gdkchan 36e8e074c9
Misc. CPU improvements (#519)
* Fix and simplify TranslatorCache

* Fix some assignment alignments, remove some unused usings

* Changes to ILEmitter, separate it from ILEmitterCtx

* Rename ILEmitter to ILMethodBuilder

* Rename LdrLit and *_Fix opcodes

* Revert TranslatorCache impl to the more performant one, fix a few issues with it

* Allow EmitOpCode to be called even after everything has been emitted

* Make Emit and AdvanceOpCode private, simplify it a bit now that it starts emiting from the entry point

* Remove unneeded temp use

* Add missing exit call on TestExclusive

* Use better hash

* Implement the == and != operators
2018-12-10 22:58:52 -02:00

260 lines
8.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ChocolArm64.Translation
class LocalAlloc
private class PathIo
private Dictionary<ILBlock, long> _allInputs;
private Dictionary<ILBlock, long> _cmnOutputs;
private long _allOutputs;
public PathIo()
_allInputs = new Dictionary<ILBlock, long>();
_cmnOutputs = new Dictionary<ILBlock, long>();
public PathIo(ILBlock root, long inputs, long outputs) : this()
Set(root, inputs, outputs);
public void Set(ILBlock root, long inputs, long outputs)
if (!_allInputs.TryAdd(root, inputs))
_allInputs[root] |= inputs;
if (!_cmnOutputs.TryAdd(root, outputs))
_cmnOutputs[root] &= outputs;
_allOutputs |= outputs;
public long GetInputs(ILBlock root)
if (_allInputs.TryGetValue(root, out long inputs))
return inputs | (_allOutputs & ~_cmnOutputs[root]);
return 0;
public long GetOutputs()
return _allOutputs;
private Dictionary<ILBlock, PathIo> _intPaths;
private Dictionary<ILBlock, PathIo> _vecPaths;
private struct BlockIo
public ILBlock Block;
public ILBlock Entry;
public long IntInputs;
public long VecInputs;
public long IntOutputs;
public long VecOutputs;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is BlockIo other))
return false;
return other.Block == Block &&
other.Entry == Entry &&
other.IntInputs == IntInputs &&
other.VecInputs == VecInputs &&
other.IntOutputs == IntOutputs &&
other.VecOutputs == VecOutputs;
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine(Block, Entry, IntInputs, VecInputs, IntOutputs, VecOutputs);
public static bool operator ==(BlockIo lhs, BlockIo rhs)
return lhs.Equals(rhs);
public static bool operator !=(BlockIo lhs, BlockIo rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
private const int MaxOptGraphLength = 40;
public LocalAlloc(ILBlock[] graph, ILBlock entry)
_intPaths = new Dictionary<ILBlock, PathIo>();
_vecPaths = new Dictionary<ILBlock, PathIo>();
if (graph.Length > 1 &&
graph.Length < MaxOptGraphLength)
InitializeOptimal(graph, entry);
private void InitializeOptimal(ILBlock[] graph, ILBlock entry)
//This will go through all possible paths on the graph,
//and store all inputs/outputs for each block. A register
//that was previously written to already is not considered an input.
//When a block can be reached by more than one path, then the
//output from all paths needs to be set for this block, and
//only outputs present in all of the parent blocks can be considered
//when doing input elimination. Each block chain have a entry, that's where
//the code starts executing. They are present on the subroutine start point,
//and on call return points too (address written to X30 by BL).
HashSet<BlockIo> visited = new HashSet<BlockIo>();
Queue<BlockIo> unvisited = new Queue<BlockIo>();
void Enqueue(BlockIo block)
if (!visited.Contains(block))
Enqueue(new BlockIo()
Block = entry,
Entry = entry
while (unvisited.Count > 0)
BlockIo current = unvisited.Dequeue();
current.IntInputs |= current.Block.IntInputs & ~current.IntOutputs;
current.VecInputs |= current.Block.VecInputs & ~current.VecOutputs;
current.IntOutputs |= current.Block.IntOutputs;
current.VecOutputs |= current.Block.VecOutputs;
//Check if this is a exit block
//(a block that returns or calls another sub).
if ((current.Block.Next == null &&
current.Block.Branch == null) || current.Block.HasStateStore)
if (!_intPaths.TryGetValue(current.Block, out PathIo intPath))
_intPaths.Add(current.Block, intPath = new PathIo());
if (!_vecPaths.TryGetValue(current.Block, out PathIo vecPath))
_vecPaths.Add(current.Block, vecPath = new PathIo());
intPath.Set(current.Entry, current.IntInputs, current.IntOutputs);
vecPath.Set(current.Entry, current.VecInputs, current.VecOutputs);
void EnqueueFromCurrent(ILBlock block, bool retTarget)
BlockIo blockIo = new BlockIo() { Block = block };
if (retTarget)
blockIo.Entry = block;
blockIo.Entry = current.Entry;
blockIo.IntInputs = current.IntInputs;
blockIo.VecInputs = current.VecInputs;
blockIo.IntOutputs = current.IntOutputs;
blockIo.VecOutputs = current.VecOutputs;
if (current.Block.Next != null)
EnqueueFromCurrent(current.Block.Next, current.Block.HasStateStore);
if (current.Block.Branch != null)
EnqueueFromCurrent(current.Block.Branch, false);
private void InitializeFast(ILBlock[] graph)
//This is WAY faster than InitializeOptimal, but results in
//unneeded loads and stores, so the resulting code will be slower.
long intInputs = 0, intOutputs = 0;
long vecInputs = 0, vecOutputs = 0;
foreach (ILBlock block in graph)
intInputs |= block.IntInputs;
intOutputs |= block.IntOutputs;
vecInputs |= block.VecInputs;
vecOutputs |= block.VecOutputs;
//It's possible that not all code paths writes to those output registers,
//in those cases if we attempt to write an output registers that was
//not written, we will be just writing zero and messing up the old register value.
//So we just need to ensure that all outputs are loaded.
if (graph.Length > 1)
intInputs |= intOutputs;
vecInputs |= vecOutputs;
foreach (ILBlock block in graph)
_intPaths.Add(block, new PathIo(block, intInputs, intOutputs));
_vecPaths.Add(block, new PathIo(block, vecInputs, vecOutputs));
public long GetIntInputs(ILBlock root) => GetInputsImpl(root, _intPaths.Values);
public long GetVecInputs(ILBlock root) => GetInputsImpl(root, _vecPaths.Values);
private long GetInputsImpl(ILBlock root, IEnumerable<PathIo> values)
long inputs = 0;
foreach (PathIo path in values)
inputs |= path.GetInputs(root);
return inputs;
public long GetIntOutputs(ILBlock block) => _intPaths[block].GetOutputs();
public long GetVecOutputs(ILBlock block) => _vecPaths[block].GetOutputs();