500 lines
16 KiB
500 lines
16 KiB
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(async_fn_in_trait, impl_trait_projections))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", allow(incomplete_features))]
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
// This mod MUST go first, so that the others see its macros.
pub(crate) mod fmt;
mod device;
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
pub mod dns;
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
pub mod tcp;
mod time;
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
pub mod udp;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::future::{poll_fn, Future};
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
pub use embassy_net_driver as driver;
use embassy_net_driver::{Driver, LinkState, Medium};
use embassy_sync::waitqueue::WakerRegistration;
use embassy_time::{Instant, Timer};
use futures::pin_mut;
use heapless::Vec;
#[cfg(feature = "igmp")]
pub use smoltcp::iface::MulticastError;
use smoltcp::iface::{Interface, SocketHandle, SocketSet, SocketStorage};
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
use smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::{self, RetryConfig};
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
pub use smoltcp::wire::IpListenEndpoint;
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
pub use smoltcp::wire::{EthernetAddress, HardwareAddress};
pub use smoltcp::wire::{IpAddress, IpCidr, Ipv4Address, Ipv4Cidr};
#[cfg(feature = "proto-ipv6")]
pub use smoltcp::wire::{Ipv6Address, Ipv6Cidr};
use crate::device::DriverAdapter;
use crate::time::{instant_from_smoltcp, instant_to_smoltcp};
const LOCAL_PORT_MIN: u16 = 1025;
const LOCAL_PORT_MAX: u16 = 65535;
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
const MAX_QUERIES: usize = 4;
/// Memory resources needed for a network stack.
pub struct StackResources<const SOCK: usize> {
sockets: [SocketStorage<'static>; SOCK],
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
queries: [Option<dns::DnsQuery>; MAX_QUERIES],
impl<const SOCK: usize> StackResources<SOCK> {
/// Create a new set of stack resources.
pub fn new() -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
const INIT: Option<dns::DnsQuery> = None;
Self {
sockets: [SocketStorage::EMPTY; SOCK],
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
queries: [INIT; MAX_QUERIES],
/// Static IP address configuration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StaticConfig {
/// IP address and subnet mask.
pub address: Ipv4Cidr,
/// Default gateway.
pub gateway: Option<Ipv4Address>,
/// DNS servers.
pub dns_servers: Vec<Ipv4Address, 3>,
/// DHCP configuration.
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DhcpConfig {
/// Maximum lease duration.
/// If not set, the lease duration specified by the server will be used.
/// If set, the lease duration will be capped at this value.
pub max_lease_duration: Option<embassy_time::Duration>,
/// Retry configuration.
pub retry_config: RetryConfig,
/// Ignore NAKs from DHCP servers.
/// This is not compliant with the DHCP RFCs, since theoretically we must stop using the assigned IP when receiving a NAK. This can increase reliability on broken networks with buggy routers or rogue DHCP servers, however.
pub ignore_naks: bool,
/// Server port. This is almost always 67. Do not change unless you know what you're doing.
pub server_port: u16,
/// Client port. This is almost always 68. Do not change unless you know what you're doing.
pub client_port: u16,
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
impl Default for DhcpConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
max_lease_duration: Default::default(),
retry_config: Default::default(),
ignore_naks: Default::default(),
server_port: smoltcp::wire::DHCP_SERVER_PORT,
client_port: smoltcp::wire::DHCP_CLIENT_PORT,
/// Network stack configuration.
pub enum Config {
/// Use a static IP address configuration.
/// Use DHCP to obtain an IP address configuration.
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
/// A network stack.
/// This is the main entry point for the network stack.
pub struct Stack<D: Driver> {
pub(crate) socket: RefCell<SocketStack>,
inner: RefCell<Inner<D>>,
struct Inner<D: Driver> {
device: D,
link_up: bool,
config: Option<StaticConfig>,
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
dhcp_socket: Option<SocketHandle>,
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
dns_socket: SocketHandle,
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
dns_waker: WakerRegistration,
pub(crate) struct SocketStack {
pub(crate) sockets: SocketSet<'static>,
pub(crate) iface: Interface,
pub(crate) waker: WakerRegistration,
next_local_port: u16,
impl<D: Driver + 'static> Stack<D> {
/// Create a new network stack.
pub fn new<const SOCK: usize>(
mut device: D,
config: Config,
resources: &'static mut StackResources<SOCK>,
random_seed: u64,
) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
let medium = device.capabilities().medium;
let mut iface_cfg = smoltcp::iface::Config::new();
iface_cfg.random_seed = random_seed;
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
iface_cfg.hardware_addr = Some(HardwareAddress::Ethernet(EthernetAddress(device.ethernet_address())));
let iface = Interface::new(
&mut DriverAdapter {
inner: &mut device,
cx: None,
let sockets = SocketSet::new(&mut resources.sockets[..]);
let next_local_port = (random_seed % (LOCAL_PORT_MAX - LOCAL_PORT_MIN) as u64) as u16 + LOCAL_PORT_MIN;
let mut socket = SocketStack {
waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
let mut inner = Inner {
link_up: false,
config: None,
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
dhcp_socket: None,
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
dns_socket: socket.sockets.add(dns::Socket::new(
managed::ManagedSlice::Borrowed(&mut resources.queries),
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
dns_waker: WakerRegistration::new(),
match config {
Config::Static(config) => {
inner.apply_config(&mut socket, config);
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
Config::Dhcp(config) => {
let mut dhcp_socket = smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::Socket::new();
inner.apply_dhcp_config(&mut dhcp_socket, config);
let handle = socket.sockets.add(dhcp_socket);
inner.dhcp_socket = Some(handle);
Self {
socket: RefCell::new(socket),
inner: RefCell::new(inner),
fn with<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&SocketStack, &Inner<D>) -> R) -> R {
f(&*self.socket.borrow(), &*self.inner.borrow())
fn with_mut<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut SocketStack, &mut Inner<D>) -> R) -> R {
f(&mut *self.socket.borrow_mut(), &mut *self.inner.borrow_mut())
/// Get the MAC address of the network interface.
pub fn ethernet_address(&self) -> [u8; 6] {
self.with(|_s, i| i.device.ethernet_address())
/// Get whether the link is up.
pub fn is_link_up(&self) -> bool {
self.with(|_s, i| i.link_up)
/// Get whether the network stack has a valid IP configuration.
/// This is true if the network stack has a static IP configuration or if DHCP has completed
pub fn is_config_up(&self) -> bool {
self.with(|_s, i| i.config.is_some())
/// Get the current IP configuration.
pub fn config(&self) -> Option<StaticConfig> {
self.with(|_s, i| i.config.clone())
/// Run the network stack.
/// You must call this in a background task, to process network events.
pub async fn run(&self) -> ! {
poll_fn(|cx| {
self.with_mut(|s, i| i.poll(cx, s));
/// Make a query for a given name and return the corresponding IP addresses.
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
pub async fn dns_query(&self, name: &str, qtype: dns::DnsQueryType) -> Result<Vec<IpAddress, 1>, dns::Error> {
// For A and AAAA queries we try detect whether `name` is just an IP address
match qtype {
dns::DnsQueryType::A => {
if let Ok(ip) = name.parse().map(IpAddress::Ipv4) {
return Ok([ip].into_iter().collect());
#[cfg(feature = "proto-ipv6")]
dns::DnsQueryType::Aaaa => {
if let Ok(ip) = name.parse().map(IpAddress::Ipv6) {
return Ok([ip].into_iter().collect());
_ => {}
let query = poll_fn(|cx| {
self.with_mut(|s, i| {
let socket = s.sockets.get_mut::<dns::Socket>(i.dns_socket);
match socket.start_query(s.iface.context(), name, qtype) {
Ok(handle) => Poll::Ready(Ok(handle)),
Err(dns::StartQueryError::NoFreeSlot) => {
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
use embassy_hal_common::drop::OnDrop;
let drop = OnDrop::new(|| {
self.with_mut(|s, i| {
let socket = s.sockets.get_mut::<dns::Socket>(i.dns_socket);
let res = poll_fn(|cx| {
self.with_mut(|s, i| {
let socket = s.sockets.get_mut::<dns::Socket>(i.dns_socket);
match socket.get_query_result(query) {
Ok(addrs) => {
Err(dns::GetQueryResultError::Pending) => {
socket.register_query_waker(query, cx.waker());
Err(e) => {
#[cfg(feature = "igmp")]
impl<D: Driver + smoltcp::phy::Device + 'static> Stack<D> {
/// Join a multicast group.
pub fn join_multicast_group<T>(&self, addr: T) -> Result<bool, MulticastError>
T: Into<IpAddress>,
let addr = addr.into();
self.with_mut(|s, i| {
.join_multicast_group(&mut i.device, addr, instant_to_smoltcp(Instant::now()))
/// Leave a multicast group.
pub fn leave_multicast_group<T>(&self, addr: T) -> Result<bool, MulticastError>
T: Into<IpAddress>,
let addr = addr.into();
self.with_mut(|s, i| {
.leave_multicast_group(&mut i.device, addr, instant_to_smoltcp(Instant::now()))
/// Get whether the network stack has joined the given multicast group.
pub fn has_multicast_group<T: Into<IpAddress>>(&self, addr: T) -> bool {
impl SocketStack {
#[allow(clippy::absurd_extreme_comparisons, dead_code)]
pub fn get_local_port(&mut self) -> u16 {
let res = self.next_local_port;
self.next_local_port = if res >= LOCAL_PORT_MAX { LOCAL_PORT_MIN } else { res + 1 };
impl<D: Driver + 'static> Inner<D> {
fn apply_config(&mut self, s: &mut SocketStack, config: StaticConfig) {
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
let medium = self.device.capabilities().medium;
debug!("Acquired IP configuration:");
debug!(" IP address: {}", config.address);
s.iface.update_ip_addrs(|addrs| {
if addrs.is_empty() {
} else {
addrs[0] = IpCidr::Ipv4(config.address);
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
if let Some(gateway) = config.gateway {
debug!(" Default gateway: {}", gateway);
} else {
debug!(" Default gateway: None");
for (i, s) in config.dns_servers.iter().enumerate() {
debug!(" DNS server {}: {}", i, s);
#[cfg(feature = "dns")]
let socket = s.sockets.get_mut::<smoltcp::socket::dns::Socket>(self.dns_socket);
let servers: Vec<IpAddress, 3> = config.dns_servers.iter().map(|c| IpAddress::Ipv4(*c)).collect();
self.config = Some(config)
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
fn apply_dhcp_config(&self, socket: &mut smoltcp::socket::dhcpv4::Socket, config: DhcpConfig) {
socket.set_ports(config.server_port, config.client_port);
#[allow(unused)] // used only with dhcp
fn unapply_config(&mut self, s: &mut SocketStack) {
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
let medium = self.device.capabilities().medium;
debug!("Lost IP configuration");
s.iface.update_ip_addrs(|ip_addrs| ip_addrs.clear());
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if medium == Medium::Ethernet {
self.config = None
fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>, s: &mut SocketStack) {
#[cfg(feature = "medium-ethernet")]
if self.device.capabilities().medium == Medium::Ethernet {
let timestamp = instant_to_smoltcp(Instant::now());
let mut smoldev = DriverAdapter {
cx: Some(cx),
inner: &mut self.device,
s.iface.poll(timestamp, &mut smoldev, &mut s.sockets);
// Update link up
let old_link_up = self.link_up;
self.link_up = self.device.link_state(cx) == LinkState::Up;
// Print when changed
if old_link_up != self.link_up {
info!("link_up = {:?}", self.link_up);
#[cfg(feature = "dhcpv4")]
if let Some(dhcp_handle) = self.dhcp_socket {
let socket = s.sockets.get_mut::<dhcpv4::Socket>(dhcp_handle);
if self.link_up {
match socket.poll() {
None => {}
Some(dhcpv4::Event::Deconfigured) => self.unapply_config(s),
Some(dhcpv4::Event::Configured(config)) => {
let config = StaticConfig {
address: config.address,
gateway: config.router,
dns_servers: config.dns_servers,
self.apply_config(s, config)
} else if old_link_up {
//if old_link_up || self.link_up {
// self.poll_configurator(timestamp)
if let Some(poll_at) = s.iface.poll_at(timestamp, &mut s.sockets) {
let t = Timer::at(instant_from_smoltcp(poll_at));
if t.poll(cx).is_ready() {