WIP: work/misc-cleanup #25

Naxdy wants to merge 3 commits from work/misc-cleanup into main
Showing only changes of commit 082c112293 - Show all commits

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@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ pub const NOTCH_ADJUSTMENT_ORDER: [usize; NO_OF_ADJ_NOTCHES] = [2, 6,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Format)]
pub struct StickParams {
// these are the linearization coefficients
/// these are the linearization coefficients
pub fit_coeffs: XyValuePair<[f32; NUM_COEFFS]>,
// these are the notch remap parameters
pub affine_coeffs: [[f32; 4]; 16], // affine transformation coefficients for all regions of the stick
pub boundary_angles: [f32; 16], // angles at the boundaries between regions of the stick (in the plane)
/// affine transformation coefficients for all regions of the stick
pub affine_coeffs: [[f32; 4]; 16],
/// angles at the boundaries between regions of the stick (in the plane)
pub boundary_angles: [f32; 16],
impl From<&StickConfig> for StickParams {