disable lora functionality for now
35 lines
1,008 B
35 lines
1,008 B
use defmt::*;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::usart::{BufferedUart, Config};
use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, peripherals, usart};
use embedded_io::asynch::BufRead;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
USART3 => usart::BufferedInterruptHandler<peripherals::USART3>;
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
let p = embassy_stm32::init(Default::default());
info!("Hello World!");
let config = Config::default();
let mut tx_buf = [0u8; 32];
let mut rx_buf = [0u8; 32];
let mut buf_usart = BufferedUart::new(p.USART3, Irqs, p.PD9, p.PD8, &mut tx_buf, &mut rx_buf, config);
loop {
let buf = buf_usart.fill_buf().await.unwrap();
info!("Received: {}", buf);
// Read bytes have to be explicitly consumed, otherwise fill_buf() will return them again
let n = buf.len();