276 lines
8.4 KiB
276 lines
8.4 KiB
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use aligned::{Aligned, A4};
use bit_field::BitField;
use crate::cmd::{AclDataPacket, CmdPacket};
#[cfg(feature = "mac")]
use crate::consts::C_SIZE_CMD_STRING;
use crate::unsafe_linked_list::LinkedListNode;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct SafeBootInfoTable {
version: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct RssInfoTable {
pub version: u32,
pub memory_size: u32,
pub rss_info: u32,
* Version
* [0:3] = Build - 0: Untracked - 15:Released - x: Tracked version
* [4:7] = branch - 0: Mass Market - x: ...
* [8:15] = Subversion
* [16:23] = Version minor
* [24:31] = Version major
* Memory Size
* [0:7] = Flash ( Number of 4k sector)
* [8:15] = Reserved ( Shall be set to 0 - may be used as flash extension )
* [16:23] = SRAM2b ( Number of 1k sector)
* [24:31] = SRAM2a ( Number of 1k sector)
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct WirelessFwInfoTable {
pub version: u32,
pub memory_size: u32,
pub thread_info: u32,
pub ble_info: u32,
impl WirelessFwInfoTable {
pub fn version_major(&self) -> u8 {
let version = self.version;
(version.get_bits(24..31) & 0xff) as u8
pub fn version_minor(&self) -> u8 {
let version = self.version;
(version.clone().get_bits(16..23) & 0xff) as u8
pub fn subversion(&self) -> u8 {
let version = self.version;
(version.clone().get_bits(8..15) & 0xff) as u8
/// Size of FLASH, expressed in number of 4K sectors.
pub fn flash_size(&self) -> u8 {
let memory_size = self.memory_size;
(memory_size.clone().get_bits(0..7) & 0xff) as u8
/// Size of SRAM2a, expressed in number of 1K sectors.
pub fn sram2a_size(&self) -> u8 {
let memory_size = self.memory_size;
(memory_size.clone().get_bits(24..31) & 0xff) as u8
/// Size of SRAM2b, expressed in number of 1K sectors.
pub fn sram2b_size(&self) -> u8 {
let memory_size = self.memory_size;
(memory_size.clone().get_bits(16..23) & 0xff) as u8
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DeviceInfoTable {
pub safe_boot_info_table: SafeBootInfoTable,
pub rss_info_table: RssInfoTable,
pub wireless_fw_info_table: WirelessFwInfoTable,
pub struct BleTable {
pub pcmd_buffer: *mut CmdPacket,
pub pcs_buffer: *const u8,
pub pevt_queue: *const u8,
pub phci_acl_data_buffer: *mut AclDataPacket,
pub struct ThreadTable {
pub nostack_buffer: *const u8,
pub clicmdrsp_buffer: *const u8,
pub otcmdrsp_buffer: *const u8,
pub struct LldTestsTable {
pub clicmdrsp_buffer: *const u8,
pub m0cmd_buffer: *const u8,
// TODO: use later
pub struct BleLldTable {
pub cmdrsp_buffer: *const u8,
pub m0cmd_buffer: *const u8,
// TODO: use later
pub struct ZigbeeTable {
pub notif_m0_to_m4_buffer: *const u8,
pub appli_cmd_m4_to_m0_bufer: *const u8,
pub request_m0_to_m4_buffer: *const u8,
pub struct SysTable {
pub pcmd_buffer: *mut CmdPacket,
pub sys_queue: *const LinkedListNode,
pub struct MemManagerTable {
pub spare_ble_buffer: *const u8,
pub spare_sys_buffer: *const u8,
pub blepool: *const u8,
pub blepoolsize: u32,
pub pevt_free_buffer_queue: *mut LinkedListNode,
pub traces_evt_pool: *const u8,
pub tracespoolsize: u32,
pub struct TracesTable {
pub traces_queue: *const u8,
pub struct Mac802_15_4Table {
pub p_cmdrsp_buffer: *const u8,
pub p_notack_buffer: *const u8,
pub evt_queue: *const u8,
/// Reference table. Contains pointers to all other tables.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RefTable {
pub device_info_table: *const DeviceInfoTable,
pub ble_table: *const BleTable,
pub thread_table: *const ThreadTable,
pub sys_table: *const SysTable,
pub mem_manager_table: *const MemManagerTable,
pub traces_table: *const TracesTable,
pub mac_802_15_4_table: *const Mac802_15_4Table,
pub zigbee_table: *const ZigbeeTable,
pub lld_tests_table: *const LldTestsTable,
pub ble_lld_table: *const BleLldTable,
// --------------------- ref table ---------------------
#[link_section = "TL_REF_TABLE"]
pub static mut TL_REF_TABLE: MaybeUninit<RefTable> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_DEVICE_INFO_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<DeviceInfoTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_BLE_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<BleTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_THREAD_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<ThreadTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_LLD_TESTS_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<LldTestsTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_BLE_LLD_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<BleLldTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_SYS_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<SysTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_MEM_MANAGER_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<MemManagerTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_TRACES_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<TracesTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_MAC_802_15_4_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<Mac802_15_4Table>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TL_ZIGBEE_TABLE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<ZigbeeTable>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
// --------------------- tables ---------------------
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut FREE_BUF_QUEUE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<LinkedListNode>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut TRACES_EVT_QUEUE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<LinkedListNode>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut CS_BUFFER: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE + TL_CS_EVT_SIZE]>> =
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut EVT_QUEUE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<LinkedListNode>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut SYSTEM_EVT_QUEUE: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<LinkedListNode>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
// --------------------- app tables ---------------------
#[cfg(feature = "mac")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut MAC_802_15_4_CMD_BUFFER: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<CmdPacket>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[cfg(feature = "mac")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut MAC_802_15_4_NOTIF_RSP_EVT_BUFFER: MaybeUninit<
> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut EVT_POOL: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; POOL_SIZE]>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut SYS_CMD_BUF: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<CmdPacket>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut SYS_SPARE_EVT_BUF: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE + 255]>> =
#[cfg(feature = "mac")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut MAC_802_15_4_CNFINDNOT: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; C_SIZE_CMD_STRING]>> =
#[cfg(feature = "ble")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM1"]
pub static mut BLE_CMD_BUFFER: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<CmdPacket>> = Aligned(MaybeUninit::uninit());
#[cfg(feature = "ble")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
pub static mut BLE_SPARE_EVT_BUF: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + TL_EVT_HEADER_SIZE + 255]>> =
#[cfg(feature = "ble")]
#[link_section = "MB_MEM2"]
// fuck these "magic" numbers from ST ---v---v
pub static mut HCI_ACL_DATA_BUFFER: Aligned<A4, MaybeUninit<[u8; TL_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + 5 + 251]>> =