578 lines
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578 lines
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//! Raw executor.
//! This module exposes "raw" Executor and Task structs for more low level control.
//! ## WARNING: here be dragons!
//! Using this module requires respecting subtle safety contracts. If you can, prefer using the safe
//! [executor wrappers](crate::Executor) and the [`embassy_executor::task`](embassy_macros::task) macro, which are fully safe.
mod run_queue;
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
mod timer_queue;
pub(crate) mod util;
mod waker;
use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use atomic_polyfill::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
use critical_section::CriticalSection;
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
use embassy_time::driver::{self, AlarmHandle};
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
use embassy_time::Instant;
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
use rtos_trace::trace;
use self::run_queue::{RunQueue, RunQueueItem};
use self::util::{SyncUnsafeCell, UninitCell};
pub use self::waker::task_from_waker;
use super::SpawnToken;
/// Task is spawned (has a future)
pub(crate) const STATE_SPAWNED: u32 = 1 << 0;
/// Task is in the executor run queue
pub(crate) const STATE_RUN_QUEUED: u32 = 1 << 1;
/// Task is in the executor timer queue
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
pub(crate) const STATE_TIMER_QUEUED: u32 = 1 << 2;
/// Raw task header for use in task pointers.
pub(crate) struct TaskHeader {
pub(crate) state: AtomicU32,
pub(crate) run_queue_item: RunQueueItem,
pub(crate) executor: SyncUnsafeCell<Option<&'static SyncExecutor>>,
poll_fn: SyncUnsafeCell<Option<unsafe fn(TaskRef)>>,
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
pub(crate) expires_at: SyncUnsafeCell<Instant>,
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
pub(crate) timer_queue_item: timer_queue::TimerQueueItem,
/// This is essentially a `&'static TaskStorage<F>` where the type of the future has been erased.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TaskRef {
ptr: NonNull<TaskHeader>,
unsafe impl Send for TaskRef where &'static TaskHeader: Send {}
unsafe impl Sync for TaskRef where &'static TaskHeader: Sync {}
impl TaskRef {
fn new<F: Future + 'static>(task: &'static TaskStorage<F>) -> Self {
Self {
ptr: NonNull::from(task).cast(),
/// Safety: The pointer must have been obtained with `Task::as_ptr`
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *const TaskHeader) -> Self {
Self {
ptr: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut TaskHeader),
pub(crate) fn header(self) -> &'static TaskHeader {
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
/// The returned pointer is valid for the entire TaskStorage.
pub(crate) fn as_ptr(self) -> *const TaskHeader {
/// Raw storage in which a task can be spawned.
/// This struct holds the necessary memory to spawn one task whose future is `F`.
/// At a given time, the `TaskStorage` may be in spawned or not-spawned state. You
/// may spawn it with [`TaskStorage::spawn()`], which will fail if it is already spawned.
/// A `TaskStorage` must live forever, it may not be deallocated even after the task has finished
/// running. Hence the relevant methods require `&'static self`. It may be reused, however.
/// Internally, the [embassy_executor::task](embassy_macros::task) macro allocates an array of `TaskStorage`s
/// in a `static`. The most common reason to use the raw `Task` is to have control of where
/// the memory for the task is allocated: on the stack, or on the heap with e.g. `Box::leak`, etc.
// repr(C) is needed to guarantee that the Task is located at offset 0
// This makes it safe to cast between TaskHeader and TaskStorage pointers.
pub struct TaskStorage<F: Future + 'static> {
raw: TaskHeader,
future: UninitCell<F>, // Valid if STATE_SPAWNED
impl<F: Future + 'static> TaskStorage<F> {
const NEW: Self = Self::new();
/// Create a new TaskStorage, in not-spawned state.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
raw: TaskHeader {
state: AtomicU32::new(0),
run_queue_item: RunQueueItem::new(),
executor: SyncUnsafeCell::new(None),
// Note: this is lazily initialized so that a static `TaskStorage` will go in `.bss`
poll_fn: SyncUnsafeCell::new(None),
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
expires_at: SyncUnsafeCell::new(Instant::from_ticks(0)),
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
timer_queue_item: timer_queue::TimerQueueItem::new(),
future: UninitCell::uninit(),
/// Try to spawn the task.
/// The `future` closure constructs the future. It's only called if spawning is
/// actually possible. It is a closure instead of a simple `future: F` param to ensure
/// the future is constructed in-place, avoiding a temporary copy in the stack thanks to
/// NRVO optimizations.
/// This function will fail if the task is already spawned and has not finished running.
/// In this case, the error is delayed: a "poisoned" SpawnToken is returned, which will
/// cause [`Spawner::spawn()`](super::Spawner::spawn) to return the error.
/// Once the task has finished running, you may spawn it again. It is allowed to spawn it
/// on a different executor.
pub fn spawn(&'static self, future: impl FnOnce() -> F) -> SpawnToken<impl Sized> {
let task = AvailableTask::claim(self);
match task {
Some(task) => {
let task = task.initialize(future);
unsafe { SpawnToken::<F>::new(task) }
None => SpawnToken::new_failed(),
unsafe fn poll(p: TaskRef) {
let this = &*(p.as_ptr() as *const TaskStorage<F>);
let future = Pin::new_unchecked(this.future.as_mut());
let waker = waker::from_task(p);
let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
match future.poll(&mut cx) {
Poll::Ready(_) => {
this.raw.state.fetch_and(!STATE_SPAWNED, Ordering::AcqRel);
Poll::Pending => {}
// the compiler is emitting a virtual call for waker drop, but we know
// it's a noop for our waker.
fn _assert_sync(self) {
fn assert_sync<T: Sync>(_: T) {}
struct AvailableTask<F: Future + 'static> {
task: &'static TaskStorage<F>,
impl<F: Future + 'static> AvailableTask<F> {
fn claim(task: &'static TaskStorage<F>) -> Option<Self> {
.compare_exchange(0, STATE_SPAWNED | STATE_RUN_QUEUED, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Acquire)
.map(|_| Self { task })
fn initialize(self, future: impl FnOnce() -> F) -> TaskRef {
unsafe {
/// Raw storage that can hold up to N tasks of the same type.
/// This is essentially a `[TaskStorage<F>; N]`.
pub struct TaskPool<F: Future + 'static, const N: usize> {
pool: [TaskStorage<F>; N],
impl<F: Future + 'static, const N: usize> TaskPool<F, N> {
/// Create a new TaskPool, with all tasks in non-spawned state.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
pool: [TaskStorage::NEW; N],
/// Try to spawn a task in the pool.
/// See [`TaskStorage::spawn()`] for details.
/// This will loop over the pool and spawn the task in the first storage that
/// is currently free. If none is free, a "poisoned" SpawnToken is returned,
/// which will cause [`Spawner::spawn()`](super::Spawner::spawn) to return the error.
pub fn spawn(&'static self, future: impl FnOnce() -> F) -> SpawnToken<impl Sized> {
let task = self.pool.iter().find_map(AvailableTask::claim);
match task {
Some(task) => {
let task = task.initialize(future);
unsafe { SpawnToken::<F>::new(task) }
None => SpawnToken::new_failed(),
/// Like spawn(), but allows the task to be send-spawned if the args are Send even if
/// the future is !Send.
/// Not covered by semver guarantees. DO NOT call this directly. Intended to be used
/// by the Embassy macros ONLY.
/// SAFETY: `future` must be a closure of the form `move || my_async_fn(args)`, where `my_async_fn`
/// is an `async fn`, NOT a hand-written `Future`.
pub unsafe fn _spawn_async_fn<FutFn>(&'static self, future: FutFn) -> SpawnToken<impl Sized>
FutFn: FnOnce() -> F,
// When send-spawning a task, we construct the future in this thread, and effectively
// "send" it to the executor thread by enqueuing it in its queue. Therefore, in theory,
// send-spawning should require the future `F` to be `Send`.
// The problem is this is more restrictive than needed. Once the future is executing,
// it is never sent to another thread. It is only sent when spawning. It should be
// enough for the task's arguments to be Send. (and in practice it's super easy to
// accidentally make your futures !Send, for example by holding an `Rc` or a `&RefCell` across an `.await`.)
// We can do it by sending the task args and constructing the future in the executor thread
// on first poll. However, this cannot be done in-place, so it'll waste stack space for a copy
// of the args.
// Luckily, an `async fn` future contains just the args when freshly constructed. So, if the
// args are Send, it's OK to send a !Send future, as long as we do it before first polling it.
// (Note: this is how the generators are implemented today, it's not officially guaranteed yet,
// but it's possible it'll be guaranteed in the future. See zulip thread:
// https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/187312-wg-async/topic/.22only.20before.20poll.22.20Send.20futures )
// The `FutFn` captures all the args, so if it's Send, the task can be send-spawned.
// This is why we return `SpawnToken<FutFn>` below.
// This ONLY holds for `async fn` futures. The other `spawn` methods can be called directly
// by the user, with arbitrary hand-implemented futures. This is why these return `SpawnToken<F>`.
let task = self.pool.iter().find_map(AvailableTask::claim);
match task {
Some(task) => {
let task = task.initialize(future);
unsafe { SpawnToken::<FutFn>::new(task) }
None => SpawnToken::new_failed(),
struct SignalCtx(*mut ());
unsafe impl Sync for SignalCtx {}
pub(crate) struct SyncExecutor {
run_queue: RunQueue,
signal_fn: fn(*mut ()),
signal_ctx: SignalCtx,
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
pub(crate) timer_queue: timer_queue::TimerQueue,
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
alarm: AlarmHandle,
impl SyncExecutor {
pub(crate) fn new(signal_fn: fn(*mut ()), signal_ctx: *mut ()) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
let alarm = unsafe { unwrap!(driver::allocate_alarm()) };
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
driver::set_alarm_callback(alarm, signal_fn, signal_ctx);
Self {
run_queue: RunQueue::new(),
signal_ctx: SignalCtx(signal_ctx),
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
timer_queue: timer_queue::TimerQueue::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
/// Enqueue a task in the task queue
/// # Safety
/// - `task` must be a valid pointer to a spawned task.
/// - `task` must be set up to run in this executor.
/// - `task` must NOT be already enqueued (in this executor or another one).
unsafe fn enqueue(&self, cs: CriticalSection, task: TaskRef) {
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
trace::task_ready_begin(task.as_ptr() as u32);
if self.run_queue.enqueue(cs, task) {
/// Spawn a task in this executor.
/// # Safety
/// `task` must be a valid pointer to an initialized but not-already-spawned task.
/// It is OK to use `unsafe` to call this from a thread that's not the executor thread.
/// In this case, the task's Future must be Send. This is because this is effectively
/// sending the task to the executor thread.
pub(super) unsafe fn spawn(&'static self, task: TaskRef) {
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
trace::task_new(task.as_ptr() as u32);
critical_section::with(|cs| {
self.enqueue(cs, task);
/// Poll all queued tasks in this executor.
/// This loops over all tasks that are queued to be polled (i.e. they're
/// freshly spawned or they've been woken). Other tasks are not polled.
/// You must call `poll` after receiving a call to `signal_fn`. It is OK
/// to call `poll` even when not requested by `signal_fn`, but it wastes
/// energy.
/// # Safety
/// You must NOT call `poll` reentrantly on the same executor.
/// In particular, note that `poll` may call `signal_fn` synchronously. Therefore, you
/// must NOT directly call `poll()` from your `signal_fn`. Instead, `signal_fn` has to
/// somehow schedule for `poll()` to be called later, at a time you know for sure there's
/// no `poll()` already running.
pub(crate) unsafe fn poll(&'static self) {
loop {
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
self.timer_queue.dequeue_expired(Instant::now(), |task| wake_task(task));
self.run_queue.dequeue_all(|p| {
let task = p.header();
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
let state = task.state.fetch_and(!STATE_RUN_QUEUED, Ordering::AcqRel);
if state & STATE_SPAWNED == 0 {
// If task is not running, ignore it. This can happen in the following scenario:
// - Task gets dequeued, poll starts
// - While task is being polled, it gets woken. It gets placed in the queue.
// - Task poll finishes, returning done=true
// - RUNNING bit is cleared, but the task is already in the queue.
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
trace::task_exec_begin(p.as_ptr() as u32);
// Run the task
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
// Enqueue or update into timer_queue
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
// If this is already in the past, set_alarm might return false
// In that case do another poll loop iteration.
let next_expiration = self.timer_queue.next_expiration();
if driver::set_alarm(self.alarm, next_expiration.as_ticks()) {
#[cfg(not(feature = "integrated-timers"))]
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
/// Raw executor.
/// This is the core of the Embassy executor. It is low-level, requiring manual
/// handling of wakeups and task polling. If you can, prefer using one of the
/// [higher level executors](crate::Executor).
/// The raw executor leaves it up to you to handle wakeups and scheduling:
/// - To get the executor to do work, call `poll()`. This will poll all queued tasks (all tasks
/// that "want to run").
/// - You must supply a `signal_fn`. The executor will call it to notify you it has work
/// to do. You must arrange for `poll()` to be called as soon as possible.
/// `signal_fn` can be called from *any* context: any thread, any interrupt priority
/// level, etc. It may be called synchronously from any `Executor` method call as well.
/// You must deal with this correctly.
/// In particular, you must NOT call `poll` directly from `signal_fn`, as this violates
/// the requirement for `poll` to not be called reentrantly.
pub struct Executor {
pub(crate) inner: SyncExecutor,
_not_sync: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
impl Executor {
pub(crate) unsafe fn wrap(inner: &SyncExecutor) -> &Self {
/// Create a new executor.
/// When the executor has work to do, it will call `signal_fn` with
/// `signal_ctx` as argument.
/// See [`Executor`] docs for details on `signal_fn`.
pub fn new(signal_fn: fn(*mut ()), signal_ctx: *mut ()) -> Self {
Self {
inner: SyncExecutor::new(signal_fn, signal_ctx),
_not_sync: PhantomData,
/// Spawn a task in this executor.
/// # Safety
/// `task` must be a valid pointer to an initialized but not-already-spawned task.
/// It is OK to use `unsafe` to call this from a thread that's not the executor thread.
/// In this case, the task's Future must be Send. This is because this is effectively
/// sending the task to the executor thread.
pub(super) unsafe fn spawn(&'static self, task: TaskRef) {
/// Poll all queued tasks in this executor.
/// This loops over all tasks that are queued to be polled (i.e. they're
/// freshly spawned or they've been woken). Other tasks are not polled.
/// You must call `poll` after receiving a call to `signal_fn`. It is OK
/// to call `poll` even when not requested by `signal_fn`, but it wastes
/// energy.
/// # Safety
/// You must NOT call `poll` reentrantly on the same executor.
/// In particular, note that `poll` may call `signal_fn` synchronously. Therefore, you
/// must NOT directly call `poll()` from your `signal_fn`. Instead, `signal_fn` has to
/// somehow schedule for `poll()` to be called later, at a time you know for sure there's
/// no `poll()` already running.
pub unsafe fn poll(&'static self) {
/// Get a spawner that spawns tasks in this executor.
/// It is OK to call this method multiple times to obtain multiple
/// `Spawner`s. You may also copy `Spawner`s.
pub fn spawner(&'static self) -> super::Spawner {
/// Wake a task by `TaskRef`.
/// You can obtain a `TaskRef` from a `Waker` using [`task_from_waker`].
pub fn wake_task(task: TaskRef) {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let header = task.header();
let state = header.state.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
// If already scheduled, or if not started,
if (state & STATE_RUN_QUEUED != 0) || (state & STATE_SPAWNED == 0) {
// Mark it as scheduled
header.state.store(state | STATE_RUN_QUEUED, Ordering::Relaxed);
// We have just marked the task as scheduled, so enqueue it.
unsafe {
let executor = header.executor.get().unwrap_unchecked();
executor.enqueue(cs, task);
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
struct TimerQueue;
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
impl embassy_time::queue::TimerQueue for TimerQueue {
fn schedule_wake(&'static self, at: Instant, waker: &core::task::Waker) {
let task = waker::task_from_waker(waker);
let task = task.header();
unsafe {
let expires_at = task.expires_at.get();
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
embassy_time::timer_queue_impl!(static TIMER_QUEUE: TimerQueue = TimerQueue);
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
impl rtos_trace::RtosTraceOSCallbacks for Executor {
fn task_list() {
// We don't know what tasks exist, so we can't send them.
#[cfg(feature = "integrated-timers")]
fn time() -> u64 {
#[cfg(not(feature = "integrated-timers"))]
fn time() -> u64 {
#[cfg(feature = "rtos-trace")]
rtos_trace::global_os_callbacks! {Executor}