1066 lines
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1066 lines
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use core::future::Future;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::pin::Pin as FuturePin;
use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use atomic_polyfill::{AtomicU32, AtomicU8};
use embassy_hal_common::{into_ref, Peripheral, PeripheralRef};
use embassy_sync::waitqueue::AtomicWaker;
use fixed::types::extra::U8;
use fixed::FixedU32;
use pac::io::vals::Gpio0ctrlFuncsel;
use pac::pio::vals::SmExecctrlStatusSel;
use pio::{SideSet, Wrap};
use crate::dma::{Channel, Transfer, Word};
use crate::gpio::sealed::Pin as SealedPin;
use crate::gpio::{self, AnyPin, Drive, Level, Pull, SlewRate};
use crate::interrupt::InterruptExt;
use crate::pac::dma::vals::TreqSel;
use crate::relocate::RelocatedProgram;
use crate::{interrupt, pac, peripherals, pio_instr_util, RegExt};
struct Wakers([AtomicWaker; 12]);
impl Wakers {
fn fifo_in(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
fn fifo_out(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
fn irq(&self) -> &[AtomicWaker] {
const NEW_AW: AtomicWaker = AtomicWaker::new();
const PIO_WAKERS_INIT: Wakers = Wakers([NEW_AW; 12]);
static WAKERS: [Wakers; 2] = [PIO_WAKERS_INIT; 2];
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum FifoJoin {
/// Both TX and RX fifo is enabled
/// Rx fifo twice as deep. TX fifo disabled
/// Tx fifo twice as deep. RX fifo disabled
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum ShiftDirection {
Right = 1,
Left = 0,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Direction {
In = 0,
Out = 1,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum StatusSource {
TxFifoLevel = 0,
RxFifoLevel = 1,
const RXNEMPTY_MASK: u32 = 1 << 0;
const TXNFULL_MASK: u32 = 1 << 4;
const SMIRQ_MASK: u32 = 1 << 8;
#[cfg(feature = "rt")]
fn PIO0_IRQ_0() {
use crate::pac;
let ints = pac::PIO0.irqs(0).ints().read().0;
for bit in 0..12 {
if ints & (1 << bit) != 0 {
pac::PIO0.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| m.0 = ints);
#[cfg(feature = "rt")]
fn PIO1_IRQ_0() {
use crate::pac;
let ints = pac::PIO1.irqs(0).ints().read().0;
for bit in 0..12 {
if ints & (1 << bit) != 0 {
pac::PIO1.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| m.0 = ints);
pub(crate) unsafe fn init() {
pac::PIO0.irqs(0).inte().write(|m| m.0 = 0);
pac::PIO1.irqs(0).inte().write(|m| m.0 = 0);
/// Future that waits for TX-FIFO to become writable
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct FifoOutFuture<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> {
sm_tx: &'a mut StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM>,
value: u32,
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> FifoOutFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
pub fn new(sm: &'a mut StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM>, value: u32) -> Self {
FifoOutFuture { sm_tx: sm, value }
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> Future for FifoOutFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
let value = self.value;
if self.get_mut().sm_tx.try_push(value) {
} else {
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].fifo_out()[SM].register(cx.waker());
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_set(|m| {
// debug!("Pending");
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> Drop for FifoOutFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| {
/// Future that waits for RX-FIFO to become readable
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct FifoInFuture<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> {
sm_rx: &'a mut StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM>,
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> FifoInFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
pub fn new(sm: &'a mut StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM>) -> Self {
FifoInFuture { sm_rx: sm }
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> Future for FifoInFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
type Output = u32;
fn poll(mut self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
if let Some(v) = self.sm_rx.try_pull() {
} else {
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].fifo_in()[SM].register(cx.waker());
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_set(|m| {
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> Drop for FifoInFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| {
/// Future that waits for IRQ
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct IrqFuture<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance> {
pio: PhantomData<&'a mut Irq<'d, PIO, 0>>,
irq_no: u8,
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance> Future for IrqFuture<'a, 'd, PIO> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: FuturePin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//debug!("Poll {},{}", PIO::PIO_NO, SM);
// Check if IRQ flag is already set
if PIO::PIO.irq().read().0 & (1 << self.irq_no) != 0 {
PIO::PIO.irq().write(|m| m.0 = 1 << self.irq_no);
return Poll::Ready(());
WAKERS[PIO::PIO_NO as usize].irq()[self.irq_no as usize].register(cx.waker());
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_set(|m| {
m.0 = SMIRQ_MASK << self.irq_no;
impl<'a, 'd, PIO: Instance> Drop for IrqFuture<'a, 'd, PIO> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
PIO::PIO.irqs(0).inte().write_clear(|m| {
m.0 = SMIRQ_MASK << self.irq_no;
pub struct Pin<'l, PIO: Instance> {
pin: PeripheralRef<'l, AnyPin>,
pio: PhantomData<PIO>,
impl<'l, PIO: Instance> Pin<'l, PIO> {
/// Set the pin's drive strength.
pub fn set_drive_strength(&mut self, strength: Drive) {
self.pin.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_drive(match strength {
Drive::_2mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_2MA,
Drive::_4mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_4MA,
Drive::_8mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_8MA,
Drive::_12mA => pac::pads::vals::Drive::_12MA,
// Set the pin's slew rate.
pub fn set_slew_rate(&mut self, slew_rate: SlewRate) {
self.pin.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_slewfast(slew_rate == SlewRate::Fast);
/// Set the pin's pull.
pub fn set_pull(&mut self, pull: Pull) {
self.pin.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_pue(pull == Pull::Up);
w.set_pde(pull == Pull::Down);
/// Set the pin's schmitt trigger.
pub fn set_schmitt(&mut self, enable: bool) {
self.pin.pad_ctrl().modify(|w| {
pub fn set_input_sync_bypass<'a>(&mut self, bypass: bool) {
let mask = 1 << self.pin();
if bypass {
PIO::PIO.input_sync_bypass().write_set(|w| *w = mask);
} else {
PIO::PIO.input_sync_bypass().write_clear(|w| *w = mask);
pub fn pin(&self) -> u8 {
pub struct StateMachineRx<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> {
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM> {
pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.fstat().read().rxempty() & (1u8 << SM) != 0
pub fn full(&self) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.fstat().read().rxfull() & (1u8 << SM) != 0
pub fn level(&self) -> u8 {
(PIO::PIO.flevel().read().0 >> (SM * 8 + 4)) as u8 & 0x0f
pub fn stalled(&self) -> bool {
let fdebug = PIO::PIO.fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().rxstall() & (1 << SM) != 0;
if ret {
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_rxstall(1 << SM));
pub fn underflowed(&self) -> bool {
let fdebug = PIO::PIO.fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().rxunder() & (1 << SM) != 0;
if ret {
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_rxunder(1 << SM));
pub fn pull(&mut self) -> u32 {
pub fn try_pull(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
if self.empty() {
return None;
pub fn wait_pull<'a>(&'a mut self) -> FifoInFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
pub fn dma_pull<'a, C: Channel, W: Word>(
&'a mut self,
ch: PeripheralRef<'a, C>,
data: &'a mut [W],
) -> Transfer<'a, C> {
let pio_no = PIO::PIO_NO;
let p = ch.regs();
p.write_addr().write_value(data.as_ptr() as u32);
p.read_addr().write_value(PIO::PIO.rxf(SM).as_ptr() as u32);
p.trans_count().write_value(data.len() as u32);
p.ctrl_trig().write(|w| {
// Set RX DREQ for this statemachine
w.set_treq_sel(TreqSel(pio_no * 8 + SM as u8 + 4));
pub struct StateMachineTx<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> {
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM> {
pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.fstat().read().txempty() & (1u8 << SM) != 0
pub fn full(&self) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.fstat().read().txfull() & (1u8 << SM) != 0
pub fn level(&self) -> u8 {
(PIO::PIO.flevel().read().0 >> (SM * 8)) as u8 & 0x0f
pub fn stalled(&self) -> bool {
let fdebug = PIO::PIO.fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().txstall() & (1 << SM) != 0;
if ret {
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_txstall(1 << SM));
pub fn overflowed(&self) -> bool {
let fdebug = PIO::PIO.fdebug();
let ret = fdebug.read().txover() & (1 << SM) != 0;
if ret {
fdebug.write(|w| w.set_txover(1 << SM));
pub fn push(&mut self, v: u32) {
pub fn try_push(&mut self, v: u32) -> bool {
if self.full() {
return false;
pub fn wait_push<'a>(&'a mut self, value: u32) -> FifoOutFuture<'a, 'd, PIO, SM> {
FifoOutFuture::new(self, value)
pub fn dma_push<'a, C: Channel, W: Word>(&'a mut self, ch: PeripheralRef<'a, C>, data: &'a [W]) -> Transfer<'a, C> {
let pio_no = PIO::PIO_NO;
let p = ch.regs();
p.read_addr().write_value(data.as_ptr() as u32);
p.write_addr().write_value(PIO::PIO.txf(SM).as_ptr() as u32);
p.trans_count().write_value(data.len() as u32);
p.ctrl_trig().write(|w| {
// Set TX DREQ for this statemachine
w.set_treq_sel(TreqSel(pio_no * 8 + SM as u8));
pub struct StateMachine<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> {
rx: StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM>,
tx: StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance, const SM: usize> Drop for StateMachine<'d, PIO, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
PIO::PIO.ctrl().write_clear(|w| w.set_sm_enable(1 << SM));
fn assert_consecutive<'d, PIO: Instance>(pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
for (p1, p2) in pins.iter().zip(pins.iter().skip(1)) {
// purposely does not allow wrap-around because we can't claim pins 30 and 31.
assert!(p1.pin() + 1 == p2.pin(), "pins must be consecutive");
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ExecConfig {
pub side_en: bool,
pub side_pindir: bool,
pub jmp_pin: u8,
pub wrap_top: u8,
pub wrap_bottom: u8,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ShiftConfig {
pub threshold: u8,
pub direction: ShiftDirection,
pub auto_fill: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct PinConfig {
pub sideset_count: u8,
pub set_count: u8,
pub out_count: u8,
pub in_base: u8,
pub sideset_base: u8,
pub set_base: u8,
pub out_base: u8,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Config<'d, PIO: Instance> {
pub clock_divider: FixedU32<U8>,
pub out_en_sel: u8,
pub inline_out_en: bool,
pub out_sticky: bool,
pub status_sel: StatusSource,
pub status_n: u8,
exec: ExecConfig,
origin: Option<u8>,
pub fifo_join: FifoJoin,
pub shift_in: ShiftConfig,
pub shift_out: ShiftConfig,
pins: PinConfig,
in_count: u8,
_pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> Default for Config<'d, PIO> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
clock_divider: 1u8.into(),
out_en_sel: Default::default(),
inline_out_en: Default::default(),
out_sticky: Default::default(),
status_sel: Default::default(),
status_n: Default::default(),
exec: Default::default(),
origin: Default::default(),
fifo_join: Default::default(),
shift_in: Default::default(),
shift_out: Default::default(),
pins: Default::default(),
in_count: Default::default(),
_pio: Default::default(),
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> Config<'d, PIO> {
pub fn get_exec(&self) -> ExecConfig {
pub unsafe fn set_exec(&mut self, e: ExecConfig) {
self.exec = e;
pub fn get_pins(&self) -> PinConfig {
pub unsafe fn set_pins(&mut self, p: PinConfig) {
self.pins = p;
/// Configures this state machine to use the given program, including jumping to the origin
/// of the program. The state machine is not started.
/// `side_set` sets the range of pins affected by side-sets. The range must be consecutive.
/// Side-set pins must configured as outputs using [`StateMachine::set_pin_dirs`] to be
/// effective.
pub fn use_program(&mut self, prog: &LoadedProgram<'d, PIO>, side_set: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
assert!((prog.side_set.bits() - prog.side_set.optional() as u8) as usize == side_set.len());
self.exec.side_en = prog.side_set.optional();
self.exec.side_pindir = prog.side_set.pindirs();
self.exec.wrap_bottom = prog.wrap.target;
self.exec.wrap_top = prog.wrap.source;
self.pins.sideset_count = prog.side_set.bits();
self.pins.sideset_base = side_set.first().map_or(0, |p| p.pin());
self.origin = Some(prog.origin);
pub fn set_jmp_pin(&mut self, pin: &Pin<'d, PIO>) {
self.exec.jmp_pin = pin.pin();
/// Sets the range of pins affected by SET instructions. The range must be consecutive.
/// Set pins must configured as outputs using [`StateMachine::set_pin_dirs`] to be
/// effective.
pub fn set_set_pins(&mut self, pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
assert!(pins.len() <= 5);
self.pins.set_base = pins.first().map_or(0, |p| p.pin());
self.pins.set_count = pins.len() as u8;
/// Sets the range of pins affected by OUT instructions. The range must be consecutive.
/// Out pins must configured as outputs using [`StateMachine::set_pin_dirs`] to be
/// effective.
pub fn set_out_pins(&mut self, pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
self.pins.out_base = pins.first().map_or(0, |p| p.pin());
self.pins.out_count = pins.len() as u8;
/// Sets the range of pins used by IN instructions. The range must be consecutive.
/// In pins must configured as inputs using [`StateMachine::set_pin_dirs`] to be
/// effective.
pub fn set_in_pins(&mut self, pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
self.pins.in_base = pins.first().map_or(0, |p| p.pin());
self.in_count = pins.len() as u8;
impl<'d, PIO: Instance + 'd, const SM: usize> StateMachine<'d, PIO, SM> {
pub fn set_config(&mut self, config: &Config<'d, PIO>) {
// sm expects 0 for 65536, truncation makes that happen
assert!(config.clock_divider <= 65536, "clkdiv must be <= 65536");
assert!(config.clock_divider >= 1, "clkdiv must be >= 1");
assert!(config.out_en_sel < 32, "out_en_sel must be < 32");
assert!(config.status_n < 32, "status_n must be < 32");
// sm expects 0 for 32, truncation makes that happen
assert!(config.shift_in.threshold <= 32, "shift_in.threshold must be <= 32");
assert!(config.shift_out.threshold <= 32, "shift_out.threshold must be <= 32");
let sm = Self::this_sm();
sm.clkdiv().write(|w| w.0 = config.clock_divider.to_bits() << 8);
sm.execctrl().write(|w| {
w.set_status_sel(match config.status_sel {
StatusSource::TxFifoLevel => SmExecctrlStatusSel::TXLEVEL,
StatusSource::RxFifoLevel => SmExecctrlStatusSel::RXLEVEL,
sm.shiftctrl().write(|w| {
w.set_fjoin_rx(config.fifo_join == FifoJoin::RxOnly);
w.set_fjoin_tx(config.fifo_join == FifoJoin::TxOnly);
w.set_out_shiftdir(config.shift_out.direction == ShiftDirection::Right);
w.set_in_shiftdir(config.shift_in.direction == ShiftDirection::Right);
sm.pinctrl().write(|w| {
if let Some(origin) = config.origin {
unsafe { pio_instr_util::exec_jmp(self, origin) }
fn this_sm() -> crate::pac::pio::StateMachine {
pub fn restart(&mut self) {
let mask = 1u8 << SM;
PIO::PIO.ctrl().write_set(|w| w.set_sm_restart(mask));
pub fn set_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) {
let mask = 1u8 << SM;
if enable {
PIO::PIO.ctrl().write_set(|w| w.set_sm_enable(mask));
} else {
PIO::PIO.ctrl().write_clear(|w| w.set_sm_enable(mask));
pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.ctrl().read().sm_enable() & (1u8 << SM) != 0
pub fn clkdiv_restart(&mut self) {
let mask = 1u8 << SM;
PIO::PIO.ctrl().write_set(|w| w.set_clkdiv_restart(mask));
fn with_paused(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) {
let enabled = self.is_enabled();
let pincfg = Self::this_sm().pinctrl().read();
let execcfg = Self::this_sm().execctrl().read();
Self::this_sm().execctrl().write_clear(|w| w.set_out_sticky(true));
/// Sets pin directions. This pauses the current state machine to run `SET` commands
/// and temporarily unsets the `OUT_STICKY` bit.
pub fn set_pin_dirs(&mut self, dir: Direction, pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
self.with_paused(|sm| {
for pin in pins {
Self::this_sm().pinctrl().write(|w| {
// SET PINDIRS, (dir)
unsafe { sm.exec_instr(0b111_00000_100_00000 | dir as u16) };
/// Sets pin output values. This pauses the current state machine to run
/// `SET` commands and temporarily unsets the `OUT_STICKY` bit.
pub fn set_pins(&mut self, level: Level, pins: &[&Pin<'d, PIO>]) {
self.with_paused(|sm| {
for pin in pins {
Self::this_sm().pinctrl().write(|w| {
// SET PINS, (dir)
unsafe { sm.exec_instr(0b111_00000_000_00000 | level as u16) };
pub fn clear_fifos(&mut self) {
// Toggle FJOIN_RX to flush FIFOs
let shiftctrl = Self::this_sm().shiftctrl();
shiftctrl.modify(|w| {
shiftctrl.modify(|w| {
pub unsafe fn exec_instr(&mut self, instr: u16) {
Self::this_sm().instr().write(|w| w.set_instr(instr));
pub fn rx(&mut self) -> &mut StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM> {
&mut self.rx
pub fn tx(&mut self) -> &mut StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM> {
&mut self.tx
pub fn rx_tx(&mut self) -> (&mut StateMachineRx<'d, PIO, SM>, &mut StateMachineTx<'d, PIO, SM>) {
(&mut self.rx, &mut self.tx)
pub struct Common<'d, PIO: Instance> {
instructions_used: u32,
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> Drop for Common<'d, PIO> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct InstanceMemory<'d, PIO: Instance> {
used_mask: u32,
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
pub struct LoadedProgram<'d, PIO: Instance> {
pub used_memory: InstanceMemory<'d, PIO>,
origin: u8,
wrap: Wrap,
side_set: SideSet,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> Common<'d, PIO> {
pub fn load_program<const SIZE: usize>(&mut self, prog: &RelocatedProgram<SIZE>) -> LoadedProgram<'d, PIO> {
match self.try_load_program(prog) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(at) => panic!("Trying to write already used PIO instruction memory at {}", at),
pub fn try_load_program<const SIZE: usize>(
&mut self,
prog: &RelocatedProgram<SIZE>,
) -> Result<LoadedProgram<'d, PIO>, usize> {
let used_memory = self.try_write_instr(prog.origin() as _, prog.code())?;
Ok(LoadedProgram {
origin: prog.origin(),
wrap: prog.wrap(),
side_set: prog.side_set(),
pub fn try_write_instr<I>(&mut self, start: usize, instrs: I) -> Result<InstanceMemory<'d, PIO>, usize>
I: Iterator<Item = u16>,
let mut used_mask = 0;
for (i, instr) in instrs.enumerate() {
// wrapping around the end of program memory is valid, let's make use of that.
let addr = (i + start) % 32;
let mask = 1 << addr;
if (self.instructions_used | used_mask) & mask != 0 {
return Err(addr);
PIO::PIO.instr_mem(addr).write(|w| {
used_mask |= mask;
self.instructions_used |= used_mask;
Ok(InstanceMemory {
pio: PhantomData,
/// Free instruction memory. This is always possible but unsafe if any
/// state machine is still using this bit of memory.
pub unsafe fn free_instr(&mut self, instrs: InstanceMemory<PIO>) {
self.instructions_used &= !instrs.used_mask;
pub fn set_input_sync_bypass<'a>(&'a mut self, bypass: u32, mask: u32) {
// this can interfere with per-pin bypass functions. splitting the
// modification is going to be fine since nothing that relies on
// it can reasonably run before we finish.
PIO::PIO.input_sync_bypass().write_set(|w| *w = mask & bypass);
PIO::PIO.input_sync_bypass().write_clear(|w| *w = mask & !bypass);
pub fn get_input_sync_bypass(&self) -> u32 {
/// Register a pin for PIO usage. Pins will be released from the PIO block
/// (i.e., have their `FUNCSEL` reset to `NULL`) when the [`Common`] *and*
/// all [`StateMachine`]s for this block have been dropped. **Other members
/// of [`Pio`] do not keep pin registrations alive.**
pub fn make_pio_pin(&mut self, pin: impl Peripheral<P = impl PioPin + 'd> + 'd) -> Pin<'d, PIO> {
pin.io().ctrl().write(|w| w.set_funcsel(PIO::FUNCSEL as _));
// we can be relaxed about this because we're &mut here and nothing is cached
PIO::state().used_pins.fetch_or(1 << pin.pin_bank(), Ordering::Relaxed);
Pin {
pin: pin.into_ref().map_into(),
pio: PhantomData::default(),
pub fn apply_sm_batch(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut PioBatch<'d, PIO>)) {
let mut batch = PioBatch {
clkdiv_restart: 0,
sm_restart: 0,
sm_enable_mask: 0,
sm_enable: 0,
_pio: PhantomData,
f(&mut batch);
PIO::PIO.ctrl().modify(|w| {
w.set_sm_enable((w.sm_enable() & !batch.sm_enable_mask) | batch.sm_enable);
pub struct PioBatch<'a, PIO: Instance> {
clkdiv_restart: u8,
sm_restart: u8,
sm_enable_mask: u8,
sm_enable: u8,
_pio: PhantomData<&'a PIO>,
impl<'a, PIO: Instance> PioBatch<'a, PIO> {
pub fn restart_clockdiv<const SM: usize>(&mut self, _sm: &mut StateMachine<'a, PIO, SM>) {
self.clkdiv_restart |= 1 << SM;
pub fn restart<const SM: usize>(&mut self, _sm: &mut StateMachine<'a, PIO, SM>) {
self.clkdiv_restart |= 1 << SM;
pub fn set_enable<const SM: usize>(&mut self, _sm: &mut StateMachine<'a, PIO, SM>, enable: bool) {
self.sm_enable_mask |= 1 << SM;
self.sm_enable |= (enable as u8) << SM;
pub struct Irq<'d, PIO: Instance, const N: usize> {
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance, const N: usize> Irq<'d, PIO, N> {
pub fn wait<'a>(&'a mut self) -> IrqFuture<'a, 'd, PIO> {
IrqFuture {
pio: PhantomData,
irq_no: N as u8,
pub struct IrqFlags<'d, PIO: Instance> {
pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> IrqFlags<'d, PIO> {
pub fn check(&self, irq_no: u8) -> bool {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
self.check_any(1 << irq_no)
pub fn check_any(&self, irqs: u8) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.irq().read().irq() & irqs != 0
pub fn check_all(&self, irqs: u8) -> bool {
PIO::PIO.irq().read().irq() & irqs == irqs
pub fn clear(&self, irq_no: usize) {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
self.clear_all(1 << irq_no);
pub fn clear_all(&self, irqs: u8) {
PIO::PIO.irq().write(|w| w.set_irq(irqs))
pub fn set(&self, irq_no: usize) {
assert!(irq_no < 8);
self.set_all(1 << irq_no);
pub fn set_all(&self, irqs: u8) {
PIO::PIO.irq_force().write(|w| w.set_irq_force(irqs))
pub struct Pio<'d, PIO: Instance> {
pub common: Common<'d, PIO>,
pub irq_flags: IrqFlags<'d, PIO>,
pub irq0: Irq<'d, PIO, 0>,
pub irq1: Irq<'d, PIO, 1>,
pub irq2: Irq<'d, PIO, 2>,
pub irq3: Irq<'d, PIO, 3>,
pub sm0: StateMachine<'d, PIO, 0>,
pub sm1: StateMachine<'d, PIO, 1>,
pub sm2: StateMachine<'d, PIO, 2>,
pub sm3: StateMachine<'d, PIO, 3>,
_pio: PhantomData<&'d mut PIO>,
impl<'d, PIO: Instance> Pio<'d, PIO> {
pub fn new(_pio: impl Peripheral<P = PIO> + 'd) -> Self {
PIO::state().users.store(5, Ordering::Release);
PIO::state().used_pins.store(0, Ordering::Release);
Self {
common: Common {
instructions_used: 0,
pio: PhantomData,
irq_flags: IrqFlags { pio: PhantomData },
irq0: Irq { pio: PhantomData },
irq1: Irq { pio: PhantomData },
irq2: Irq { pio: PhantomData },
irq3: Irq { pio: PhantomData },
sm0: StateMachine {
rx: StateMachineRx { pio: PhantomData },
tx: StateMachineTx { pio: PhantomData },
sm1: StateMachine {
rx: StateMachineRx { pio: PhantomData },
tx: StateMachineTx { pio: PhantomData },
sm2: StateMachine {
rx: StateMachineRx { pio: PhantomData },
tx: StateMachineTx { pio: PhantomData },
sm3: StateMachine {
rx: StateMachineRx { pio: PhantomData },
tx: StateMachineTx { pio: PhantomData },
_pio: PhantomData,
// we need to keep a record of which pins are assigned to each PIO. make_pio_pin
// notionally takes ownership of the pin it is given, but the wrapped pin cannot
// be treated as an owned resource since dropping it would have to deconfigure
// the pin, breaking running state machines in the process. pins are also shared
// between all state machines, which makes ownership even messier to track any
// other way.
pub struct State {
users: AtomicU8,
used_pins: AtomicU32,
fn on_pio_drop<PIO: Instance>() {
let state = PIO::state();
if state.users.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel) == 1 {
let used_pins = state.used_pins.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let null = Gpio0ctrlFuncsel::NULL as _;
// we only have 30 pins. don't test the other two since gpio() asserts.
for i in 0..30 {
if used_pins & (1 << i) != 0 {
pac::IO_BANK0.gpio(i).ctrl().write(|w| w.set_funcsel(null));
mod sealed {
use super::*;
pub trait PioPin {}
pub trait Instance {
const PIO_NO: u8;
const PIO: &'static crate::pac::pio::Pio;
const FUNCSEL: crate::pac::io::vals::Gpio0ctrlFuncsel;
fn state() -> &'static State {
static STATE: State = State {
users: AtomicU8::new(0),
used_pins: AtomicU32::new(0),
pub trait Instance: sealed::Instance + Sized + Unpin {}
macro_rules! impl_pio {
($name:ident, $pio:expr, $pac:ident, $funcsel:ident) => {
impl sealed::Instance for peripherals::$name {
const PIO_NO: u8 = $pio;
const PIO: &'static pac::pio::Pio = &pac::$pac;
const FUNCSEL: pac::io::vals::Gpio0ctrlFuncsel = pac::io::vals::Gpio0ctrlFuncsel::$funcsel;
impl Instance for peripherals::$name {}
impl_pio!(PIO0, 0, PIO0, PIO0_0);
impl_pio!(PIO1, 1, PIO1, PIO1_0);
pub trait PioPin: sealed::PioPin + gpio::Pin {}
macro_rules! impl_pio_pin {
($( $num:tt )*) => {
impl sealed::PioPin for peripherals::[< PIN_ $num >] {}
impl PioPin for peripherals::[< PIN_ $num >] {}
impl_pio_pin! {
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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