gdkchan b9aa3966c0 Merge shader branch, adding support for GLSL decompilation, a macro
interpreter, and a rewrite of the GPU code.
2018-04-08 16:41:38 -03:00

644 lines
21 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader
class GlslDecompiler
private delegate string GetInstExpr(ShaderIrOp Op);
private Dictionary<ShaderIrInst, GetInstExpr> InstsExpr;
private enum OperType
private const string IdentationStr = " ";
private static string[] ElemTypes = new string[] { "float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4" };
private GlslDecl Decl;
private StringBuilder SB;
public GlslDecompiler()
InstsExpr = new Dictionary<ShaderIrInst, GetInstExpr>()
{ ShaderIrInst.And, GetAndExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Asr, GetAsrExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Band, GetBandExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Bnot, GetBnotExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Clt, GetCltExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Ceq, GetCeqExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Cle, GetCleExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Cgt, GetCgtExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Cne, GetCneExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Cge, GetCgeExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Exit, GetExitExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fabs, GetFabsExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fadd, GetFaddExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fcos, GetFcosExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fex2, GetFex2Expr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Ffma, GetFfmaExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Flg2, GetFlg2Expr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fmul, GetFmulExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fneg, GetFnegExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Frcp, GetFrcpExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Frsq, GetFrsqExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Fsin, GetFsinExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Ipa, GetIpaExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Kil, GetKilExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Lsr, GetLsrExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Not, GetNotExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Or, GetOrExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Stof, GetStofExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Utof, GetUtofExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Texr, GetTexrExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Texg, GetTexgExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Texb, GetTexbExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Texa, GetTexaExpr },
{ ShaderIrInst.Xor, GetXorExpr },
public GlslProgram Decompile(int[] Code, GalShaderType ShaderType)
ShaderIrBlock Block = ShaderDecoder.DecodeBasicBlock(Code, 0, ShaderType);
ShaderIrNode[] Nodes = Block.GetNodes();
Decl = new GlslDecl(Nodes, ShaderType);
SB = new StringBuilder();
SB.AppendLine("#version 330 core");
PrintBlockScope("void main()", 1, Nodes);
string GlslCode = SB.ToString();
return new GlslProgram(
private void PrintDeclTextures()
PrintDecls(Decl.Textures, "uniform sampler2D");
private void PrintDeclUniforms()
foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Decl.Uniforms.Values.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector))
SB.AppendLine($"uniform {GetDecl(DeclInfo)};");
if (Decl.Uniforms.Count > 0)
private void PrintDeclInAttributes()
PrintDeclAttributes(Decl.InAttributes.Values, "in");
private void PrintDeclOutAttributes()
PrintDeclAttributes(Decl.OutAttributes.Values, "out");
private void PrintDeclAttributes(IEnumerable<ShaderDeclInfo> Decls, string InOut)
int Count = 0;
foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Decls.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector))
if (DeclInfo.Index >= 0)
SB.AppendLine($"layout (location = {DeclInfo.Index}) {InOut} {GetDecl(DeclInfo)};");
if (Count > 0)
private void PrintDeclGprs()
private void PrintDeclPreds()
PrintDecls(Decl.Preds, "bool");
private void PrintDecls(IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ShaderDeclInfo> Dict, string CustomType = null)
foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Dict.Values.OrderBy(DeclKeySelector))
string Name;
if (CustomType != null)
Name = CustomType + " " + DeclInfo.Name + ";";
else if (DeclInfo.Name == GlslDecl.FragmentOutputName)
Name = "layout (location = 0) out " + GetDecl(DeclInfo) + ";";
Name = GetDecl(DeclInfo) + ";";
if (Dict.Count > 0)
private int DeclKeySelector(ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)
return DeclInfo.Cbuf << 24 | DeclInfo.Index;
private string GetDecl(ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo)
return ElemTypes[DeclInfo.Size - 1] + " " + DeclInfo.Name;
private void PrintBlockScope(string ScopeName, int IdentationLevel, params ShaderIrNode[] Nodes)
string Identation = string.Empty;
for (int Index = 0; Index < IdentationLevel - 1; Index++)
Identation += IdentationStr;
if (ScopeName != string.Empty)
ScopeName += " ";
SB.AppendLine(Identation + ScopeName + "{");
string LastLine = Identation + "}";
if (IdentationLevel > 0)
Identation += IdentationStr;
for (int Index = 0; Index < Nodes.Length; Index++)
ShaderIrNode Node = Nodes[Index];
if (Node is ShaderIrCond Cond)
string SubScopeName = "if (" + GetSrcExpr(Cond.Pred, true) + ")";
PrintBlockScope(SubScopeName, IdentationLevel + 1, Cond.Child);
else if (Node is ShaderIrAsg Asg && IsValidOutOper(Asg.Dst))
string Expr = GetSrcExpr(Asg.Src, true);
Expr = GetExprWithCast(Asg.Dst, Asg.Src, Expr);
SB.AppendLine(Identation + GetDstOperName(Asg.Dst) + " = " + Expr + ";");
else if (Node is ShaderIrOp Op)
SB.AppendLine(Identation + GetSrcExpr(Op, true) + ";");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private bool IsValidOutOper(ShaderIrNode Node)
if (Node is ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr && Gpr.IsConst)
return false;
else if (Node is ShaderIrOperPred Pred && Pred.IsConst)
return false;
return true;
private string GetDstOperName(ShaderIrNode Node)
if (Node is ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf)
return GetOutAbufName(Abuf);
else if (Node is ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr)
return GetName(Gpr);
else if (Node is ShaderIrOperPred Pred)
return GetName(Pred);
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node));
private string GetSrcExpr(ShaderIrNode Node, bool Entry = false)
switch (Node)
case ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf: return GetName (Abuf);
case ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf: return GetName (Cbuf);
case ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr: return GetName (Gpr);
case ShaderIrOperImm Imm: return GetValue(Imm);
case ShaderIrOperImmf Immf: return GetValue(Immf);
case ShaderIrOperPred Pred: return GetName (Pred);
case ShaderIrOp Op:
string Expr;
if (InstsExpr.TryGetValue(Op.Inst, out GetInstExpr GetExpr))
Expr = GetExpr(Op);
throw new NotImplementedException(Op.Inst.ToString());
if (!Entry && NeedsParentheses(Op))
Expr = "(" + Expr + ")";
return Expr;
default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node));
private static bool NeedsParentheses(ShaderIrOp Op)
switch (Op.Inst)
case ShaderIrInst.Frcp:
return true;
case ShaderIrInst.Ipa:
case ShaderIrInst.Texr:
case ShaderIrInst.Texg:
case ShaderIrInst.Texb:
case ShaderIrInst.Texa:
return false;
return Op.OperandB != null ||
Op.OperandC != null;
private string GetName(ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf)
if (!Decl.Uniforms.TryGetValue((Cbuf.Index, Cbuf.Offs), out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return DeclInfo.Name;
private string GetOutAbufName(ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf)
return GetName(Decl.OutAttributes, Abuf);
private string GetName(ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf)
if (Abuf.Offs == GlslDecl.GlPositionWAttr && Decl.ShaderType == GalShaderType.Fragment)
return "(1f / gl_FragCoord.w)";
if (Abuf.Offs == GlslDecl.VertexIdAttr)
return "gl_VertexID";
return GetName(Decl.InAttributes, Abuf);
private string GetName(IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ShaderDeclInfo> Dict, ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf)
int Index = Abuf.Offs >> 4;
int Elem = (Abuf.Offs >> 2) & 3;
if (!Dict.TryGetValue(Index, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return DeclInfo.Size > 1 ? DeclInfo.Name + "." + GetAttrSwizzle(Elem) : DeclInfo.Name;
private string GetName(ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr)
return Gpr.IsConst ? "0" : GetNameWithSwizzle(Decl.Gprs, Gpr.Index);
private string GetValue(ShaderIrOperImm Imm)
//Only use hex is the value is too big and would likely be hard to read as int.
if (Imm.Value > 0xfff ||
Imm.Value < -0xfff)
return "0x" + Imm.Value.ToString("x8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return Imm.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
private string GetValue(ShaderIrOperImmf Immf)
return Immf.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "f";
private string GetName(ShaderIrOperPred Pred)
return Pred.IsConst ? "true" : GetNameWithSwizzle(Decl.Preds, Pred.Index);
private string GetNameWithSwizzle(IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ShaderDeclInfo> Dict, int Index)
int VecIndex = Index >> 2;
if (Dict.TryGetValue(VecIndex, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo))
if (DeclInfo.Size > 1 && Index < VecIndex + DeclInfo.Size)
return DeclInfo.Name + "." + GetAttrSwizzle(Index & 3);
if (!Dict.TryGetValue(Index, out DeclInfo))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return DeclInfo.Name;
private string GetAttrSwizzle(int Elem)
return "xyzw".Substring(Elem, 1);
private string GetAndExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "&");
private string GetAsrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">>");
private string GetBandExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "&&");
private string GetBnotExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "!");
private string GetCltExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "<");
private string GetCeqExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "==");
private string GetCleExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "<=");
private string GetCgtExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">");
private string GetCneExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "!=");
private string GetCgeExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, ">=");
private string GetExitExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => "return";
private string GetFabsExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "abs");
private string GetFaddExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "+");
private string GetFcosExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "cos");
private string GetFex2Expr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "exp2");
private string GetFfmaExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTernaryExpr(Op, "*", "+");
private string GetFlg2Expr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "log2");
private string GetFmulExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "*");
private string GetFnegExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "-");
private string GetFrcpExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "1f / ");
private string GetFrsqExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "inversesqrt");
private string GetFsinExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryCall(Op, "sin");
private string GetIpaExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetSrcExpr(Op.OperandA);
private string GetKilExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => "discard";
private string GetLsrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op)
return "int(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ") >> " +
GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")";
private string GetNotExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetUnaryExpr(Op, "~");
private string GetOrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "|");
private string GetStofExpr(ShaderIrOp Op)
return "float(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ")";
private string GetUtofExpr(ShaderIrOp Op)
return "float(uint(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + "))";
private string GetXorExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetBinaryExpr(Op, "^");
private string GetUnaryCall(ShaderIrOp Op, string FuncName)
return FuncName + "(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ")";
private string GetUnaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr)
return Opr + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA);
private string GetBinaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr)
return GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + " " + Opr + " " +
GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB);
private string GetTernaryExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, string Opr1, string Opr2)
return GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + " " + Opr1 + " " +
GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + " " + Opr2 + " " +
GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandC);
private string GetTexrExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTexExpr(Op, 'r');
private string GetTexgExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTexExpr(Op, 'g');
private string GetTexbExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTexExpr(Op, 'b');
private string GetTexaExpr(ShaderIrOp Op) => GetTexExpr(Op, 'a');
private string GetTexExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, char Ch)
return $"texture({GetTexSamplerName(Op)}, {GetTexSamplerCoords(Op)}).{Ch}";
private string GetTexSamplerName(ShaderIrOp Op)
ShaderIrOperImm Node = (ShaderIrOperImm)Op.OperandC;
int Handle = ((ShaderIrOperImm)Op.OperandC).Value;
if (!Decl.Textures.TryGetValue(Handle, out ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return DeclInfo.Name;
private string GetTexSamplerCoords(ShaderIrOp Op)
return "vec2(" + GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandA) + ", " +
GetOperExpr(Op, Op.OperandB) + ")";
private string GetOperExpr(ShaderIrOp Op, ShaderIrNode Oper)
return GetExprWithCast(Op, Oper, GetSrcExpr(Oper));
private static string GetExprWithCast(ShaderIrNode Dst, ShaderIrNode Src, string Expr)
//Note: The "DstType" (of the cast) is the type that the operation
//uses on the source operands, while the "SrcType" is the destination
//type of the operand result (if it is a operation) or just the type
//of the variable for registers/uniforms/attributes.
OperType DstType = GetSrcNodeType(Dst);
OperType SrcType = GetDstNodeType(Src);
if (DstType != SrcType)
//Check for invalid casts
//(like bool to int/float and others).
if (SrcType != OperType.F32 &&
SrcType != OperType.I32)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
//For integer immediates being used as float,
//it's better (for readability) to just return the float value.
if (Src is ShaderIrOperImm Imm && DstType == OperType.F32)
float Value = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(Imm.Value);
return Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "f";
switch (DstType)
case OperType.F32: Expr = "intBitsToFloat(" + Expr + ")"; break;
case OperType.I32: Expr = "floatBitsToInt(" + Expr + ")"; break;
return Expr;
private static OperType GetDstNodeType(ShaderIrNode Node)
if (Node is ShaderIrOp Op)
switch (Op.Inst)
case ShaderIrInst.Stof: return OperType.F32;
case ShaderIrInst.Utof: return OperType.F32;
return GetSrcNodeType(Node);
private static OperType GetSrcNodeType(ShaderIrNode Node)
switch (Node)
case ShaderIrOperAbuf Abuf:
return Abuf.Offs == GlslDecl.VertexIdAttr
? OperType.I32
: OperType.F32;
case ShaderIrOperCbuf Cbuf: return OperType.F32;
case ShaderIrOperGpr Gpr: return OperType.F32;
case ShaderIrOperImm Imm: return OperType.I32;
case ShaderIrOperImmf Immf: return OperType.F32;
case ShaderIrOperPred Pred: return OperType.Bool;
case ShaderIrOp Op:
if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.B_Start &&
Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.B_End)
return OperType.Bool;
else if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.F_Start &&
Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.F_End)
return OperType.F32;
else if (Op.Inst > ShaderIrInst.I_Start &&
Op.Inst < ShaderIrInst.I_End)
return OperType.I32;
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Node));