSource,
pub ls: super::LsConfig,
/// Configuration for the Clock Recovery System (CRS) used to trim the HSI48 oscillator.
pub struct CrsConfig {
/// Sync source for the CRS.
pub sync_src: CrsSyncSource,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
mux: ClockSrc::HSI,
ahb_pre: AHBPrescaler::DIV1,
apb1_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
apb2_pre: APBPrescaler::DIV1,
low_power_run: false,
pll: None,
clock_48mhz_src: Some(Clock48MhzSrc::Hsi48(None)),
adc12_clock_source: Adcsel::DISABLE,
adc345_clock_source: Adcsel::DISABLE,
ls: Default::default(),
pub struct PllFreq {
pub pll_p: Option<Hertz>,
pub pll_q: Option<Hertz>,
pub pll_r: Option<Hertz>,
pub(crate) unsafe fn init(config: Config) {
let pll_freq = config.pll.map(|pll_config| {
let src_freq = match pll_config.source {
PllSrc::HSI => {
RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
PllSrc::HSE(freq) => {
RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
// Disable PLL before configuration
RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(false));
while RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
let internal_freq = src_freq / pll_config.prediv_m * pll_config.mul_n;
RCC.pllcfgr().write(|w| {
let pll_p_freq = pll_config.div_p.map(|div_p| {
RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
internal_freq / div_p
let pll_q_freq = pll_config.div_q.map(|div_q| {
RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
internal_freq / div_q
let pll_r_freq = pll_config.div_r.map(|div_r| {
RCC.pllcfgr().modify(|w| {
internal_freq / div_r
// Enable the PLL
RCC.cr().modify(|w| w.set_pllon(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().pllrdy() {}
PllFreq {
pll_p: pll_p_freq,
pll_q: pll_q_freq,
pll_r: pll_r_freq,
let (sys_clk, sw) = match config.mux {
ClockSrc::HSI => {
// Enable HSI
RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hsion(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().hsirdy() {}
ClockSrc::HSE(freq) => {
// Enable HSE
RCC.cr().write(|w| w.set_hseon(true));
while !RCC.cr().read().hserdy() {}
(freq, Sw::HSE)
ClockSrc::PLL => {
let freq = pll_freq.as_ref().unwrap().pll_r.unwrap().0;
assert!(freq <= 170_000_000);
if freq >= 150_000_000 {
// Enable Core Boost mode on freq >= 150Mhz ([RM0440] p234)
PWR.cr5().modify(|w| w.set_r1mode(false));
// Set flash wait state in boost mode based on frequency ([RM0440] p191)
if freq <= 36_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS0));
} else if freq <= 68_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS1));
} else if freq <= 102_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS2));
} else if freq <= 136_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS3));
} else {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS4));
} else {
PWR.cr5().modify(|w| w.set_r1mode(true));
// Set flash wait state in normal mode based on frequency ([RM0440] p191)
if freq <= 30_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS0));
} else if freq <= 60_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS1));
} else if freq <= 80_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS2));
} else if freq <= 120_000_000 {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS3));
} else {
FLASH.acr().modify(|w| w.set_latency(Latency::WS4));
(Hertz(freq), Sw::PLL1_R)
RCC.cfgr().modify(|w| {
let ahb_freq = sys_clk / config.ahb_pre;
let (apb1_freq, apb1_tim_freq) = match config.apb1_pre {
APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
pre => {
let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
(freq, freq * 2u32)
let (apb2_freq, apb2_tim_freq) = match config.apb2_pre {
APBPrescaler::DIV1 => (ahb_freq, ahb_freq),
pre => {
let freq = ahb_freq / pre;
(freq, freq * 2u32)
// Setup the 48 MHz clock if needed
if let Some(clock_48mhz_src) = config.clock_48mhz_src {
let source = match clock_48mhz_src {
Clock48MhzSrc::PllQ => {
// Make sure the PLLQ is enabled and running at 48Mhz
let pllq_freq = pll_freq.as_ref().and_then(|f| f.pll_q);
assert!(pllq_freq.is_some() && pllq_freq.unwrap().0 == 48_000_000);
Clock48MhzSrc::Hsi48(crs_config) => {
// Enable HSI48
RCC.crrcr().modify(|w| w.set_hsi48on(true));
// Wait for HSI48 to turn on
while RCC.crrcr().read().hsi48rdy() == false {}
// Enable and setup CRS if needed
if let Some(crs_config) = crs_config {
let sync_src = match crs_config.sync_src {
CrsSyncSource::Gpio => crate::pac::crs::vals::Syncsrc::GPIO,
CrsSyncSource::Lse => crate::pac::crs::vals::Syncsrc::LSE,
CrsSyncSource::Usb => crate::pac::crs::vals::Syncsrc::USB,
crate::pac::CRS.cfgr().modify(|w| {
// These are the correct settings for standard USB operation. If other settings
// are needed there will need to be additional config options for the CRS.
crate::pac::CRS.cr().modify(|w| {
RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| w.set_clk48sel(source));
RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| w.set_adc12sel(config.adc12_clock_source));
RCC.ccipr().modify(|w| w.set_adc345sel(config.adc345_clock_source));
let adc12_ck = match config.adc12_clock_source {
AdcClockSource::DISABLE => None,
AdcClockSource::PLL1_P => pll_freq.as_ref().unwrap().pll_p,
AdcClockSource::SYS => Some(sys_clk),
_ => unreachable!(),
let adc345_ck = match config.adc345_clock_source {
AdcClockSource::DISABLE => None,
AdcClockSource::PLL1_P => pll_freq.as_ref().unwrap().pll_p,
AdcClockSource::SYS => Some(sys_clk),
_ => unreachable!(),
if config.low_power_run {
assert!(sys_clk <= Hertz(2_000_000));
PWR.cr1().modify(|w| w.set_lpr(true));
let rtc = config.ls.init();
set_freqs(Clocks {
sys: sys_clk,
hclk1: ahb_freq,
hclk2: ahb_freq,
pclk1: apb1_freq,
pclk1_tim: apb1_tim_freq,
pclk2: apb2_freq,
pclk2_tim: apb2_tim_freq,
adc: adc12_ck,
adc34: adc345_ck,
pll1_p: None,