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mirror of https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack.git synced 2025-03-19 12:56:10 +00:00

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#include <switch.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/iosupport.h>
#include <sys/reent.h>
#include <switch/kernel/ipc.h>
#include "useful.h"
#include "saltysd_core.h"
#include "saltysd_ipc.h"
#include "saltysd_dynamic.h"
#include "lua/lua.h"
#include "lua/lstate.h"
#include "l2c.h"
u32 __nx_applet_type = AppletType_None;
static char g_heap[0x8000];
Handle orig_main_thread;
void* orig_ctx;
void* orig_saved_lr;
// lib::L2CAgent::L2CAgent(L2CAgent*, lua_State *)
__int64_t (*lib_L2CAgent)(__int64_t*, __int64_t);
// L2CAgent *__fastcall lib::L2CAgent::push_lua_stack(L2CAgent *result, const lib::L2CValue *a2)
__int64_t (*lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack)(__int64_t, const __int64_t*);
// pop_lua_stack
// Notes:
// Actually takes three arguments, but the third is given through X8 due to how
// AArch64 treats struct pointers that are used as pass by reference to get the value.
// Thus, my current solution is to use inline ASM before using this to pass the
// last arg. This is done using asm("mov x8, %x0" : : "r"(&popped) : "x8" );, where
// popped is an L2CValue that will be populated by the function.
// FURTHERMORE, this function does NOT actually pop the stack, it only returns the value at the
// position indicated by the second argument.
// This index is either positive, meaning absolute position in the stack, or negative,
// which is more traditional, i.e. -1 is the top of the stack.
__int64_t (*lib_L2CAgent_pop_lua_stack)(__int64_t, int);
// L2CAgent *__fastcall lib::L2CAgent::clear_lua_stack(L2CAgent *result)
__int64_t (*lib_L2CAgent_clear_lua_stack)(__int64_t);
// app::sv::animcmd::EFFECT(lua_State* a1)
__int64_t (*app_sv_animcmd_EFFECT)(__int64_t);
// app::sv::animcmd::EFFECT_FOLLOW_FLIP_COLOR(lua_State* a1)
__int64_t (*app_sv_animcmd_EFFECT_FOLLOW_FLIP_COLOR)(__int64_t);
void __libnx_init(void* ctx, Handle main_thread, void* saved_lr)
extern char* fake_heap_start;
extern char* fake_heap_end;
fake_heap_start = &g_heap[0];
fake_heap_end = &g_heap[sizeof g_heap];
orig_ctx = ctx;
orig_main_thread = main_thread;
orig_saved_lr = saved_lr;
// Call constructors.
void __libc_init_array(void);
void __attribute__((weak)) NORETURN __libnx_exit(int rc)
// Call destructors.
void __libc_fini_array(void);
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: jumping to %p\n", orig_saved_lr);
__nx_exit(0, orig_saved_lr);
extern uint64_t _ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileEPmNS0_10FileHandleElPvm(uint64_t idk1, uint64_t idk2, uint64_t idk3, uint64_t idk4, uint64_t idk5) LINKABLE;
extern uint64_t _ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileENS0_10FileHandleElPvm(uint64_t handle, uint64_t offset, uint64_t out, uint64_t size) LINKABLE;
extern uint64_t _ZN2nn4util14DecompressZlibEPvmPKvmS1_m(void * idk1, unsigned long idk2, void const* idk3, unsigned long idk4, void * idk5, unsigned long idk6) LINKABLE;
extern uint64_t _ZN2nn2ro10LoadModuleEPNS0_6ModuleEPKvPvmi(uint64_t *module, void const* idk1, void * idk2, unsigned long idk3, int idk4) LINKABLE;
uint64_t _ZN2nn4util14DecompressZlibEPvmPKvmS1_m_intercept(void * idk1, unsigned long idk2, void const* idk3, unsigned long idk4, void * idk5, unsigned long idk6) {
uint64_t ret = _ZN2nn4util14DecompressZlibEPvmPKvmS1_m(idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4, idk5, idk6);
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: DecompressZlib(%llx, %llx, %llx, %llx, %llx, %llx) -> %llx\n", idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4, idk5, idk6, ret);
return ret;
uint64_t _ZN2nn2ro10LoadModuleEPNS0_6ModuleEPKvPvmi_intercept(uint64_t *module, void const* idk1, void * idk2, unsigned long idk3, int idk4) {
uint64_t ret = _ZN2nn2ro10LoadModuleEPNS0_6ModuleEPKvPvmi(module, idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4);
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: nn::ro::LoadModule(%llx, %llx, %llx, %llx, %llx) -> %llx\n", module, idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4, ret);
return ret;
uint64_t ReadFile_intercept(uint64_t idk1, uint64_t idk2, uint64_t idk3, uint64_t idk4, uint64_t idk5)
uint64_t ret = _ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileEPmNS0_10FileHandleElPvm(idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4, idk5);
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: ReadFile(%llx, %llx, %llx, %llx, %llx) -> %llx\n", idk1, idk2, idk3, idk4, idk5, ret);
return ret;
uint64_t ReadFile_intercept2(uint64_t handle, uint64_t offset, uint64_t out, uint64_t size)
uint64_t ret = _ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileENS0_10FileHandleElPvm(handle, offset, out, size);
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: ReadFile2(%llx, %llx, %llx, %llx) -> %llx\n", handle, offset, out, size, ret);
return ret;
void get_lua_stack(__int64_t* l2c_agent, int index, __int64_t* l2c_val) {
__int64_t (*lib_L2CAgent_pop_lua_stack)(__int64_t, int) =
(__int64_t (*)(__int64_t, int))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent13pop_lua_stackEi"));
asm("mov x8, %x0" : : "r"(l2c_val) : "x8" );
lib_L2CAgent_pop_lua_stack(l2c_agent, index);
void _ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State_replace(__int64_t a1) {
__int64_t v1; // x19
uint64_t v2; // x9
uint64_t i; // x8
// Instantiate our own L2CAgent with the given lua_State
L2CAgent l2c_agent;
lib_L2CAgent(&l2c_agent, a1);
// Getting and replacing a value on the stack. Works!
L2CValue damage;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 4, &damage);
L2CValue inject_dmg = {.raw_float = ((float)(damage.raw_float) + 10.0), .type = L2C_number};
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &inject_dmg);
lua_replace((lua_State*) l2c_agent.lua_state_agent, 4);
// Get all necessary hitbox params
L2CValue bone;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 3, &bone);
L2CValue damage;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 4, &damage);
L2CValue angle;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 5, &angle);
L2CValue kbg;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 6, &kbg);
L2CValue wkb;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 7, &wkb);
L2CValue bkb;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 8, &bkb);
L2CValue size;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 9, &size);
L2CValue x;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 10, &x);
L2CValue y;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 11, &y);
L2CValue z;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 12, &z);
L2CValue x2;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 13, &x2);
L2CValue y2;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 14, &y2);
L2CValue z2;
get_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, 15, &z2);
// PLAN:
// - Iterate through lua_State stack, store all values (in an array?)
// - Pop all values off of the stack
// - Push our own values on the stack
// - Call simple animcmd function with the stack
// - Pop all values off the stack
// - Push the stored values back on the stack in the proper order
v1 = a1;
u64 attack_code_addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State");
void (*sub_71019420D0)(__int64_t, __int64_t) = (void (*)(__int64_t, __int64_t))(attack_code_addr + 96);
sub_71019420D0(*(__int64_t *)(*(__int64_t *)(a1 - 8) + 416LL), a1);
// EFFECT_FOLLOW_COLOR(Graphic, Bone, Z, Y, X, ZRot, YRot, XRot, Size, unknown=0x1, Red, Green, Blue)
// FIRST, to test, let's assume single hitbox, not extended, so ignore x2,y2,z2.
//"GFXLeft,GFXRight,Bone, Z, Y, X, ZRot, YRot, XRot, Size,Terminate,unknown,R,G,B"}
float sizeMult = 19.0 / 200.0;
Hash40 shieldEffectHash = {.hash = 0xAFAE75F05LL};
L2CValue shieldEffect = {.raw = shieldEffectHash.hash, .type = L2C_hash};
L2CValue xRot = {.raw_float = (float) 0.0, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue yRot = {.raw_float = (float) 0.0, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue zRot = {.raw_float = (float) 0.0, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue unkParam = {.raw = (int) 1, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue unkParam2 = {.raw = (float) 35.0f, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue effectSize = {.raw_float = (float) size.raw_float * sizeMult, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue red = {.raw_float = (float) 0.0, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue green = {.raw_float = (float) 255.0, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue blue = {.raw_float = (float) 255.0, .type = L2C_number};
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &shieldEffect);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &shieldEffect);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &bone);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &x);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &y);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &z);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &xRot);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &yRot);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &zRot);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &effectSize);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &unkParam);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &unkParam);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &red);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &green);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &blue);
// Test:
Hash40 effectHash1 = {.hash = 0x1446E1363ALL};
Hash40 effectHash2 = {.hash = 0x31ED91FCALL};
L2CValue v33 = {.raw = effectHash1.hash, .type = L2C_hash};
L2CValue v31 = {.raw = effectHash2.hash, .type = L2C_hash};
L2CValue v28 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v27 = {.raw_float = (float)8.5, .type = L2C_number};
L2CValue v26 = {.raw = (int)-13, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v25 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v24 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v23 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v22 = {.raw = (int)1, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v21 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v20 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v19 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v18 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v17 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v16 = {.raw = (int)0, .type = L2C_integer};
L2CValue v15 = {.raw = (bool) 1, .type = L2C_bool};
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v33);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v31);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v28);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v27);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v26);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v25);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v24);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v23);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v22);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v21);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v20);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v19);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v18);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v17);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v16);
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack(&l2c_agent, &v15);
// clear_lua_stack section
v2 = *(__int64_t *)(v1 + 16);
for ( i = **(__int64_t **)(v1 + 32) + 16LL; v2 < i; v2 = *(__int64_t *)(v1 + 16) )
*(__int64_t *)(v1 + 16) = v2 + 16;
*(__int32_t *)(v2 + 8) = 0;
*(__int64_t *)(v1 + 16) = i;
int SaltySD_function_replace(u64 addr, u64 new_func) {
if (addr) {
SaltySD_Memcpy(addr, "\x49\x00\x00\x58", 4); // LDR X9, .+8
SaltySD_Memcpy(addr+4, "\x20\x01\x1F\xD6", 4); // BR X9
SaltySD_Memcpy(addr+8, &new_func, 8); // .dword newaddr
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: forcing function at %llx to jump to %11x\n", addr, new_func);
return 0;
return -1;
int SaltySD_function_replace_sym(char* function_sym, u64 new_func) {
u64 addr = SaltySDCore_FindSymbol(function_sym);
return SaltySD_function_replace(addr, new_func);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SaltySD_printf("SaltySD Plugin: alive\n");
// get necessary functions
lib_L2CAgent = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t*, __int64_t))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib8L2CAgentC2EP9lua_State"));
lib_L2CAgent_push_lua_stack = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t, const __int64_t*))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent14push_lua_stackERKNS_8L2CValueE"));
lib_L2CAgent_pop_lua_stack = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t, int))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent13pop_lua_stackEi"));
lib_L2CAgent_clear_lua_stack = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3lib8L2CAgent15clear_lua_stackEv"));
app_sv_animcmd_EFFECT = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6EFFECTEP9lua_State"));
app_sv_animcmd_EFFECT_FOLLOW_FLIP_COLOR = (__int64_t (*)(__int64_t))(SaltySDCore_FindSymbol("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd24EFFECT_FOLLOW_FLIP_COLOREP9lua_State"));
char* ver = "Ver. %d.%d.%d";
u64 dst_3 = SaltySDCore_findCode(ver, strlen(ver));
if (dst_3) {
SaltySD_Memcpy(dst_3, "noice v%d%d%d", 13);
SaltySD_function_replace_sym("_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State", &_ZN3app10sv_animcmd6ATTACKEP9lua_State_replace);
SaltySDCore_ReplaceImport("_ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileEPmNS0_10FileHandleElPvm", ReadFile_intercept);
SaltySDCore_ReplaceImport("_ZN2nn2fs8ReadFileENS0_10FileHandleElPvm", ReadFile_intercept2);
SaltySDCore_ReplaceImport("_ZN2nn4util14DecompressZlibEPvmPKvmS1_m", _ZN2nn4util14DecompressZlibEPvmPKvmS1_m_intercept);
SaltySDCore_ReplaceImport("_ZN2nn2ro10LoadModuleEPNS0_6ModuleEPKvPvmi", _ZN2nn2ro10LoadModuleEPNS0_6ModuleEPKvPvmi_intercept);