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# Ultimate Training Modpack Plugin
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A [Skyline](https://github.com/shadowninja108/Skyline) plugin using [cargo-skyline](https://github.com/jam1garner/cargo-skyline) for adding features to the training mode. It interfaces with a [Tesla](https://github.com/WerWolv/libtesla), a Switch custom overlay, for use as a menu to the features offered in training mode.
Built releases can be found [here](https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/releases/).
- [Features](#features)
- [Build](#build)
<a name="features"/>
# Features
The features in this modpack are configured through the Tesla menu, which can be accessed at any time with by pressing `L+X+DPad Left`. This button configuration is fully configurable in the file `/config/tesla/config.ini`.
[<img src="https://i.imgur.com/HRKvIb3.jpg">](https://i.imgur.com/HRKvIb3.jpg)
[<img src="https://i.imgur.com/eSrtDyj.png">](https://i.imgur.com/eSrtDyj.png)
[<img src="https://i.imgur.com/7Cd6utU.jpg">](https://i.imgur.com/7Cd6utU.jpg)
#### Save States
At any time in Training Mode, you can press `Grab + Down Taunt` to save the state of training mode. This will save the position, state, and damage of each fighter, which can then be reverted to at any time with `Grab + Up Taunt`. Use this instead of the built-in training mode reset!
#### Hitbox Visualization
Currently, hitboxes and grabboxes are supported. When visualization is active, other move effects are temporarily turned off for easier visualization.
##### Mash Toggles
*Note:* Combine this with the shield toggles to force the CPU to perform options OoS when their shield is damaged!
###### Airdodge
CPUs will mash airdodge on the first frame out of hitstun.
CPUs will also shield quickly if they are hit and remain grounded.
###### Jump
CPUs will mash jump on the first frame out of hitstun.
###### Attack
CPUs will mash an attack on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing.
Attacks that can be chosen include:
- All aerials, followed by all specials
###### Random
CPUs will mash an aerial or grounded option on the first frame out of hitstun and when landing.
The aerial options include:
- Airdodge, jump, all aerials, all specials
The grounded options include:
- Jump, jab, all tilts, all smashes, all specials, grab, spotdodge, and rolls
##### Ledge Option
CPUs will perform a random ledge option.
Specific ledge options that can be chosen include:
- Normal, roll, jump, and attack
CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
##### Tech Option
CPUs will perform a random tech option.
Specific tech options that can be chosen include:
- In place, roll, and miss tech
CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
##### Defensive Option
Choose the defensive option a CPU will perform after teching or getting up from the ledge.
Specific options include:
Flash shield, spotdodge, and jab
##### Shield
###### Infinite
CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time or by damage.
###### Hold
CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time until hit for the first time.
#### Force CPU DI
##### All DI Toggles
##### Specified Direction
CPUs DI in the direction specified, relative to the player's facing position.
##### Random Direction
CPUs DI randomly in or away.
<a name="build"/>
# Build from Source
The overall process can be found in the [Github Actions specification file](https://github.com/jugeeya/UltimateTrainingModpack/blob/master/.github/workflows/rust.yml) as well.
## Prerequisites
- Rust environment with [cargo-skyline](https://github.com/jam1garner/cargo-skyline)
- [DEVKITPRO](https://devkitpro.org/wiki/Getting_Started) `switch-dev` installation
- Built [Skyline](https://github.com/shadowninja108/Skyline), [Tesla nx-ovlloader and Tesla Menu](https://gbatemp.net/threads/tesla-the-nintendo-switch-overlay-menu.557362/), and [libnro_hook.nro](https://github.com/ultimate-research/nro-hook-plugin)
## Build steps
# clone the repository recursively
git clone --recursive
# to build the training mod Skyline plugin
# resulting build is found in target/aarch64-skyline-switch/release/libtraining_modpack.nro
cargo skyline build --release
# to build the training mod Tesla overlay
# resulting build is ovlTrainingModpack.ovl
cd TrainingModpackOverlay && make