The traits there are applicable to timer use cases other than PWM. It doesn't make sense to keep them separated.
991 lines
38 KiB
991 lines
38 KiB
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{env, fs};
use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use stm32_metapac::metadata::{MemoryRegionKind, METADATA};
fn main() {
let chip_name = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_STM32"))
Ok(x) => x,
Err(GetOneError::None) => panic!("No stm32xx Cargo feature enabled"),
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", r.kind);
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", r.kind, r.version);
// ========
// Generate singletons
let mut singletons: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
match r.kind {
// Generate singletons per pin, not per port
"gpio" => {
println!("{}", p.name);
let port_letter = p.name.strip_prefix("GPIO").unwrap();
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num));
// No singleton for these, the HAL handles them specially.
"exti" => {}
// We *shouldn't* have singletons for these, but the HAL currently requires
// singletons, for using with RccPeripheral to enable/disable clocks to them.
"rcc" => {
if r.version.starts_with("h5") || r.version.starts_with("h7") || r.version.starts_with("f4") {
if r.version.starts_with("l4") {
//"dbgmcu" => {}
//"syscfg" => {}
//"dma" => {}
//"bdma" => {}
//"dmamux" => {}
// For other peripherals, one singleton per peri
_ => singletons.push(p.name.to_string()),
// One singleton per EXTI line
for pin_num in 0..16 {
singletons.push(format!("EXTI{}", pin_num));
// One singleton per DMA channel
for c in METADATA.dma_channels {
// ========
// Handle time-driver-XXXX features.
let time_driver = match env::vars()
.map(|(a, _)| a)
.filter(|x| x.starts_with("CARGO_FEATURE_TIME_DRIVER_"))
Ok(x) => Some(
Err(GetOneError::None) => None,
Err(GetOneError::Multiple) => panic!("Multiple stm32xx Cargo features enabled"),
let time_driver_singleton = match time_driver.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_ref()) {
None => "",
Some("tim2") => "TIM2",
Some("tim3") => "TIM3",
Some("tim4") => "TIM4",
Some("tim5") => "TIM5",
Some("tim12") => "TIM12",
Some("tim15") => "TIM15",
Some("any") => {
if singletons.contains(&"TIM2".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM3".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM4".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM5".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM12".to_string()) {
} else if singletons.contains(&"TIM15".to_string()) {
} else {
panic!("time-driver-any requested, but the chip doesn't have TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5, TIM12 or TIM15.")
_ => panic!("unknown time_driver {:?}", time_driver),
if time_driver_singleton != "" {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=time_driver_{}", time_driver_singleton.to_lowercase());
// ========
// Write singletons
let mut g = TokenStream::new();
let singleton_tokens: Vec<_> = singletons.iter().map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s)).collect();
g.extend(quote! {
let singleton_tokens: Vec<_> = singletons
.filter(|s| *s != &time_driver_singleton.to_string())
.map(|s| format_ident!("{}", s))
g.extend(quote! {
// ========
// Generate interrupt declarations
let mut irqs = Vec::new();
for irq in METADATA.interrupts {
irqs.push(format_ident!("{}", irq.name));
g.extend(quote! {
// ========
// Generate FLASH regions
let mut flash_regions = TokenStream::new();
let flash_memory_regions: Vec<_> = METADATA
.filter(|x| x.kind == MemoryRegionKind::Flash && x.settings.is_some())
for region in flash_memory_regions.iter() {
let region_name = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_name(region.name));
let bank_variant = format_ident!(
if region.name.starts_with("BANK_1") {
} else if region.name.starts_with("BANK_2") {
} else if region.name == "OTP" {
} else {
let base = region.address;
let size = region.size;
let settings = region.settings.as_ref().unwrap();
let erase_size = settings.erase_size;
let write_size = settings.write_size;
let erase_value = settings.erase_value;
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub const #region_name: crate::flash::FlashRegion = crate::flash::FlashRegion {
bank: crate::flash::FlashBank::#bank_variant,
base: #base,
size: #size,
erase_size: #erase_size,
write_size: #write_size,
erase_value: #erase_value,
_ensure_internal: (),
let region_type = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_type_name(region.name));
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub struct #region_type<'d, MODE = crate::flash::Async>(pub &'static crate::flash::FlashRegion, pub(crate) embassy_hal_internal::PeripheralRef<'d, crate::peripherals::FLASH>, pub(crate) core::marker::PhantomData<MODE>);
let (fields, (inits, region_names)): (Vec<TokenStream>, (Vec<TokenStream>, Vec<Ident>)) = flash_memory_regions
.map(|f| {
let region_name = get_flash_region_name(f.name);
let field_name = format_ident!("{}", region_name.to_lowercase());
let field_type = format_ident!("{}", get_flash_region_type_name(f.name));
let field = quote! {
pub #field_name: #field_type<'d, MODE>
let region_name = format_ident!("{}", region_name);
let init = quote! {
#field_name: #field_type(&#region_name, unsafe { p.clone_unchecked()}, core::marker::PhantomData)
(field, (init, region_name))
let regions_len = flash_memory_regions.len();
flash_regions.extend(quote! {
pub struct FlashLayout<'d, MODE = crate::flash::Async> {
_mode: core::marker::PhantomData<MODE>,
impl<'d, MODE> FlashLayout<'d, MODE> {
pub(crate) fn new(p: embassy_hal_internal::PeripheralRef<'d, crate::peripherals::FLASH>) -> Self {
Self {
_mode: core::marker::PhantomData,
pub const FLASH_REGIONS: [&crate::flash::FlashRegion; #regions_len] = [
let max_erase_size = flash_memory_regions
.map(|region| region.settings.as_ref().unwrap().erase_size)
g.extend(quote! { pub const MAX_ERASE_SIZE: usize = #max_erase_size as usize; });
g.extend(quote! { pub mod flash_regions { #flash_regions } });
// ========
// Generate DMA IRQs.
let mut dma_irqs: HashMap<&str, Vec<(&str, &str, &str)>> = HashMap::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(r) = &p.registers {
if r.kind == "dma" || r.kind == "bdma" || r.kind == "gpdma" {
if p.name == "BDMA1" {
// BDMA1 in H7 doesn't use DMAMUX, which breaks
for irq in p.interrupts {
.push((r.kind, p.name, irq.signal));
for (irq, channels) in dma_irqs {
let irq = format_ident!("{}", irq);
let xdma = format_ident!("{}", channels[0].0);
let channels = channels.iter().map(|(_, dma, ch)| format_ident!("{}_{}", dma, ch));
g.extend(quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "rt")]
unsafe fn #irq () {
<crate::peripherals::#channels as crate::dma::#xdma::sealed::Channel>::on_irq();
// ========
// Generate RccPeripheral impls
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
// generating RccPeripheral impl for H7 ADC3 would result in bad frequency
if !singletons.contains(&p.name.to_string()) || (p.name == "ADC3" && METADATA.line.starts_with("STM32H7")) {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let rst = match &rcc.reset {
Some(rst) => {
let rst_reg = format_ident!("{}", rst.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_rst_field = format_ident!("set_{}", rst.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
quote! {
critical_section::with(|_| {
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(true));
crate::pac::RCC.#rst_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_rst_field(false));
None => TokenStream::new(),
let after_enable = if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f2") {
// Errata: ES0005 - 2.1.11 Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling
quote! {
} else {
let pname = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let clk = format_ident!("{}", rcc.clock.to_ascii_lowercase());
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
g.extend(quote! {
impl crate::rcc::sealed::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {
fn frequency() -> crate::time::Hertz {
unsafe { crate::rcc::get_freqs().#clk }
fn enable() {
critical_section::with(|_| {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
fn disable() {
critical_section::with(|_| {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(false));
fn reset() {
impl crate::rcc::RccPeripheral for peripherals::#pname {}
// ========
// Generate fns to enable GPIO, DMA in RCC
for kind in ["dma", "bdma", "dmamux", "gpdma", "gpio"] {
let mut gg = TokenStream::new();
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if p.registers.is_some() && p.registers.as_ref().unwrap().kind == kind {
if let Some(rcc) = &p.rcc {
let en = rcc.enable.as_ref().unwrap();
let en_reg = format_ident!("{}", en.register.to_ascii_lowercase());
let set_en_field = format_ident!("set_{}", en.field.to_ascii_lowercase());
gg.extend(quote! {
crate::pac::RCC.#en_reg().modify(|w| w.#set_en_field(true));
let fname = format_ident!("init_{}", kind);
g.extend(quote! {
pub unsafe fn #fname(){
// ========
// Generate pin_trait_impl!
let signals: HashMap<_, _> = [
// (kind, signal) => trait
(("usart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxPin)),
(("usart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxPin)),
(("usart", "CTS"), quote!(crate::usart::CtsPin)),
(("usart", "RTS"), quote!(crate::usart::RtsPin)),
(("usart", "CK"), quote!(crate::usart::CkPin)),
(("usart", "DE"), quote!(crate::usart::DePin)),
(("lpuart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxPin)),
(("lpuart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxPin)),
(("lpuart", "CTS"), quote!(crate::usart::CtsPin)),
(("lpuart", "RTS"), quote!(crate::usart::RtsPin)),
(("lpuart", "CK"), quote!(crate::usart::CkPin)),
(("lpuart", "DE"), quote!(crate::usart::DePin)),
(("spi", "SCK"), quote!(crate::spi::SckPin)),
(("spi", "MOSI"), quote!(crate::spi::MosiPin)),
(("spi", "MISO"), quote!(crate::spi::MisoPin)),
(("spi", "NSS"), quote!(crate::spi::CsPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_MCK"), quote!(crate::spi::MckPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_CK"), quote!(crate::spi::CkPin)),
(("spi", "I2S_WS"), quote!(crate::spi::WsPin)),
(("i2c", "SDA"), quote!(crate::i2c::SdaPin)),
(("i2c", "SCL"), quote!(crate::i2c::SclPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO_1"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO_2"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("rcc", "MCO"), quote!(crate::rcc::McoPin)),
(("dcmi", "D0"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D0Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D1"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D1Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D2"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D2Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D3"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D3Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D4"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D4Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D5"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D5Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D6"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D6Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D7"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D7Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D8"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D8Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D9"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D9Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D10"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D10Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D11"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D11Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D12"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D12Pin)),
(("dcmi", "D13"), quote!(crate::dcmi::D13Pin)),
(("dcmi", "HSYNC"), quote!(crate::dcmi::HSyncPin)),
(("dcmi", "VSYNC"), quote!(crate::dcmi::VSyncPin)),
(("dcmi", "PIXCLK"), quote!(crate::dcmi::PixClkPin)),
(("usb", "DP"), quote!(crate::usb::DpPin)),
(("usb", "DM"), quote!(crate::usb::DmPin)),
(("otg", "DP"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::DpPin)),
(("otg", "DM"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::DmPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_CK"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiClkPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_DIR"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiDirPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_NXT"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiNxtPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_STP"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiStpPin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D0"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD0Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D1"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD1Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D2"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD2Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D3"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD3Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D4"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD4Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D5"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD5Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D6"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD6Pin)),
(("otg", "ULPI_D7"), quote!(crate::usb_otg::UlpiD7Pin)),
(("can", "TX"), quote!(crate::can::TxPin)),
(("can", "RX"), quote!(crate::can::RxPin)),
(("eth", "REF_CLK"), quote!(crate::eth::RefClkPin)),
(("eth", "MDIO"), quote!(crate::eth::MDIOPin)),
(("eth", "MDC"), quote!(crate::eth::MDCPin)),
(("eth", "CRS_DV"), quote!(crate::eth::CRSPin)),
(("eth", "RXD0"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD0Pin)),
(("eth", "RXD1"), quote!(crate::eth::RXD1Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD0"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD0Pin)),
(("eth", "TXD1"), quote!(crate::eth::TXD1Pin)),
(("eth", "TX_EN"), quote!(crate::eth::TXEnPin)),
(("fmc", "A0"), quote!(crate::fmc::A0Pin)),
(("fmc", "A1"), quote!(crate::fmc::A1Pin)),
(("fmc", "A2"), quote!(crate::fmc::A2Pin)),
(("fmc", "A3"), quote!(crate::fmc::A3Pin)),
(("fmc", "A4"), quote!(crate::fmc::A4Pin)),
(("fmc", "A5"), quote!(crate::fmc::A5Pin)),
(("fmc", "A6"), quote!(crate::fmc::A6Pin)),
(("fmc", "A7"), quote!(crate::fmc::A7Pin)),
(("fmc", "A8"), quote!(crate::fmc::A8Pin)),
(("fmc", "A9"), quote!(crate::fmc::A9Pin)),
(("fmc", "A10"), quote!(crate::fmc::A10Pin)),
(("fmc", "A11"), quote!(crate::fmc::A11Pin)),
(("fmc", "A12"), quote!(crate::fmc::A12Pin)),
(("fmc", "A13"), quote!(crate::fmc::A13Pin)),
(("fmc", "A14"), quote!(crate::fmc::A14Pin)),
(("fmc", "A15"), quote!(crate::fmc::A15Pin)),
(("fmc", "A16"), quote!(crate::fmc::A16Pin)),
(("fmc", "A17"), quote!(crate::fmc::A17Pin)),
(("fmc", "A18"), quote!(crate::fmc::A18Pin)),
(("fmc", "A19"), quote!(crate::fmc::A19Pin)),
(("fmc", "A20"), quote!(crate::fmc::A20Pin)),
(("fmc", "A21"), quote!(crate::fmc::A21Pin)),
(("fmc", "A22"), quote!(crate::fmc::A22Pin)),
(("fmc", "A23"), quote!(crate::fmc::A23Pin)),
(("fmc", "A24"), quote!(crate::fmc::A24Pin)),
(("fmc", "A25"), quote!(crate::fmc::A25Pin)),
(("fmc", "D0"), quote!(crate::fmc::D0Pin)),
(("fmc", "D1"), quote!(crate::fmc::D1Pin)),
(("fmc", "D2"), quote!(crate::fmc::D2Pin)),
(("fmc", "D3"), quote!(crate::fmc::D3Pin)),
(("fmc", "D4"), quote!(crate::fmc::D4Pin)),
(("fmc", "D5"), quote!(crate::fmc::D5Pin)),
(("fmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::fmc::D6Pin)),
(("fmc", "D7"), quote!(crate::fmc::D7Pin)),
(("fmc", "D8"), quote!(crate::fmc::D8Pin)),
(("fmc", "D9"), quote!(crate::fmc::D9Pin)),
(("fmc", "D10"), quote!(crate::fmc::D10Pin)),
(("fmc", "D11"), quote!(crate::fmc::D11Pin)),
(("fmc", "D12"), quote!(crate::fmc::D12Pin)),
(("fmc", "D13"), quote!(crate::fmc::D13Pin)),
(("fmc", "D14"), quote!(crate::fmc::D14Pin)),
(("fmc", "D15"), quote!(crate::fmc::D15Pin)),
(("fmc", "D16"), quote!(crate::fmc::D16Pin)),
(("fmc", "D17"), quote!(crate::fmc::D17Pin)),
(("fmc", "D18"), quote!(crate::fmc::D18Pin)),
(("fmc", "D19"), quote!(crate::fmc::D19Pin)),
(("fmc", "D20"), quote!(crate::fmc::D20Pin)),
(("fmc", "D21"), quote!(crate::fmc::D21Pin)),
(("fmc", "D22"), quote!(crate::fmc::D22Pin)),
(("fmc", "D23"), quote!(crate::fmc::D23Pin)),
(("fmc", "D24"), quote!(crate::fmc::D24Pin)),
(("fmc", "D25"), quote!(crate::fmc::D25Pin)),
(("fmc", "D26"), quote!(crate::fmc::D26Pin)),
(("fmc", "D27"), quote!(crate::fmc::D27Pin)),
(("fmc", "D28"), quote!(crate::fmc::D28Pin)),
(("fmc", "D29"), quote!(crate::fmc::D29Pin)),
(("fmc", "D30"), quote!(crate::fmc::D30Pin)),
(("fmc", "D31"), quote!(crate::fmc::D31Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA0"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA0Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA1"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA1Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA2"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA2Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA3"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA3Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA4"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA4Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA5"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA5Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA6"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA6Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA7"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA7Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA8"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA8Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA9"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA9Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA10"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA10Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA11"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA11Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA12"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA12Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA13"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA13Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA14"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA14Pin)),
(("fmc", "DA15"), quote!(crate::fmc::DA15Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDNWE"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNWEPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNCAS"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNCASPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNRAS"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNRASPin)),
(("fmc", "SDNE0"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNE0Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDNE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDNE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCKE0"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCKE0Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCKE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCKE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "SDCLK"), quote!(crate::fmc::SDCLKPin)),
(("fmc", "NBL0"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL0Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL1"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL1Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL2"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL2Pin)),
(("fmc", "NBL3"), quote!(crate::fmc::NBL3Pin)),
(("fmc", "INT"), quote!(crate::fmc::INTPin)),
(("fmc", "NL"), quote!(crate::fmc::NLPin)),
(("fmc", "NWAIT"), quote!(crate::fmc::NWaitPin)),
(("fmc", "NE1"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE1Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE2"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE2Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE3"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE3Pin)),
(("fmc", "NE4"), quote!(crate::fmc::NE4Pin)),
(("fmc", "NCE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NCEPin)),
(("fmc", "NOE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NOEPin)),
(("fmc", "NWE"), quote!(crate::fmc::NWEPin)),
(("fmc", "Clk"), quote!(crate::fmc::ClkPin)),
(("fmc", "BA0"), quote!(crate::fmc::BA0Pin)),
(("fmc", "BA1"), quote!(crate::fmc::BA1Pin)),
(("timer", "CH1"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel1Pin)),
(("timer", "CH1N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel1ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH2"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel2Pin)),
(("timer", "CH2N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel2ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH3"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel3Pin)),
(("timer", "CH3N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel3ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "CH4"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel4Pin)),
(("timer", "CH4N"), quote!(crate::timer::Channel4ComplementaryPin)),
(("timer", "ETR"), quote!(crate::timer::ExternalTriggerPin)),
(("timer", "BKIN"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputPin)),
(("timer", "BKIN_COMP1"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputComparator1Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN_COMP2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInputComparator2Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2_COMP1"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Comparator1Pin)),
(("timer", "BKIN2_COMP2"), quote!(crate::timer::BreakInput2Comparator2Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "CK"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::CkPin)),
(("sdmmc", "CMD"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::CmdPin)),
(("sdmmc", "D0"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D0Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D1"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D1Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D2"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D2Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D3"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D3Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D4"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D4Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D5"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D5Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D6Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D6"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D7Pin)),
(("sdmmc", "D8"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::D8Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO0"), quote!(crate::qspi::D0Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO1"), quote!(crate::qspi::D1Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO2"), quote!(crate::qspi::D2Pin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_IO3"), quote!(crate::qspi::D3Pin)),
(("quadspi", "CLK"), quote!(crate::qspi::SckPin)),
(("quadspi", "BK1_NCS"), quote!(crate::qspi::NSSPin)),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
for pin in p.pins {
let key = (regs.kind, pin.signal);
if let Some(tr) = signals.get(&key) {
let mut peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
let af = pin.af.unwrap_or(0);
// MCO is special
if pin.signal.starts_with("MCO_") {
// Supported in H7 only for now
if regs.version.starts_with("h5")
|| regs.version.starts_with("h7")
|| regs.version.starts_with("f4")
peri = format_ident!("{}", pin.signal.replace("_", ""));
} else {
if pin.signal == "MCO" {
// Supported in H7 only for now
if regs.version.starts_with("l4") {
peri = format_ident!("MCO");
} else {
g.extend(quote! {
pin_trait_impl!(#tr, #peri, #pin_name, #af);
// ADC is special
if regs.kind == "adc" {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
// H7 has differential voltage measurements
let ch: Option<u8> = if pin.signal.starts_with("INP") {
} else if pin.signal.starts_with("INN") {
// TODO handle in the future when embassy supports differential measurements
} else if pin.signal.starts_with("IN") {
} else {
if let Some(ch) = ch {
g.extend(quote! {
impl_adc_pin!( #peri, #pin_name, #ch);
// DAC is special
if regs.kind == "dac" {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let pin_name = format_ident!("{}", pin.pin);
let ch: u8 = pin.signal.strip_prefix("OUT").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
g.extend(quote! {
impl_dac_pin!( #peri, #pin_name, #ch);
// ========
// Generate dma_trait_impl!
let signals: HashMap<_, _> = [
// (kind, signal) => trait
(("usart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxDma)),
(("usart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxDma)),
(("lpuart", "RX"), quote!(crate::usart::RxDma)),
(("lpuart", "TX"), quote!(crate::usart::TxDma)),
(("spi", "RX"), quote!(crate::spi::RxDma)),
(("spi", "TX"), quote!(crate::spi::TxDma)),
(("i2c", "RX"), quote!(crate::i2c::RxDma)),
(("i2c", "TX"), quote!(crate::i2c::TxDma)),
(("dcmi", "DCMI"), quote!(crate::dcmi::FrameDma)),
(("dcmi", "PSSI"), quote!(crate::dcmi::FrameDma)),
// SDMMCv1 uses the same channel for both directions, so just implement for RX
(("sdmmc", "RX"), quote!(crate::sdmmc::SdmmcDma)),
(("quadspi", "QUADSPI"), quote!(crate::qspi::QuadDma)),
(("dac", "CH1"), quote!(crate::dac::DmaCh1)),
(("dac", "CH2"), quote!(crate::dac::DmaCh2)),
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
let mut dupe = HashSet::new();
for ch in p.dma_channels {
// Some chips have multiple request numbers for the same (peri, signal, channel) combos.
// Ignore the dupes, picking the first one. Otherwise this causes conflicting trait impls
let key = (ch.signal, ch.channel);
if !dupe.insert(key) {
if let Some(tr) = signals.get(&(regs.kind, ch.signal)) {
let peri = format_ident!("{}", p.name);
let channel = if let Some(channel) = &ch.channel {
// Chip with DMA/BDMA, without DMAMUX
let channel = format_ident!("{}", channel);
quote!({channel: #channel})
} else if let Some(dmamux) = &ch.dmamux {
// Chip with DMAMUX
let dmamux = format_ident!("{}", dmamux);
quote!({dmamux: #dmamux})
} else if let Some(dma) = &ch.dma {
// Chip with GPDMA
let dma = format_ident!("{}", dma);
quote!({dma: #dma})
} else {
let request = if let Some(request) = ch.request {
let request = request as u8;
} else {
g.extend(quote! {
dma_trait_impl!(#tr, #peri, #channel, #request);
// ========
// Write foreach_foo! macrotables
let mut flash_regions_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut interrupts_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut peripherals_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut pins_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
let mut dma_channels_table: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
for m in METADATA
.filter(|m| m.kind == MemoryRegionKind::Flash && m.settings.is_some())
let settings = m.settings.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut row = Vec::new();
let gpio_base = METADATA.peripherals.iter().find(|p| p.name == "GPIOA").unwrap().address as u32;
let gpio_stride = 0x400;
for p in METADATA.peripherals {
if let Some(regs) = &p.registers {
if regs.kind == "gpio" {
let port_letter = p.name.chars().skip(4).next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(0, (p.address as u32 - gpio_base) % gpio_stride);
let port_num = (p.address as u32 - gpio_base) / gpio_stride;
for pin_num in 0u32..16 {
let pin_name = format!("P{}{}", port_letter, pin_num);
format!("EXTI{}", pin_num),
for irq in p.interrupts {
let mut row = Vec::new();
let mut row = Vec::new();
let mut dma_channel_count: usize = 0;
let mut bdma_channel_count: usize = 0;
let mut gpdma_channel_count: usize = 0;
for ch in METADATA.dma_channels {
let mut row = Vec::new();
let dma_peri = METADATA.peripherals.iter().find(|p| p.name == ch.dma).unwrap();
let bi = dma_peri.registers.as_ref().unwrap();
let num;
match bi.kind {
"dma" => {
num = dma_channel_count;
dma_channel_count += 1;
"bdma" => {
num = bdma_channel_count;
bdma_channel_count += 1;
"gpdma" => {
num = gpdma_channel_count;
gpdma_channel_count += 1;
_ => panic!("bad dma channel kind {}", bi.kind),
if let Some(dmamux) = &ch.dmamux {
let dmamux_channel = ch.dmamux_channel.unwrap();
row.push(format!("{{dmamux: {}, dmamux_channel: {}}}", dmamux, dmamux_channel));
} else {
g.extend(quote! {
pub(crate) const DMA_CHANNEL_COUNT: usize = #dma_channel_count;
pub(crate) const BDMA_CHANNEL_COUNT: usize = #bdma_channel_count;
pub(crate) const GPDMA_CHANNEL_COUNT: usize = #gpdma_channel_count;
for irq in METADATA.interrupts {
let name = irq.name.to_ascii_uppercase();
if name.contains("EXTI") {
interrupts_table.push(vec!["EXTI".to_string(), name.clone()]);
let mut m = String::new();
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_flash_region", &flash_regions_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_interrupt", &interrupts_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_peripheral", &peripherals_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_pin", &pins_table);
make_table(&mut m, "foreach_dma_channel", &dma_channels_table);
let out_dir = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let out_file = out_dir.join("_macros.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, m).unwrap();
// ========
// Write generated.rs
let out_file = out_dir.join("_generated.rs").to_string_lossy().to_string();
fs::write(out_file, g.to_string()).unwrap();
// ========
// Multicore
let mut s = chip_name.split('_');
let mut chip_name: String = s.next().unwrap().to_string();
let core_name = if let Some(c) = s.next() {
if !c.starts_with("CM") {
} else {
} else {
if let Some(core) = core_name {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}_{}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2], core);
} else {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2]);
// ========
// stm32f3 wildcard features used in RCC
if chip_name.starts_with("stm32f3") {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x{}", &chip_name[..9], &chip_name[10..11]);
// =======
// Features for targeting groups of chips
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..7]); // stm32f4
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..9]); // stm32f429
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x", &chip_name[..8]); // stm32f42x
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}x{}", &chip_name[..7], &chip_name[8..9]); // stm32f4x9
// Handle time-driver-XXXX features.
if env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_TIME_DRIVER_ANY").is_ok() {}
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &chip_name[..chip_name.len() - 2]);
enum GetOneError {
trait IteratorExt: Iterator {
fn get_one(self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError>;
impl<T: Iterator> IteratorExt for T {
fn get_one(mut self) -> Result<Self::Item, GetOneError> {
match self.next() {
None => Err(GetOneError::None),
Some(res) => match self.next() {
Some(_) => Err(GetOneError::Multiple),
None => Ok(res),
fn make_table(out: &mut String, name: &str, data: &Vec<Vec<String>>) {
macro_rules! {} {{
($($pat:tt => $code:tt;)*) => {{
macro_rules! __{}_inner {{
$(($pat) => $code;)*
($_:tt) => {{}}
name, name
for row in data {
write!(out, " __{}_inner!(({}));\n", name, row.join(",")).unwrap();
" }};
fn get_flash_region_name(name: &str) -> String {
let name = name.replace("BANK_", "BANK").replace("REGION_", "REGION");
if name.contains("REGION") {
} else {
name + "_REGION"
fn get_flash_region_type_name(name: &str) -> String {
.replace("BANK", "Bank")
.replace("REGION", "Region")
.replace("_", "")