huntc 7598b8a40f Permit many sequences to be passed
Sequences are now passed in via the start method to avoid having to stop the PWM and restart it. Sequences continue to be constrained with the same lifetime of the Pwm object itself. The pwm_sequence example has been extended to illustrate multiple sequences being passed around.
2022-01-23 16:29:52 +11:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

#[path = "../example_common.rs"]
mod example_common;
use defmt::*;
use embassy::executor::Spawner;
use embassy::time::{Duration, Timer};
use embassy_nrf::gpio::NoPin;
use embassy_nrf::pwm::{Prescaler, SequenceConfig, SequenceMode, SequencePwm};
use embassy_nrf::Peripherals;
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner, p: Peripherals) {
let seq_values_1: [u16; 5] = [1000, 250, 100, 50, 0];
let seq_values_2: [u16; 5] = [0, 50, 100, 250, 1000];
let mut config = SequenceConfig::default();
config.prescaler = Prescaler::Div128;
// 1 period is 1000 * (128/16mhz = 0.000008s = 0.008ms) = 8ms
// but say we want to hold the value for 5000ms
// so we want to repeat our value as many times as necessary until 5000ms passes
// want 5000/8 = 625 periods total to occur, so 624 (we get the one period for free remember)
config.refresh = 624;
// thus our sequence takes 5 * 5000ms or 25 seconds
let pwm = unwrap!(SequencePwm::new(
p.PWM0, p.P0_13, NoPin, NoPin, NoPin, config,
let _ = pwm.start(&seq_values_1, SequenceMode::Infinite);
info!("pwm started!");
info!("pwm starting with another sequence!");
let _ = pwm.start(&seq_values_2, SequenceMode::Infinite);
// we can abort a sequence if we need to before its complete with pwm.stop()
// or stop is also implicitly called when the pwm peripheral is dropped
// when it goes out of scope
info!("pwm stopped early!");