2023-10-12 02:07:26 +02:00

127 lines
3.9 KiB

use core::arch::asm;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering};
use cortex_m::peripheral::SCB;
use embassy_executor::*;
use crate::interrupt;
use crate::rcc::low_power_ready;
use crate::time_driver::{get_driver, RtcDriver};
const THREAD_PENDER: usize = usize::MAX;
use crate::rtc::Rtc;
static mut EXECUTOR: Option<Executor> = None;
foreach_interrupt! {
(RTC, rtc, $block:ident, WKUP, $irq:ident) => {
unsafe fn $irq() {
pub(crate) unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq() {
pub fn stop_with_rtc(rtc: &'static Rtc) {
unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.stop_with_rtc(rtc)
/// Thread mode executor, using WFE/SEV.
/// This is the simplest and most common kind of executor. It runs on
/// thread mode (at the lowest priority level), and uses the `WFE` ARM instruction
/// to sleep when it has no more work to do. When a task is woken, a `SEV` instruction
/// is executed, to make the `WFE` exit from sleep and poll the task.
/// This executor allows for ultra low power consumption for chips where `WFE`
/// triggers low-power sleep without extra steps. If your chip requires extra steps,
/// you may use [`raw::Executor`] directly to program custom behavior.
pub struct Executor {
inner: raw::Executor,
not_send: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
scb: SCB,
time_driver: &'static RtcDriver,
impl Executor {
/// Create a new Executor.
pub fn take() -> &'static mut Self {
unsafe {
EXECUTOR = Some(Self {
inner: raw::Executor::new(THREAD_PENDER as *mut ()),
not_send: PhantomData,
scb: cortex_m::Peripherals::steal().SCB,
time_driver: get_driver(),
unsafe fn on_wakeup_irq(&mut self) {
trace!("low power: resume");
pub(self) fn stop_with_rtc(&mut self, rtc: &'static Rtc) {
trace!("low power: stop with rtc configured");
fn configure_pwr(&mut self) {
if !low_power_ready() {
trace!("low power: not ready to stop");
} else if self.time_driver.pause_time().is_err() {
trace!("low power: failed to pause time");
} else {
trace!("low power: stop");
/// Run the executor.
/// The `init` closure is called with a [`Spawner`] that spawns tasks on
/// this executor. Use it to spawn the initial task(s). After `init` returns,
/// the executor starts running the tasks.
/// To spawn more tasks later, you may keep copies of the [`Spawner`] (it is `Copy`),
/// for example by passing it as an argument to the initial tasks.
/// This function requires `&'static mut self`. This means you have to store the
/// Executor instance in a place where it'll live forever and grants you mutable
/// access. There's a few ways to do this:
/// - a [StaticCell](https://docs.rs/static_cell/latest/static_cell/) (safe)
/// - a `static mut` (unsafe)
/// - a local variable in a function you know never returns (like `fn main() -> !`), upgrading its lifetime with `transmute`. (unsafe)
/// This function never returns.
pub fn run(&'static mut self, init: impl FnOnce(Spawner)) -> ! {
init(unsafe { EXECUTOR.as_mut().unwrap() }.inner.spawner());
loop {
unsafe {