
235 lines
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//! RTC peripheral abstraction
use core::marker::PhantomData;
mod datetime;
pub use self::datetime::{DateTime, DayOfWeek, Error as DateTimeError};
/// refer to AN4759 to compare features of RTC2 and RTC3
#[cfg_attr(any(rtc_v1), path = "v1.rs")]
rtc_v2f0, rtc_v2f2, rtc_v2f3, rtc_v2f4, rtc_v2f7, rtc_v2h7, rtc_v2l0, rtc_v2l1, rtc_v2l4, rtc_v2wb
path = "v2/mod.rs"
#[cfg_attr(any(rtc_v3, rtc_v3u5), path = "v3.rs")]
mod versions;
use embassy_hal_common::Peripheral;
pub use versions::*;
/// Errors that can occur on methods on [RtcClock]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RtcError {
/// An invalid DateTime was given or stored on the hardware.
/// The RTC clock is not running
/// RTC Abstraction
pub struct Rtc<'d, T: Instance> {
phantom: PhantomData<&'d mut T>,
rtc_config: RtcConfig,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RtcClockSource {
/// 00: No clock
NoClock = 0b00,
/// 01: LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock
LSE = 0b01,
/// 10: LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock
LSI = 0b10,
/// 11: HSE oscillator clock divided by 32 used as RTC clock
HSE = 0b11,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct RtcConfig {
/// RTC clock source
clock_config: RtcClockSource,
/// Asynchronous prescaler factor
/// This is the asynchronous division factor:
/// ck_apre frequency = RTCCLK frequency/(PREDIV_A+1)
/// ck_apre drives the subsecond register
async_prescaler: u8,
/// Synchronous prescaler factor
/// This is the synchronous division factor:
/// ck_spre frequency = ck_apre frequency/(PREDIV_S+1)
/// ck_spre must be 1Hz
sync_prescaler: u16,
impl Default for RtcConfig {
/// LSI with prescalers assuming 32.768 kHz.
/// Raw sub-seconds in 1/256.
fn default() -> Self {
RtcConfig {
clock_config: RtcClockSource::LSI,
async_prescaler: 127,
sync_prescaler: 255,
impl RtcConfig {
/// Sets the clock source of RTC config
pub fn clock_config(mut self, cfg: RtcClockSource) -> Self {
self.clock_config = cfg;
/// Set the asynchronous prescaler of RTC config
pub fn async_prescaler(mut self, prescaler: u8) -> Self {
self.async_prescaler = prescaler;
/// Set the synchronous prescaler of RTC config
pub fn sync_prescaler(mut self, prescaler: u16) -> Self {
self.sync_prescaler = prescaler;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod {
/// 8-second calibration period
/// 16-second calibration period
/// 32-second calibration period
impl Default for RtcCalibrationCyclePeriod {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'d, T: Instance> Rtc<'d, T> {
pub fn new(_rtc: impl Peripheral<P = T> + 'd, rtc_config: RtcConfig) -> Self {
unsafe { enable_peripheral_clk() };
let mut rtc_struct = Self {
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Set the datetime to a new value.
/// # Errors
/// Will return `RtcError::InvalidDateTime` if the datetime is not a valid range.
pub fn set_datetime(&mut self, t: DateTime) -> Result<(), RtcError> {
self.write(true, |rtc| self::datetime::write_date_time(rtc, t));
/// Return the current datetime.
/// # Errors
/// Will return an `RtcError::InvalidDateTime` if the stored value in the system is not a valid [`DayOfWeek`].
pub fn now(&self) -> Result<DateTime, RtcError> {
let r = T::regs();
unsafe {
let tr = r.tr().read();
let second = bcd2_to_byte((tr.st(), tr.su()));
let minute = bcd2_to_byte((tr.mnt(), tr.mnu()));
let hour = bcd2_to_byte((tr.ht(), tr.hu()));
// Reading either RTC_SSR or RTC_TR locks the values in the higher-order
// calendar shadow registers until RTC_DR is read.
let dr = r.dr().read();
let weekday = dr.wdu();
let day = bcd2_to_byte((dr.dt(), dr.du()));
let month = bcd2_to_byte((dr.mt() as u8, dr.mu()));
let year = bcd2_to_byte((dr.yt(), dr.yu())) as u16 + 1970_u16;
self::datetime::datetime(year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second).map_err(RtcError::InvalidDateTime)
/// Check if daylight savings time is active.
pub fn get_daylight_savings(&self) -> bool {
let cr = unsafe { T::regs().cr().read() };
/// Enable/disable daylight savings time.
pub fn set_daylight_savings(&mut self, daylight_savings: bool) {
self.write(true, |rtc| {
unsafe { rtc.cr().modify(|w| w.set_bkp(daylight_savings)) };
pub fn get_config(&self) -> RtcConfig {
/// Read content of the backup register.
/// The registers retain their values during wakes from standby mode or system resets. They also
/// retain their value when Vdd is switched off as long as V_BAT is powered.
pub fn read_backup_register(&self, register: usize) -> Option<u32> {
read_backup_register(&T::regs(), register)
/// Set content of the backup register.
/// The registers retain their values during wakes from standby mode or system resets. They also
/// retain their value when Vdd is switched off as long as V_BAT is powered.
pub fn write_backup_register(&self, register: usize, value: u32) {
write_backup_register(&T::regs(), register, value)
pub(crate) fn byte_to_bcd2(byte: u8) -> (u8, u8) {
let mut bcd_high: u8 = 0;
let mut value = byte;
while value >= 10 {
bcd_high += 1;
value -= 10;
(bcd_high, ((bcd_high << 4) | value) as u8)
pub(crate) fn bcd2_to_byte(bcd: (u8, u8)) -> u8 {
let value = bcd.1 | bcd.0 << 4;
let tmp = ((value & 0xF0) >> 0x4) * 10;
tmp + (value & 0x0F)
pub(crate) mod sealed {
pub trait Instance {
fn regs() -> crate::pac::rtc::Rtc;
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + 'static {}
impl sealed::Instance for crate::peripherals::RTC {
fn regs() -> crate::pac::rtc::Rtc {
impl Instance for crate::peripherals::RTC {}