Dario Nieuwenhuis 27a1b0ea73 Simpler Channel.
- Allow initializing in a static, without Forever.
- Remove ability to close, since in embedded enviromnents channels usually live forever and don't get closed.
- Remove MPSC restriction, it's MPMC now. Rename "mpsc" to "channel".
- `Sender` and `Receiver` are still available if you want to enforce a piece of code only has send/receive access, but are optional: you can send/receive directly into the Channel if you want.
2022-04-06 01:34:08 +02:00

59 lines
1.5 KiB

use defmt::*;
use defmt_rtt as _; // global logger
use embassy::blocking_mutex::raw::ThreadModeRawMutex;
use embassy::channel::channel::Channel;
use embassy::executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::dma::NoDma;
use embassy_stm32::{
peripherals::{DMA1_CH1, UART7},
usart::{Config, Uart, UartRx},
use panic_probe as _;
async fn writer(mut usart: Uart<'static, UART7, NoDma, NoDma>) {
unwrap!(usart.blocking_write(b"Hello Embassy World!\r\n"));
info!("wrote Hello, starting echo");
let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
loop {
unwrap!(usart.blocking_read(&mut buf));
static CHANNEL: Channel<ThreadModeRawMutex, [u8; 8], 1> = Channel::new();
async fn main(spawner: Spawner, p: Peripherals) -> ! {
info!("Hello World!");
let config = Config::default();
let mut usart = Uart::new(p.UART7, p.PF6, p.PF7, p.DMA1_CH0, p.DMA1_CH1, config);
unwrap!(usart.blocking_write(b"Type 8 chars to echo!\r\n"));
let (mut tx, rx) = usart.split();
loop {
let buf = CHANNEL.recv().await;
async fn reader(mut rx: UartRx<'static, UART7, DMA1_CH1>) {
let mut buf = [0; 8];
loop {
unwrap!(rx.read(&mut buf).await);