By having the user pass in the resources, we can make them generic, this way the user can choose the size of the individual resources
262 lines
7.7 KiB
262 lines
7.7 KiB
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::future::Future;
use core::task::Context;
use core::task::Poll;
use embassy::time::{Instant, Timer};
use embassy::util::ThreadModeMutex;
use embassy::util::WakerRegistration;
use futures::pin_mut;
use smoltcp::iface::InterfaceBuilder;
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
use smoltcp::iface::{Neighbor, NeighborCache, Route, Routes};
use smoltcp::phy::Device as _;
use smoltcp::phy::Medium;
use smoltcp::socket::SocketSetItem;
use smoltcp::time::Instant as SmolInstant;
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
use smoltcp::wire::EthernetAddress;
use smoltcp::wire::{IpAddress, IpCidr, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Cidr};
use crate::config::Configurator;
use crate::config::Event;
use crate::device::{Device, DeviceAdapter, LinkState};
use crate::{Interface, SocketSet};
const LOCAL_PORT_MIN: u16 = 1025;
const LOCAL_PORT_MAX: u16 = 65535;
pub struct StackResources<const ADDR: usize, const SOCK: usize, const NEIGHBOR: usize> {
addresses: [IpCidr; ADDR],
sockets: [Option<SocketSetItem<'static>>; SOCK],
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
routes: [Option<(IpCidr, Route)>; 1],
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
neighbor_cache: [Option<(IpAddress, Neighbor)>; NEIGHBOR],
impl<const ADDR: usize, const SOCK: usize, const NEIGHBOR: usize>
StackResources<ADDR, SOCK, NEIGHBOR>
pub fn new() -> Self {
const NONE_SOCKET: Option<SocketSetItem<'static>> = None;
Self {
addresses: [IpCidr::new(Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED.into(), 32); ADDR],
sockets: [NONE_SOCKET; SOCK],
routes: [None; 1],
neighbor_cache: [None; NEIGHBOR],
static STACK: ThreadModeMutex<RefCell<Option<Stack>>> = ThreadModeMutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
pub(crate) struct Stack {
iface: Interface,
pub sockets: SocketSet,
link_up: bool,
config_up: bool,
next_local_port: u16,
configurator: &'static mut dyn Configurator,
waker: WakerRegistration,
impl Stack {
pub(crate) fn with<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut Stack) -> R) -> R {
let mut stack = STACK.borrow().borrow_mut();
let stack = stack.as_mut().unwrap();
pub fn get_local_port(&mut self) -> u16 {
let res = self.next_local_port;
self.next_local_port = if res >= LOCAL_PORT_MAX {
} else {
res + 1
pub(crate) fn wake(&mut self) {
fn poll_configurator(&mut self, timestamp: SmolInstant) {
let medium = self.iface.device().capabilities().medium;
match self
.poll(&mut self.iface, &mut self.sockets, timestamp)
Event::NoChange => {}
Event::Configured(config) => {
debug!("Acquired IP configuration:");
debug!(" IP address: {}", config.address);
set_ipv4_addr(&mut self.iface, config.address);
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
if let Some(gateway) = config.gateway {
debug!(" Default gateway: {}", gateway);
} else {
debug!(" Default gateway: None");
for (i, s) in config.dns_servers.iter().enumerate() {
debug!(" DNS server {}: {}", i, s);
self.config_up = true;
Event::Deconfigured => {
debug!("Lost IP configuration");
set_ipv4_addr(&mut self.iface, Ipv4Cidr::new(Ipv4Address::UNSPECIFIED, 0));
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
self.config_up = false;
fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
let timestamp = instant_to_smoltcp(Instant::now());
if let Err(_) = self.iface.poll(&mut self.sockets, timestamp) {
// If poll() returns error, it may not be done yet, so poll again later.
// Update link up
let old_link_up = self.link_up;
self.link_up = self.iface.device_mut().device.link_state() == LinkState::Up;
// Print when changed
if old_link_up != self.link_up {
if self.link_up {
info!("Link up!");
} else {
info!("Link down!");
if old_link_up || self.link_up {
if let Some(poll_at) = self.iface.poll_at(&mut self.sockets, timestamp) {
let t = Timer::at(instant_from_smoltcp(poll_at));
if t.poll(cx).is_ready() {
fn set_ipv4_addr(iface: &mut Interface, cidr: Ipv4Cidr) {
iface.update_ip_addrs(|addrs| {
let dest = addrs.iter_mut().next().unwrap();
*dest = IpCidr::Ipv4(cidr);
/// Initialize embassy_net.
/// This function must be called from thread mode.
pub fn init<const ADDR: usize, const SOCK: usize, const NEIGH: usize>(
device: &'static mut dyn Device,
configurator: &'static mut dyn Configurator,
resources: &'static mut StackResources<ADDR, SOCK, NEIGH>,
) {
let medium = device.capabilities().medium;
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
let ethernet_addr = if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
} else {
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
let mut b = InterfaceBuilder::new(DeviceAdapter::new(device));
b = b.ip_addrs(&mut resources.addresses[..]);
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
b = b.ethernet_addr(EthernetAddress(ethernet_addr));
b = b.neighbor_cache(NeighborCache::new(&mut resources.neighbor_cache[..]));
b = b.routes(Routes::new(&mut resources.routes[..]));
let iface = b.finalize();
let sockets = SocketSet::new(&mut resources.sockets[..]);
let local_port = loop {
let mut res = [0u8; 2];
rand(&mut res);
let port = u16::from_le_bytes(res);
if port >= LOCAL_PORT_MIN && port <= LOCAL_PORT_MAX {
break port;
let stack = Stack {
link_up: false,
config_up: false,
next_local_port: local_port,
waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
*STACK.borrow().borrow_mut() = Some(stack);
pub fn is_init() -> bool {
pub fn is_link_up() -> bool {
pub fn is_config_up() -> bool {
pub async fn run() {
futures::future::poll_fn(|cx| {
Stack::with(|stack| stack.poll(cx));
fn instant_to_smoltcp(instant: Instant) -> SmolInstant {
SmolInstant::from_millis(instant.as_millis() as i64)
fn instant_from_smoltcp(instant: SmolInstant) -> Instant {
Instant::from_millis(instant.total_millis() as u64)
extern "Rust" {
fn _embassy_rand(buf: &mut [u8]);
fn rand(buf: &mut [u8]) {
unsafe { _embassy_rand(buf) }