313 lines
9.1 KiB
313 lines
9.1 KiB
//! This example shows how to use SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) in the RP2040 chip.
//! Example written for a display using the ST7789 chip. Possibly the Waveshare Pico-ResTouch
//! (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pico-ResTouch-LCD-2.8)
use core::cell::RefCell;
use defmt::*;
use embassy_embedded_hal::shared_bus::blocking::spi::SpiDeviceWithConfig;
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_rp::gpio::{Level, Output};
use embassy_rp::spi;
use embassy_rp::spi::{Blocking, Spi};
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::NoopRawMutex;
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::Mutex;
use embassy_time::Delay;
use embedded_graphics::image::{Image, ImageRawLE};
use embedded_graphics::mono_font::ascii::FONT_10X20;
use embedded_graphics::mono_font::MonoTextStyle;
use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::Rgb565;
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::primitives::{PrimitiveStyleBuilder, Rectangle};
use embedded_graphics::text::Text;
use st7789::{Orientation, ST7789};
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
use crate::my_display_interface::SPIDeviceInterface;
use crate::touch::Touch;
const DISPLAY_FREQ: u32 = 64_000_000;
const TOUCH_FREQ: u32 = 200_000;
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
let p = embassy_rp::init(Default::default());
info!("Hello World!");
let bl = p.PIN_13;
let rst = p.PIN_15;
let display_cs = p.PIN_9;
let dcx = p.PIN_8;
let miso = p.PIN_12;
let mosi = p.PIN_11;
let clk = p.PIN_10;
let touch_cs = p.PIN_16;
//let touch_irq = p.PIN_17;
// create SPI
let mut display_config = spi::Config::default();
display_config.frequency = DISPLAY_FREQ;
display_config.phase = spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition;
display_config.polarity = spi::Polarity::IdleHigh;
let mut touch_config = spi::Config::default();
touch_config.frequency = TOUCH_FREQ;
touch_config.phase = spi::Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition;
touch_config.polarity = spi::Polarity::IdleHigh;
let spi: Spi<'_, _, Blocking> = Spi::new_blocking(p.SPI1, clk, mosi, miso, touch_config.clone());
let spi_bus: Mutex<NoopRawMutex, _> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(spi));
let display_spi = SpiDeviceWithConfig::new(&spi_bus, Output::new(display_cs, Level::High), display_config);
let touch_spi = SpiDeviceWithConfig::new(&spi_bus, Output::new(touch_cs, Level::High), touch_config);
let mut touch = Touch::new(touch_spi);
let dcx = Output::new(dcx, Level::Low);
let rst = Output::new(rst, Level::Low);
// dcx: 0 = command, 1 = data
// Enable LCD backlight
let _bl = Output::new(bl, Level::High);
// display interface abstraction from SPI and DC
let di = SPIDeviceInterface::new(display_spi, dcx);
// create driver
let mut display = ST7789::new(di, rst, 240, 320);
// initialize
display.init(&mut Delay).unwrap();
// set default orientation
let raw_image_data = ImageRawLE::new(include_bytes!("../../assets/ferris.raw"), 86);
let ferris = Image::new(&raw_image_data, Point::new(34, 68));
// Display the image
ferris.draw(&mut display).unwrap();
let style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_10X20, Rgb565::GREEN);
"Hello embedded_graphics \n + embassy + RP2040!",
Point::new(20, 200),
.draw(&mut display)
loop {
if let Some((x, y)) = touch.read() {
let style = PrimitiveStyleBuilder::new().fill_color(Rgb565::BLUE).build();
Rectangle::new(Point::new(x - 1, y - 1), Size::new(3, 3))
.draw(&mut display)
/// Driver for the XPT2046 resistive touchscreen sensor
mod touch {
use embedded_hal_1::spi::{Operation, SpiDevice};
struct Calibration {
x1: i32,
x2: i32,
y1: i32,
y2: i32,
sx: i32,
sy: i32,
const CALIBRATION: Calibration = Calibration {
x1: 3880,
x2: 340,
y1: 262,
y2: 3850,
sx: 320,
sy: 240,
pub struct Touch<SPI: SpiDevice> {
spi: SPI,
impl<SPI> Touch<SPI>
SPI: SpiDevice,
pub fn new(spi: SPI) -> Self {
Self { spi }
pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
let mut x = [0; 2];
let mut y = [0; 2];
.transaction(&mut [
Operation::Read(&mut x),
Operation::Read(&mut y),
let x = (u16::from_be_bytes(x) >> 3) as i32;
let y = (u16::from_be_bytes(y) >> 3) as i32;
let cal = &CALIBRATION;
let x = ((x - cal.x1) * cal.sx / (cal.x2 - cal.x1)).clamp(0, cal.sx);
let y = ((y - cal.y1) * cal.sy / (cal.y2 - cal.y1)).clamp(0, cal.sy);
if x == 0 && y == 0 {
} else {
Some((x, y))
mod my_display_interface {
use display_interface::{DataFormat, DisplayError, WriteOnlyDataCommand};
use embedded_hal_1::digital::OutputPin;
use embedded_hal_1::spi::SpiDevice;
/// SPI display interface.
/// This combines the SPI peripheral and a data/command pin
pub struct SPIDeviceInterface<SPI, DC> {
spi: SPI,
dc: DC,
impl<SPI, DC> SPIDeviceInterface<SPI, DC>
SPI: SpiDevice,
DC: OutputPin,
/// Create new SPI interface for communciation with a display driver
pub fn new(spi: SPI, dc: DC) -> Self {
Self { spi, dc }
impl<SPI, DC> WriteOnlyDataCommand for SPIDeviceInterface<SPI, DC>
SPI: SpiDevice,
DC: OutputPin,
fn send_commands(&mut self, cmds: DataFormat<'_>) -> Result<(), DisplayError> {
// 1 = data, 0 = command
self.dc.set_low().map_err(|_| DisplayError::DCError)?;
send_u8(&mut self.spi, cmds).map_err(|_| DisplayError::BusWriteError)?;
fn send_data(&mut self, buf: DataFormat<'_>) -> Result<(), DisplayError> {
// 1 = data, 0 = command
self.dc.set_high().map_err(|_| DisplayError::DCError)?;
send_u8(&mut self.spi, buf).map_err(|_| DisplayError::BusWriteError)?;
fn send_u8<T: SpiDevice>(spi: &mut T, words: DataFormat<'_>) -> Result<(), T::Error> {
match words {
DataFormat::U8(slice) => spi.write(slice),
DataFormat::U16(slice) => {
use byte_slice_cast::*;
DataFormat::U16LE(slice) => {
use byte_slice_cast::*;
for v in slice.as_mut() {
*v = v.to_le();
DataFormat::U16BE(slice) => {
use byte_slice_cast::*;
for v in slice.as_mut() {
*v = v.to_be();
DataFormat::U8Iter(iter) => {
let mut buf = [0; 32];
let mut i = 0;
for v in iter.into_iter() {
buf[i] = v;
i += 1;
if i == buf.len() {
i = 0;
if i > 0 {
DataFormat::U16LEIter(iter) => {
use byte_slice_cast::*;
let mut buf = [0; 32];
let mut i = 0;
for v in iter.map(u16::to_le) {
buf[i] = v;
i += 1;
if i == buf.len() {
i = 0;
if i > 0 {
DataFormat::U16BEIter(iter) => {
use byte_slice_cast::*;
let mut buf = [0; 64];
let mut i = 0;
let len = buf.len();
for v in iter.map(u16::to_be) {
buf[i] = v;
i += 1;
if i == len {
i = 0;
if i > 0 {
_ => unimplemented!(),