2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
// required-features: rng, cordic
// Test Cordic driver, with Q1.31 format, Sin function, at 24 iterations (aka PRECISION = 6), using DMA transfer
// Only test on STM32H563ZI, STM32U585AI and STM32U5a5JI.
// STM32G491RE is not tested, since it memory.x has less memory size than it actually has,
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
// and the test seems use more memory than memory.x suggest.
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
// see https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data/issues/301#issuecomment-1925412561
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
#[path = "../common.rs"]
mod common;
use common::*;
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_stm32::{bind_interrupts, cordic, peripherals, rng};
use num_traits::Float;
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
RNG => rng::InterruptHandler<peripherals::RNG>;
/* input value control, can be changed */
const ARG1_LENGTH: usize = 9;
const ARG2_LENGTH: usize = 4; // this might not be the exact length of ARG2, since ARG2 need to be inside [0, 1]
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
const INPUT_Q1_31_LENGTH: usize = ARG1_LENGTH + ARG2_LENGTH;
const INPUT_U8_LENGTH: usize = 4 * INPUT_Q1_31_LENGTH;
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
let dp = embassy_stm32::init(config());
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
// use RNG generate random Q1.31 value
// we don't generate floating-point value, since not all binary value are valid floating-point value,
// and Q1.31 only accept a fixed range of value.
let mut rng = rng::Rng::new(dp.RNG, Irqs);
let mut input_buf_u8 = [0u8; INPUT_U8_LENGTH];
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
defmt::unwrap!(rng.async_fill_bytes(&mut input_buf_u8).await);
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// convert every [u8; 4] to a u32, for a Q1.31 value
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let input_q1_31 = unsafe { core::mem::transmute::<[u8; INPUT_U8_LENGTH], [u32; INPUT_Q1_31_LENGTH]>(input_buf_u8) };
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2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
let mut input_f64_buf = [0f64; INPUT_Q1_31_LENGTH];
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let mut cordic_output_f64_buf = [0f64; ARG1_LENGTH * 2];
// convert Q1.31 value back to f64, for software calculation verify
for (val_u32, val_f64) in input_q1_31.iter().zip(input_f64_buf.iter_mut()) {
*val_f64 = cordic::utils::q1_31_to_f64(*val_u32);
let mut arg2_f64_buf = [0f64; ARG2_LENGTH];
let mut arg2_f64_len = 0;
// check if ARG2 is in range [0, 1] (limited by CORDIC peripheral with Sin mode)
for &arg2 in &input_f64_buf[ARG1_LENGTH..] {
if arg2 >= 0.0 {
arg2_f64_buf[arg2_f64_len] = arg2;
arg2_f64_len += 1;
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// the actual value feed to CORDIC
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
let arg1_f64_ls = &input_f64_buf[..ARG1_LENGTH];
let arg2_f64_ls = &arg2_f64_buf[..arg2_f64_len];
let mut cordic = cordic::Cordic::new(
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
//#[cfg(feature = "stm32g491re")]
//let (mut write_dma, mut read_dma) = (dp.DMA1_CH4, dp.DMA1_CH5);
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32h563zi", feature = "stm32u585ai", feature = "stm32u5a5zj"))]
let (mut write_dma, mut read_dma) = (dp.GPDMA1_CH4, dp.GPDMA1_CH5);
let cordic_start_point = embassy_time::Instant::now();
let cnt = unwrap!(
&mut write_dma,
&mut read_dma,
&mut cordic_output_f64_buf,
let cordic_end_point = embassy_time::Instant::now();
// since we get 2 output for 1 calculation, the output length should be ARG1_LENGTH * 2
defmt::assert!(cnt == ARG1_LENGTH * 2);
let mut software_output_f64_buf = [0f64; ARG1_LENGTH * 2];
// for software calc, if there is no ARG2 value, insert a 1.0 as value (the reset value for ARG2 in CORDIC)
let arg2_f64_ls = if arg2_f64_len == 0 { &[1.0] } else { arg2_f64_ls };
let software_inputs = arg1_f64_ls
.chain(core::iter::repeat(&arg2_f64_ls[arg2_f64_ls.len() - 1])),
let software_start_point = embassy_time::Instant::now();
for ((arg1, arg2), res) in software_inputs {
let (raw_res1, raw_res2) = (arg1 * core::f64::consts::PI).sin_cos();
(res[0], res[1]) = (raw_res1 * arg2, raw_res2 * arg2);
let software_end_point = embassy_time::Instant::now();
for (cordic_res, software_res) in cordic_output_f64_buf[..cnt]
for (cord_res, soft_res) in cordic_res.iter().zip(software_res.iter()) {
defmt::assert!((cord_res - soft_res).abs() <= 2.0.powi(-19));
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// This comparison is just for fun. Since it not a equal compare:
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// software use 64-bit floating point, but CORDIC use 32-bit fixed point.
2024-03-22 00:39:43 +08:00
2024-03-21 16:06:34 +08:00
"calculate count: {}, Cordic time: {} us, software time: {} us",
(cordic_end_point - cordic_start_point).as_micros(),
(software_end_point - software_start_point).as_micros()
info!("Test OK");